Mommy of 2- new member

tipatay98 Posts: 1 Member
Hello all! I just started using to two weeks ago from the advice of friends. I am a 32year old mother of two girls and with my second child the weight has not come off...I've actually put on some extra on top of the baby weight!!!! I am ready to lose at least 40 pounds and need some motivation and tips, and life can get hectic with two children under five and working 50 hours a week. Anything is appreciated!


  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    Hi! I just had my first son 7 weeks ago and actually just started back to work...super hard! I lost close to 50 pounds on here before getting pregnant (needed to lose at least 60!) and now am back to almost square one. Let's do this together!!
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    Hi! I'm Michelle, a 32yo mom of 8. My baby is a month old, and I'm trying to lose another 15 pounds. Feel free to add me! :-)
  • curlygalore
    Hi! My baby is 10 weeks old and she is my 3rd. I too had lost a bunch of weight just before I found out I was pregnant. I only had 10 to go! Fortunately, with the help of breastfeeding (and the loss of appetite from the post partum depression) I lost all but 5 of my baby lbs. However, I've hit a plateau. I'm back at work and working out again (I run on my lunch hour since there is no other time during my day to do it). I would love some motivation!!
  • Dedicatedmetime
    Dedicatedmetime Posts: 32 Member
    I would love to connect with some more moms! I have two young kids under the age of 3. I am working on losing 20 (maybe more once I reach my current goal)