New Here

Hey Ladies! So Im on a journey to get healthy and lose weight after my 2 miscarriages in a row. I got pregnant with my DD back in 2007 and Had her feb 2008 and that was a MIRICLE. Since, hubby and I decided when she was 5 we were gonn start actually trying. Well 2 clomid cycles led to 2 miscarriages. I said no more...I carried her to term and was able to get pregnant with her on my own I will do this again. <3 you and hope to form friendships with ya'll :)


  • potionsmistressful
    You know, it's very encouraging when another woman with pcos is open about it. I actually haven't tried to get pregnant, I'm still working on my degree, although I do have concerns that it would be difficult for me, I no longer menstruate as a normal woman should every month, for me it's actually maxiumum 2 or 3 times a year to get a cycle. Weight loss is important to get our hormones back in balance. I would like to now what are your plans for approaching weight loss? Any tips? Your story is very encouraging. Keep posted on how you are doing! I am new here sorta. Have you ever noticed perhaps something strange? I refer to this: Losing inches, but not weight. I haven't lost a single pound, but I have lost in 4 weeks 2.5 inches. Any experience with that? Looking forward to hearing more from you! :heart: