Nutrition plan experience?

Smoked33 Posts: 186 Member
Hi, new to the group. I've done a complete round of P90X and lost 20lbs...not sure of my BF because I didn't have calipers until the end. Right now I'm about 208lbs and 14-15% BF by the Jackson-Polluck 3 method. Anyways, into week four of X3 and so far the scale hasn't moved nor have the calipers by any noticeable and consistent degree.

I've been using the 2700 calorie plan and eating quite clean. I've kept my macros on point and haven't had a drop of alchohol in the 3 1/2 weeks so far. I'm definitely brining it in the should I drop down to the 2400 calorie plan for a bit and see if that works?

My issue with choosing calories primarily by weight is that I'm 6'5" and so my 208lbs isn't carried in the typical way for the average 208lb male and my BF% might be lower than the average 208lb does it make sense to try 2400 for a few weeks and see?

Does anyone else have any experience with this type of confusion? :)


  • Mypcool
    Mypcool Posts: 3 Member
    I really would like to get a general opinion on the plans. I've been on diet and exercise programs for years and I never seen a program that recommends over 2000 calories. Even when I did insanity it wasn't so high!

    Can anyone shed some light on this?

    And SMoked33 as you can tell i can't really answer your question. Although I have seen some similar questions in other posts and the general consensus is that the intensity gets higher during the second month. Especially coming from a full program.
  • groundhawg
    groundhawg Posts: 121 Member
    I am 150 pounds, 5'4'' female, and I eat right about 2000 (mostly clean) calories and I'm full, building muscle, and losing fat. For a male, I would definitely think that if you wanted to support muscle gain you should be eating more, but if you don't think you are seeing the results that you want its quite possible that you picked the wrong plan. Everyone metabolizes different, and people frequently overestimate the amount that they move around during the day. Drop down for a little while and see how it goes. As long as you aren't bottoming out during your workout, it cant hurt.
  • Smoked33
    Smoked33 Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks for the feedback. I'll try the 2400 plan for a couple weeks and see what my workouts are like. Last night I did CVX and felt good so I followed it with T25 Alpha Cardio and while i had my hands on my knees a bit during T25 overall my energy was great.
  • groundhawg
    groundhawg Posts: 121 Member
    Wow. If you are combining p90X3 and T25 regularly, I would definitely make sure you are taking in enough calories! Still experiment, for sure, to find where you want to be, but don't forsake your muscles to be a certain size!
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    Simply my input to provide another example. I am 6ft and 180lbs and eating around 2300 calories. My primary goal is to drop my body fat from 16% down to 12%. Although the scales have not budged much, I have noticed my waistline is shrinking, so something is working. I am at the end of my 7th week of P90X3.

  • Smoked33
    Smoked33 Posts: 186 Member
    Simply my input to provide another example. I am 6ft and 180lbs and eating around 2300 calories. My primary goal is to drop my body fat from 16% down to 12%. Although the scales have not budged much, I have noticed my waistline is shrinking, so something is working. I am at the end of my 7th week of P90X3.


    Thanks for that feedback Mike. The program seems to be a bit slow to start...but everything i'm hearing suggests that it picks up :) I've been tracking measurements too and none of it has moved after almost 4 weeks. My weight has been more steady than ever( i weigh in every day to track water weight fluctuations)'s been weird.

    It's good to hear these other experiences that aren't too different than my own.

    Thanks everyone.