Week 6 starts today!! Where are y'all?

I can't believe I've been doing this for 6 weeks, and I'm still loving it!! Where's everyone else at in the program?


  • anu_active
    anu_active Posts: 40 Member
    Week 5 starts Monday for me! Looking forward to it. The "eccentric upper" is so P90X. :D
  • Almost to week six...started 1/1/14 so my week 6 starts on Wednesday. Loving it!
  • zsgreenwell
    zsgreenwell Posts: 63 Member
    I technically just finished my second week, but because after my first week I went on vacation for a week this past week was really a reboot. So tomorrow is week 2.
  • maxiefit
    maxiefit Posts: 53 Member
    I'm at Week 6 Day 3 - Yoga today (thank God).
  • jsantus
    jsantus Posts: 53 Member
    Week 6 starts today!
  • Claude1985
    Claude1985 Posts: 23 Member
    Starting week 5 for me today! eccentric upper here i come!
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I am just finishing off the 2nd week. I started on a Wednesday, 22nd of January . I know it is a weird starting time, but it works well for my weekly schedule, because the rest day or dynamic is Tuesday ,which is crazy in our house.
  • We're on the exact same day! I've come to love yoga day!! LOL
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    Back from half marathon and ready to begin Week 7 of P90X3. I missed Tony and the gang!
