embarassing problem

So I thought I would post this on a group of moms who are no longer surprised by any kind of bodily function .

So here is my problem, starting a few days ago like 4-5 days after I started my diet I have been having problems going to the bathroom(#2). I know I dont drink enough water so thats my first route to fix this problem, but my body used to go about 3 times a day and now I am down to 1.

I know gross topic but i think its hindering my weight loss, when I got on the scale tonight it said I had gained 3 lbs(2lbs ive already lost and then one) Does anyone have any advice or tips I can do to change this? I'd rather not go a laxative route but I will use it as a last resort if it continues to be uncomfortable.


  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Any time you change your diet, you can end up with pooping problems. It will resolve itself as your body adjusts to processing different food. That "weight loss" is coming!

    Water, fibre, and some good veggies should help you out.

    If you need some more help, coffee and licorice can have a laxative effect.

    I'd hold off on using a laxative unless it's been many days with no movement, I always think it's best to let your body clean out on its own.

    High five to you for making diet changes!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    It is probably a reaction to having less sugar and fat in your diet. It will get better just by eating right - plenty of fruit and fibrous foods like cereals and seeds. Also apple or prune juice or dried prunes or apricots can help. No point weighing in until your body is back to normal.
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    Any time you change your diet, you can end up with pooping problems. It will resolve itself as your body adjusts to processing different food. That "weight loss" is coming!

    Water, fibre, and some good veggies should help you out.

    If you need some more help, coffee and licorice can have a laxative effect.

    I'd hold off on using a laxative unless it's been many days with no movement, I always think it's best to let your body clean out on its own.

    High five to you for making diet changes!

    Agree! Drink plenty of waters, eat whole fruits and veggies and your body will adjust.

    Can I just say when I saw "3 times a day" my eyeballs popped out of my head! I typically only go once a day and sometimes not even that. Now if I ate something that does not agree with me, or sometimes too much coffee, or around TOM, I may go more than once a day.
  • KaitlynC1104
    First off thank you ladies!

    The weird thing is I drink so much coffee and that hasnt been helping but I will try licorice i dont mind the taste of it and I believe its fat free
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Another good food is avocado. Also, ginger aids in digestion and can help move things along. I picked up some Ginger Tea (Yogi brand) and it seems to help. It is quite potent so you have to like ginger to enjoy a cup. Good luck!
  • planetjen79
    planetjen79 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm like clockwork, but the same thing happened to me when I cut the crap out and didn't eat as much carbs as I was.
    I am now fairly conscious of my intake, thanks to logging. I eat salads with everything and I've been putting beans in something a few times a week. Worked a treat!