
Hi.. new to the group...was sleeved on Dec 27th .. Feeling discouraged.. wt loss since starting pre op diet of 18 lbs.. stuck now 4 weeks out (for over a week) cannot lose a lb.. First time I cried was today.. feeling :(.. eating all my protein and keeping calories low w/ protein foods.. exercising, lifting wts.. feeling like my age 58 and hypothyroidism is winning this wt loss battle.


  • christianladybug
    christianladybug Posts: 41 Member
    We all have hit that wall shortly after surgery. For me it was two weeks out and it was three weeks before weight started dropping. There is nothing to say that will help. Trust me I know how that feels you went through all of that and now you aren't losing. But, I promise just stick to the program and the weight will start to come off again. I have a friend that did the same thing and it was four weeks before she dropped but now she is on a roll. You can hang out here for encouragement. I have put in a friend request for you. Chin up! There are many of us here that understand your frustration and know that there isn't much anyone can say when you hit a stand still so close to surgery date.
  • bjbtay
    bjbtay Posts: 2
    Thank you so much
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    I did not lose well at this stage either. Once I was able to eat a variety of real food it got better. Hang in there!
  • candacet36
    candacet36 Posts: 353 Member
    :bigsmile: I didn't lose after week 3 for about 3 weeks. Keep eating how you are supposed to. If you put the work in you will get the results. You didn't gain overnight you won't lose overnight.

    I am out 4 1/2 months and down 60 pounds total from the beginning. I would do it over again all day long. I lose between 2-3 pounds per week. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    The exact same thing happened to me. I lost about 25 lbs pre-op, then NOTHING for 4 weeks after surgery. It was so discouraging! But after that I started losing 3-4 lbs a week and now I'm down more than 110 lbs (7 months out). Hang in there, you will start losing very soon :)