February 2014 Goals

kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
My goals... I would like to...

- Be closer to 80kg (at last weigh in was 82.5kg)
- Finish the day within my calorie limit at least 5 days a week
- Walk at least 90 minutes 5 days a week and complete the 100 mile challenge
- Get in one or two 20 minute workouts either Zumba or swimming

Feel free to add your own goals and join me!


  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Goals are...
    1. Continue working out 30min per day, everyday
    2. Lose 1 inch from waist, hips, 1/2 inch from chest, thighs
    3. Lose 4lbs
    4. Eat more protein, fiber
    5. Finish my 8 Week Challenge
  • Longtobelean
    Longtobelean Posts: 78 Member
    1. Work out min. of 10 minutes a day.
    2. Continue C25K
    3. Continue resistance bands 2-3x a week
    4. Add in 30DS
    5. Continue high water intake
    6. Lose 2-5 lbs
  • sopranomama
    sopranomama Posts: 27 Member
    Me too! :)

    February goals:

    1. Finish Block 2 of P90X3
    2. Do at least 5 full-extension push-ups in a row instead of dropping to my knees
    3. Walk 30 minutes at least 3 times per week
    4. Continue eat primal/paleo and stay under calorie goal
    5. Reach pre-pregnancy weight of 185 lbs (only 5.4 pounds to go!!!)
  • ProjectYummyMummy
    ProjectYummyMummy Posts: 98 Member
    Target weight by end of Feb: between 80 and 83kgs
    Aiming to lose 10 cms around various parts of my body
    I will also be rewarding myself for consistency if I finish my first training programme WITHOUT interruption
  • planetjen79
    planetjen79 Posts: 44 Member
    I'd love to be around 140, but not sure if that's realistic....but I'd be happy with any loss, just no gaining!
    My other goals are to log everyday and remain in my calorie goal - I have a habit of eating constantly which got me here!
    Being more aware of when I'm actually hungry,
    Knowing that when I get hungry, a small snack will suffice, and curb the hunger until mealtime - I don't need to scarf many portions down mindlessly.
    Keep in calorie goals especially on the days I don't get out walking/doing other exercise.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    My goals... I would like to...

    - Be closer to 80kg (at last weigh in was 82.5kg)
    - Finish the day within my calorie limit at least 5 days a week
    - Walk at least 90 minutes 5 days a week and complete the 100 mile challenge
    - Get in one or two 20 minute workouts either Zumba or swimming

    End of week update...
    - Scales haven't moved :(
    - Succeeded in staying within my calorie goal for five days. Need to keep it up.
    - Walked over 25 miles this week, so I'm on track to complete the challenge
    - Managed to get in some Zumba too :)
  • sopranomama
    sopranomama Posts: 27 Member
    So far...

    1. In progress! Just finished Block 2 Week 1.
    2. CHECK! :):):)
    3. Check!
    4. Mostly... I haven't stayed primal, but I've been under my calorie goal all week.

    Which brings us to:

    5. BOOOOOOOO.... After FINALLY getting into the 180s, the scale went right back up and I've been hovering at 190-191 for the last few days. I'm trying not to dwell on it, and trying to remember that scale fluctuations are NOT a justification to start making unhealthy choices. As long as I keep doing #1-4, #5 will eventually happen.... right? Right?!? :P
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Goals are...
    1. Continue working out 30min per day, everyday
    2. Lose 1 inch from waist, hips, 1/2 inch from chest, thighs
    3. Lose 4lbs
    4. Eat more protein, fiber
    5. Finish my 8 Week Challenge

    Lost a pound! Upped my protein & fiber. Added flax seed. Feeling super hungry this week! Been trying to work out more than 30mins per day.
  • Shaakira33
    My goals are:
    to work out 6 days a week, loose 2lbs by the end of February, drink at least one liter of water a day.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    My goals... I would like to...

    - Be closer to 80kg (at last weigh in was 82.5kg)
    - Finish the day within my calorie limit at least 5 days a week
    - Walk at least 90 minutes 5 days a week and complete the 100 mile challenge
    - Get in one or two 20 minute workouts either Zumba or swimming

    End of week update...
    - Scales haven't moved :(
    - Succeeded in staying within my calorie goal for five days. Need to keep it up.
    - Walked over 25 miles this week, so I'm on track to complete the challenge
    - Managed to get in some Zumba too :)

    Mid Month Update
    - Lost 200 grams
    - Succeeded in staying within my calorie goal for five days. The other two I had Dominos pizza and Chinese takeaway for the first time this year.
    - Walked over 25 miles this week, so I'm still on track to complete the challenge.
    - Failed to get in a workout this week.

    It's now half-term week, so the kids are home. I won't be able to do half as much walking, but intend to get in a couple of workouts and if the weather improves, some digging in the vegetable garden.
  • ProjectYummyMummy
    ProjectYummyMummy Posts: 98 Member
    I COMPLETELY forgot to take mid-month measurements. I did sneak a peak at the scale the other day and I was only down 300g. But I suspect my centimeter losses will make it worthwhile. I've learned so much in the last few weeks that I'm actually thinking of changing my training programme mid-month. While I am pretty consistent and getting in 3-4 days of exercise, I do find that my exercises are too weak and I need to be burning around 500 calories per workout and not the weak 250-350 I'm currently pushing. I think I'm gonna change up my routine a week before the end of the month.
  • sopranomama
    sopranomama Posts: 27 Member
    So, another update -

    1. Still working on Block 2 of P90X3 - this has been a really challenging block! Triometrics is a total killer.
    2. Now I can do TEN full-extension push-ups without stopping! :D
    3. Walk 30 minutes at least 3 times per week - didn't do so well with this due to the snow this week. The roads and sidewalks were all super icy, so getting out was pretty impossible.
    4. Continue eat primal/paleo and stay under calorie goal - again, yes to the second, but less success with the first.
    5. I hit 187.6 this morning, so I only have 2.6 pounds before I hit my pre-pregnancy weight of 185 lbs!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Goals are...
    1. Continue working out 30min per day, everyday
    2. Lose 1 inch from waist, hips, 1/2 inch from chest, thighs
    3. Lose 4lbs
    4. Eat more protein, fiber
    5. Finish my 8 Week Challenge

    Lost a pound! Upped my protein & fiber. Added flax seed. Feeling super hungry this week! Been trying to work out more than 30mins per day.

    Lost another pound. Down to 119lbs. Hoping to lose 1 more pound by the end of the month. Haven't taken my measurements. Been doing pretty good on exercising.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    My goals... I would like to...

    - Be closer to 80kg (at last weigh in was 82.5kg)
    - Finish the day within my calorie limit at least 5 days a week
    - Walk at least 90 minutes 5 days a week and complete the 100 mile challenge
    - Get in one or two 20 minute workouts either Zumba or swimming

    End of week update...
    - Scales haven't moved :(
    - Succeeded in staying within my calorie goal for five days. Need to keep it up.
    - Walked over 25 miles this week, so I'm on track to complete the challenge
    - Managed to get in some Zumba too :)

    Mid Month Update
    - Lost 200 grams
    - Succeeded in staying within my calorie goal for five days. The other two I had Dominos pizza and Chinese takeaway for the first time this year.
    - Walked over 25 miles this week, so I'm still on track to complete the challenge.
    - Failed to get in a workout this week.

    Week 3 Update...
    - Lost another 600 grams
    - Succeeded in staying within my calorie goal for five days.
    - Got out and walked twice, which I consider an achievement for half-term.
    - Failed to get in a workout again, but bought a skipping rope to help burn calories in the garden!
  • Longtobelean
    Longtobelean Posts: 78 Member
    1. Work out min. of 10 minutes a day.
    2. Continue C25K
    3. Continue resistance bands 2-3x a week
    4. Add in 30DS
    5. Continue high water intake
    6. Lose 2-5 lbs

    1. I have been working out 10 minutes a day.
    2. I am doing C25K still. 7 weeks until race day.
    3. I have only been doing bands 1-2 times a week. Need to up this.
    4. I haven't done 30DS at all. :-(
    5. I'm really slacking on water intake due to having no fruit to go into it. I have drank more plain today than normal though.
    6. I will weigh in on the 28th.
  • Longtobelean
    Longtobelean Posts: 78 Member
    1. Work out min. of 10 minutes a day.
    2. Continue C25K
    3. Continue resistance bands 2-3x a week
    4. Add in 30DS
    5. Continue high water intake
    6. Lose 2-5 lbs

    I did everything execpt 30DS--for the last 1 1/2 of the month. I only lost 2 lbs this month.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Goals are...
    1. Continue working out 30min per day, everyday
    2. Lose 1 inch from waist, hips, 1/2 inch from chest, thighs
    3. Lose 4lbs
    4. Eat more protein, fiber
    5. Finish my 8 Week Challenge

    Lost a pound! Upped my protein & fiber. Added flax seed. Feeling super hungry this week! Been trying to work out more than 30mins per day.

    Lost another pound. Down to 119lbs. Hoping to lose 1 more pound by the end of the month. Haven't taken my measurements. Been doing pretty good on exercising.

    Down 2lbs. 2lbs til goal. Been working out at least 30mins/day & been eating more.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    My goals... I would like to...

    - Be closer to 80kg (at last weigh in was 82.5kg)
    - Finish the day within my calorie limit at least 5 days a week
    - Walk at least 90 minutes 5 days a week and complete the 100 mile challenge
    - Get in one or two 20 minute workouts either Zumba or swimming

    End of week update...
    - Scales haven't moved :(
    - Succeeded in staying within my calorie goal for five days. Need to keep it up.
    - Walked over 25 miles this week, so I'm on track to complete the challenge
    - Managed to get in some Zumba too :)

    Mid Month Update
    - Lost 200 grams
    - Succeeded in staying within my calorie goal for five days. The other two I had Dominos pizza and Chinese takeaway for the first time this year.
    - Walked over 25 miles this week, so I'm still on track to complete the challenge.
    - Failed to get in a workout this week.

    Week 3 Update...
    - Lost another 600 grams
    - Succeeded in staying within my calorie goal for five days.
    - Got out and walked twice, which I consider an achievement for half-term.
    - Failed to get in a workout again, but bought a skipping rope to help burn calories in the garden!

    End of Month Update
    - Lost another 600 grams
    - Succeeded in staying within my calorie goal for five days.
    - Walked lots and completed the Walk 100 Miles in a Month Challenge
    - Completed the 30 Day Squat Challenge again, this time using my baby girl as an extra 15lb weight!