Rant/ feel like crying

kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
Why is it that people do NOT know when to keep their noses out of other peoples business. Having the PCOS belly i dont know how many people have asked me if i am pregnant just because im alittle heavy and carry Almost all my weight in my stomach....I feel like this is the most offensive part of having PCOS is that you look pregnant but arent and you would give ANYTHING to be pregnant, so when people ask you it feels like a million little daggers in my heart. I am trying hard to lose weight and it just feels very discouraging. Anyway rant over, just could use some support.


  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I hear you! The best part of being pregnant is that when people ask, you really are! The funny thing is that no one asked me until the very end if I was pregnant - LOL, you can't win right? But I know what you're saying. My mood would be ruined for the whole day when someone asked me when I was due.
  • L2HS
    L2HS Posts: 137 Member
    People are so insensitive! Keep your head up and try not to let it get to you. In fact, use it as motivation to keep on pushing towards your goal. We can do this!
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    Honestly you should really never ask a woman if she's pregnant unless she is actually giving birth in front of you!

    I don't know if these are random people, or people that you know, but if they are people that you know, for me, it became easier after I told people that I have a condition that makes it very difficult to get pregnant. I haven't really gone into specifics with most people but at least knowing that it's going to be a big struggle for me has made people stop asking when we're having kids.

    I'm sorry you're struggling :(
  • ChelleSC
    Ugh. I will never forget the day the girl at the pharmacy gushed "Congratulations you're pregnant!" un, no. And like you I was desperate to be pregnant.

    But, don't give up hope. We'll be here to support you! Pregnancy is possible with PCOS. My OB says at ten percent bodyweight lost you have a much higher chance of pregnancy. You can do it!
  • amandabeth620
    That has happened to me before. I was out buying gifts for a baby shower and the cashier asked me when I was due. I gave her a dirty look and said, "I'm going to a baby shower." She didn't have much to say after that. Some people just don't have a filter. Unless I know someone is pregnant for a fact, I'm not going to say anything. It's just plain rude. I wish you luck and I'm here for support. :) New to the group :)