Recovery Time?

StephanieL14 Posts: 124 Member
For those of you who have already gone through childbirth, how long did it take you to recover? I just got an email reminding me that my outdoor soccer registration is coming up. I'm due May 25th with my first. The season goes from late May to late September. I'm hoping to be able to play (obviously not right away), but I don't know if that's being overly optimistic. How long did it take you to get back into physical activity?


  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    It could be a couple weeks or a couple months, depending on so many things.

    You also may be affected hormonally and emotionally and may find this these kind of commitments really overwhelming as you first adjust to motherhood.

    On the other hand, it sounds like loads of fun, and if it's the type of thing that you can blow off on those days that you're limping along on an hour of sleep... Then why not?

    And I don't mean to sound all negative about being postpartum,... I actually love most everything about it. But I try to arrange it so people come to me and I stay at home in comfy clothes as long as possible. :)
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    Totally agree with Dandelyon. Will depend on L&D emotional state etc. My first I needed a pretty long recovery. Had an epidural & episiotomy about 8 weeks to physical recovery. Second child epidural, no episiotomy approx 4 week recovery. Third no epidural or episiotomy & I could have gone 4 a jog a day after she was born. Each pregnancy is so very different. Just go with the flow & don't push yourself to recover too quick!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    I wasn't (and am still not) a very active person. That being said I was walking everyday up until delivery 3 times a day (I had diabetes and needed to walk after meals). My first I was induced, had an epidural and had a 3rd degree tear. It took two weeks just to not hurt from doing nothing. 2 weeks of hurting everyday. I think at 3 weeks I was ok to walk around the block, but I certainly wasn't up for much more. Late nights with baby, being attached and in pain from nursing. I didn't want to be away from my son and I certainly wasn't ready to be moving a lot. My daughter I don't remember even though it was just last year. SHe was born in January and with the weather being cold and having a toddler I just didn't leave much. I think I stayed in jammies for the first two weeks at least with them and wanted someone to help me care for them and myself for almost the first month. So I completely agree with the 2 previous posters, physically and emotionally who knows how you'll be until after it happens, but I have not made any commitments for quite a while afterwards (I'm due May 18th).

    Side note: Not all babies come on time either, which I'm sure you know. My son I was induced 11 days late, he came 13 days late, took forever. My daughter was 6 days late. So in theory you might have baby 3 weeks "early" or 2 weeks "late" either making your recovery sooner or later.

    Hope it works out!
  • StephanieL14
    StephanieL14 Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks for the input! I think I'll sign up and see how it goes. Even if I only go back for the last part of the season, it will be worth it. I want to get back to being active and it's always been a nice way to get out of the house and be social!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    I had a wonderful pregnancy and delivery, but recovery was very tough for me as I had a third degree tear. They are not at all common, but it took me 6 months+ to be able to do any physical activity. I tell you this so that you know to manage your expectations appropriately - you may recover very quickly, and it may take you months, and both are totally normal! So, you might want to sign up with no expectations and know that any single game will be a bonus, and if you don't feel up to playing at all, that's okay too. I expected to be feeling up for exercise at 6 weeks and really struggled as that was not the case for me at all, but I have plenty of mom friends who felt great after a few weeks!
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    I had a C-section on a Wednesday, came home Friday, and shoveled 5" of snow off my driveway on Sunday (I went to get the newspaper and decided to give it a try). When I went back to my OB 7 days after surgery (to have the staples removed) he told me that technically I was under restrictions until 5 weeks, but since I was recovering well I could do what I wanted, a long as I stopped if it felt like it was too much. My husband went back to work after 2 weeks and we have a lot of stairs in our house so I needed to be able to do those, and the car seat + baby weighs a good 30+ lbs so I knew I needed to be strong enough to haul that thing around. I'm 35 and of "advanced maternal age", never really had any pain from the C, and was in good physical shape throughout my pregnancy. I went back to formal exercise (spin, weights) at 5 weeks. I'm a stay at home mom, so my exercise time is "my time" and I think that is what keeps me doing it.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I had my baby two weeks ago and I feel great physically but very tired. One thing they did warn me about this time that they didn't say anything about with my daughter (who is seven) is not to do anything "strenuous" including lifting a laundry basket (!) or vacuuming because it can cause a uterine hemorrhage. I had a standard vaginal delivery with no meds, very slight tear so no complications. That surprised me about the laundry though.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I've had 2 children and had normal deliveries, just used gas and air, and didn't need stitches after. I was out and about walking within days, bit waited until 7 weeks after before going to the gym. I could've physically gone back sooner though, just decided to wait. Well, with my 2nd I'd done a payment holiday at my gym so had to wait!
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    I had a normal delivery with my daughter and started exercising right at the 6 week mark. I felt good. If you start too early, you may notice you will bleed more after working out. That is why they stress to take it easy the first 6 weeks. Let your body heal and get back to normal. It may be longer if you have a c section. No experience with those.