Rough Day Vents

jenabee610 Posts: 29 Member
Hello, All.

I was reading the Accountability post and saw that someone had the idea of support each other through rough days, weeks, months, etc. We all know this is not going to be an easy task at hand and we are going to have those stressful, exhausting days where things are just not going how you would like them too. I know that I'll have those days too and will need some support. I'd thought I would just let everyone know, just in case you didn't see that previous post that you should feel free to share and vent your rough days and frustrations. We would like to keep this a safe space for all of you.




  • boulevardMto180
    Hello, All.

    I was reading the Accountability post and saw that someone had the idea of support each other through rough days, weeks, months, etc. We all know this is not going to be an easy task at hand and we are going to have those stressful, exhausting days where things are just not going how you would like them too. I know that I'll have those days too and will need some support. I'd thought I would just let everyone know, just in case you didn't see that previous post that you should feel free to share and vent your rough days and frustrations. We would like to keep this a safe space for all of you.



    Thanks for this post Jenn. So glad we can use this place as an outlet to "let it all go!" #judgementfreezone
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    I to like the judge free zone
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    Getting a tad frustrated that I'm meeting all my calories goals (often not even accounting for exercise calories gained back) and my body has still managed to gain weight this week. No way will I have lost anything this week, and I'll have to post a gain, which sucks because I'm eating right AND exercising. I have had a big IBS flare this week, which always makes me bloat, but it's so annoying. Well, I guess we just press through. All I can do.
  • sharebear2012
    sharebear2012 Posts: 122 Member
    Getting a tad frustrated that I'm meeting all my calories goals (often not even accounting for exercise calories gained back) and my body has still managed to gain weight this week. No way will I have lost anything this week, and I'll have to post a gain, which sucks because I'm eating right AND exercising. I have had a big IBS flare this week, which always makes me bloat, but it's so annoying. Well, I guess we just press through. All I can do.

    Stay with it coolchik, fluctuations are normal and are annoying as hell. If you graph it you will be on a down hill slide. Keeping up motivation when the scale does not move is hard so vent away on here! We are here to support you, you will lose and I bet next weigh in you are down!
  • kblount10
    The people that I have seen that lose a ton of weight the following weight- tend to gain a little at first. It could be muscle weight. Also watch your sodium intake! Keep it up!
  • jenabee610
    jenabee610 Posts: 29 Member
    Getting a tad frustrated that I'm meeting all my calories goals (often not even accounting for exercise calories gained back) and my body has still managed to gain weight this week. No way will I have lost anything this week, and I'll have to post a gain, which sucks because I'm eating right AND exercising. I have had a big IBS flare this week, which always makes me bloat, but it's so annoying. Well, I guess we just press through. All I can do.

    I know it an be frustrating. I've been feeling the same way this week, but I also know I haven't been doing my best with my food choices. You have been doing amazing things Coolchick and you should be proud of the things you accomplished. I know it's hard when you don't see the scale reflect what you what it too. Have you though about tracking inches too? Sometimes there may not be a weight change, but there is a change in inches. That could be something that helps you stay focused. Also remember that inches take a little longer too, so maybe not take your measurements every week.
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    WHY is eating right and exercising so dam hard. It's simple math. There are loads of calories in that chocolate you're about to eat ad you know that and eat iit anyway. Why why why!
    Not the best day..I think part of it was no weight loss so whatever. BUT tomorrow I hacve already tracked what I will eat a d will exercise!
    Also, I feel so judged by anyone and everyone but in all likelihood they don't care.
  • jenabee610
    jenabee610 Posts: 29 Member
    There have been some things going on in my life recently that I really need to focus on and take care of, so because of that I am not going to be as active on this website as I was initially and would like to have been. I am still going to stay on track and try to lose the weight. I've only lost a little bit so far, but it's a start which a good accomplishment for me to begin with. There are just some things I really need to figure out in order for me to be happy with where my life is currently and also some things I need to focus my attention to as well. I hope everyone does amazingly with their goals. I am so proud of this group's progress and positivity and support.

    Good luck to everyone and i hope to be back soon.
  • Spambo16
    Spambo16 Posts: 223 Member
    Jenabee - Hugs to you. We will miss you, and look forward to "seeing" you whenever you make it back. Here's hoping your journey brings you to a place of peace and joy! :flowerforyou:

  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    Hey, Jenabee! Every little bit counts, so keep your chin up and stay on track. We will be here for you when you get back! :drinker:
  • mojisha
    mojisha Posts: 36 Member
    Ah coolchick, I understand! I was textbook my first several weeks and my weight stayed about the same. I volleyed with the same couple of pounds up and down. Recently it seems like it's been sliding off. I figured it's just where I started + where I was in my cycle. That's how it seems to me...right when I'm right on the verge of getting super frustrated I seem to be rewarded all of the sudden for my hard work. Hang in there! Your body will catch up to you.

    My baby is teething and kept me up ALL. NIGHT. And of course I've been hungry all day, but I know it's just from exhaustion. I plan on running this evening and then we're gonna get some take out (comfort food!) But, I've already planned on what I'm getting and am not going overboard, so I feel like it's a win and a definite shift from my not too distant past, when I would have used the tiredness to be a slug and eat all day.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    I'm feeling negative today. Not really about my struggles with losing, I feel like I'm rocking it, but dealing with a lot of negativity around me. I guess some people just don't get it and feel the need to criticize. Plus I think they are mad because I no longer do "fast food runs" for them at work.

    I feel like they think that I am no longer "as fun" as I used to be. And they look uneasy if I talk about my healthier lifestyle like they'll "catch it" from me and that it's not a good thing. :noway:
  • jls43
    jls43 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm feeling negative today. Not really about my struggles with losing, I feel like I'm rocking it, but dealing with a lot of negativity around me. I guess some people just don't get it and feel the need to criticize. Plus I think they are mad because I no longer do "fast food runs" for them at work.

    I feel like they think that I am no longer "as fun" as I used to be. And they look uneasy if I talk about my healthier lifestyle like they'll "catch it" from me and that it's not a good thing. :noway:

    Hoo boy...why is one person's success and resolution so threatening to others? We all have the saboteurs in our lives and they
    S--k! Is there anyone more like-minded that you can hang out with? Or just go for a walk to clear your head for a few minutes??You probably nailed it with the fast-food runs - which they know they shouldn't eat anyway but will now take it out on you. Good luck!

    Meanwhile I've been on track for 3 whole days and the scale has not moved!! Imagine!! of course I ate the cookies my saboteur, er husband brought home. Might as well add self sabotage!! Stay the course. Patience.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Thanks jils43. My lunch hour is way too early for me to actually want to eat lunch, so I've been taking off and walking on it when I can. It helps for me to get away and clear my head. I try not to talk about it much in the classroom other than to state that I packed my lunch. I figure they will see my losing weight and inches and either be happy for me or whatever, I don't care.

    I'm sorry about the scale, I hope it moves soon! Mine likes to fluctuate so I try not to worry about it too much during the week. I have a measuring tape and am also tracking with that.

    Don't beat yourself up about the cookies! Tomorrow is another day and a chance to start fresh. :flowerforyou: