Level 2 Day17!

jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
Wow! 3 more and we are DONE!! I can't wait! I pushed through the last circuit!! I did all the v raises and military presses minus 4! (I didn't do the last 2 presses and I missed 2 raises on the last round)
I still can't do the double jump. I don't even try. LOL. Regular jumping is fine by me. I did a few more of the squat thrusts today! So, all in all, it was a great workout! A little nervous what the measurements will say in 3 days..... I feel like my abs are getting a serious workout with this level, so, it'd be really nice to see that change!!! I do notice I'm starting to get obliques. Even if I still have my mommy belly. Which, to me, looks like it has gone down some....

3 more days ladies!!


  • alli4795
    alli4795 Posts: 672 Member
    Glad to to hear you had a great workout! And I think your measurements are going to be awesome :)

    ...and now I have to admit that I didn't complete Day 17. Way too much snow to shovel this morning and now I'm dashing off to my Monday night swimming. Excuses I know...BUT I did do the strength from circuit 3, the dreaded military presses and v-raises. I will not let those get me down and I'm not skipping a day of those! And, as you might have already guessed, they're drastically easier without all the before moves - I did them all with almost no fatigue until the last few raises. My new goal for the last three days is to feel like that every time lol

    See you tomorrow ;)
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Glad to to hear you had a great workout! And I think your measurements are going to be awesome :)

    ...and now I have to admit that I didn't complete Day 17. Way too much snow to shovel this morning and now I'm dashing off to my Monday night swimming. Excuses I know...BUT I did do the strength from circuit 3, the dreaded military presses and v-raises. I will not let those get me down and I'm not skipping a day of those! And, as you might have already guessed, they're drastically easier without all the before moves - I did them all with almost no fatigue until the last few raises. My new goal for the last three days is to feel like that every time lol

    See you tomorrow ;)
    HA! That's great! Good for you for doing something! And if I had to shovel snow, I'd count that as my workout. LOL. *confession* I'm pretty sure that's how day 9 was for me.. I skipped the workout, but had my own workout at the track... I think that's the day I was flipping a tire... Anywho. Just jump back in for day 18 tomorrow. No harm done. :)
  • S4llyF
    S4llyF Posts: 37 Member
    My day 17 today:)
    Feeling great and loving it !!!!

    Weight has gone down too this week so am delighted with that too...
    Debating buying heavier weights and starting from level 1 again after this (end of level 3)... But will go with the flow as I love the support on here!!!

    Just wish that you could access the groups and post from the App... I mostly use MFP on phone!!
  • S4llyF
    S4llyF Posts: 37 Member
    Ps I would def count shovelling snow as workout... We just have rain rain rain....
  • SharkBaitRachy
    SharkBaitRachy Posts: 368 Member
    Just finished Day 17 and I WANNA DIE! I turned my AC up to 76 (I live in Florida and it's 79 here), I wore my sports tank, a t-shirt AND a long sleeve hooded winter shirt and my sneakers (I'm usually barefoot on our rug). I WANNA DIE! The cardio has been a welcome relief in this series and today it was the killer. I'm sure I'll love the burn in a bit but I had to sit down and type my true feelings while it was fresh in my mind. LOL!

    PS I still hate those V raises and I can't twist my fat rolls really well for the plank twists at the end so I never feel a great burn then except in my shoulders :-/ boo

    3 days till level 3!
  • calicutie05
    calicutie05 Posts: 74 Member
    JUST FINISHED DAY 20!!! See ya later Level 2 and hello Level 3!!

    I'm taking a rest day tomorrow so my shoulders can heal a bit...
    I also peeked at level 3 and it looks actually kinda fun! alot more strength- centric.

    Push through ladies!! the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter!!!

    oh! and i took measurements and pictures so far i've lost 6+ inches all over and in pictures i can only tell a difference from the side view.... i'll be posting (OMG) before and after pics when i complete the full 30 workout days.
  • SharkBaitRachy
    SharkBaitRachy Posts: 368 Member
    Great job & CONGRATS CaliCutie!

    I just watched L3 and it worries me lol I'm not sure of anyone's size or physical level, but I am barely out of the obese category (eek) The traveling pushups, jumping squats, rockstars, plank arm and leg raises... Hello Anita moves lol Gonna push through and do it when I get there. No pain, no gain!
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    So, I peeked at my measurements today, to try and figure out my body fat%. I'm really upset. I've been busting through this level. Some days doing extra, my calories have been good, I'm consecutively losing (even if it is only .5-1#) but I haven't lost ANY inches in this level. We technically still have 3 workouts, but I'm a little frustrated. I lost 3" last 10 days, and this level is MUCH harder.... What gives?
  • calicutie05
    calicutie05 Posts: 74 Member
    thank so much! SharkBait.. BTW I love your new ticker - your kids are gorgeous!
    i tried the rockstar jumps and they are no joke.. i don t know why its so hard to do a butt kick while jumping but it is...

    jbuc- after reading lots of posts about 30ds it seems like majority of the inches come off in level 3.... heres to hoping thats true!
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    thank so much! SharkBait.. BTW I love your new ticker - your kids are gorgeous!
    i tried the rockstar jumps and they are no joke.. i don t know why its so hard to do a butt kick while jumping but it is...

    jbuc- after reading lots of posts about 30ds it seems like majority of the inches come off in level 3.... heres to hoping thats true!
    Oh, well, thank you for that. Today was very discouraging!
  • TseliB
    TseliB Posts: 300 Member
    Don't lose the faith, jbuc! Keep pushing, xxx