Weigh In #1 (2/10/2014)



  • Hi my name is Debbie, I am 25 and a mother of two beautiful little girls, I work part time and also have a couple home business, After i had my second daughter i have become very lazy and have no energy, then a friend of mine interduced me to shakeology and the first day i tryed it i felt that i had more energy and felt like doing things so i signed up to be a coach witch is one of my home jobs. I am so excited to have found this sight and group and am ready for the challeng and goals that I have set for my self. I have an amazing husband that is help me as well.
    Start weight is 202

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  • Hi my name is Jamie, I am 34 and mother to fours sons I work part time in a lab and part time home. I am always running around but get very tired and cranky. I hate being over weight and struggle to take it off. I am shy and just started to attempt to work out at home. I will be doing the T25 to start. I would like to loose at least 60lb.

    Start weight 200

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  • I also am doing the T25. how do you like it? I love it so far.
  • Hi, my name is Crystal and I am 32 years old. I lost 75 lbs about 3 years ago but gained back about 40 of those in the past two years.

    I started eating better and going to the gym again about a week ago. My goal is to lose at least 20 lbs by 4/7/14. I will be going on vacation in May and want to feel better about my body again.

    Start Weight: 202
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  • forevertoday
    forevertoday Posts: 101 Member
    Started a new job in December and my weight loss stopped completely.
    I am hoping to get myself back on track and to lose quite a few more kilos.
    I've currently started the c25k and just about finished week 2. I want to get myself into jogging as it seems a lot of people lose weight that way and I don't want to pay for a gym membership.
    I need lose 20-30kg and so i'm now continuing my journey from where I left off :)

    Start Weight: 92.2
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  • kerrirob1
    kerrirob1 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello :smile: I'm Kerri and I'm 23
    I started off at 185lb and currently weigh 169lb but my ultimate goal is 135lb (ish)

    I'm sick of feeling so negative about myself and I'm ready for things to change! :grumble:

    Start weight: 169lb
  • Hi All,

    My name is Dimity and I am also new to MFP
    My current weight is 60.9kg (134lbs) and I would like to weight 50kg (110lbs) by April

    Start weight : 134lbs

    Good luck everyone
  • granuaile3525
    granuaile3525 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello, My name is Julia, and I will be 23 on the 11Feb. I was previously 194 lbs, but now I am 146.8 lbs. My weight keeps wanting to go back up, if I am not on top of healthy eating. I like to take dance classes, so I want to feel confident in a leotard and tights. I am tired of being the heaviest person in the class. That transfers over to looking great in a bathing suit.

    Weight: 146.8lbs
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  • kellyyjean
    kellyyjean Posts: 499 Member
    My name is Kelly, I'm 47 and a mother of 3 boys. I am always struggling with weight loss. I really want to be healthy and feel great about myself. Really looking forward to this group!
    Thank you!
    Good Luck everyone!

    Start Wt: 157 lbs
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  • Hello,

    My name is Doroteia. I am 34 yrs old and a mother of a 16 month old boy. My current weight is 138lbs and I would like to go down to 130lbs. I have tried to be really good for the past 5 months but the last few pounds are not coming off! I was trying to lose 1lbs per week for the last month and have lost nothing. I am always very good during the day but when I get home from work I have a glass of wine and eat more than I should. I need to get out of that habit. I have also been working out 4-5 times per week. I need the motivation to get rid of these last few pounds!

    Start Wt: 138 lbs
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  • Hello,

    My name is Kate. I am a 27 year old grad student and I am trying to loose my last 9 lbs which is proving SO DIFFICULT. I have been trying to lose .5 lbs a week for the past month and I have lost and gained the same pound 4x over. I workout 5-6 times a week and ride my bike to school and back everyday. I am pretty good about eating well, but I have a weakness for sugar. I have started interval training and I am hoping that is what I need to get these last few pounds off.

    Start Weight: 159
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  • bloodhoundlady
    bloodhoundlady Posts: 80 Member
    HEllO! I am melodie and I am hoping to be out of the 200's by then. I have almost lost 60 lbs since starting in June.
    In April I have a big horse event I am competing in Columbus and it actually starts on april 9th so this is perfect for me.
    My goal is about 195 but anything under 200 would be great. I started running in December and most recently weight lifting. I am a cardiovascular nurse on the weekends and during the week home school my autistic teen daughter.

    I will post my weight on Monday but currently I am at 216.8 so my goal is actually about 20 lbs. I am friending everyone so I can support you through this challenge.

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  • Hi everyone, I'm Veronica. 42 years old, mother of 1, a 9 yr old daughter. I am 5'1", and currently weigh 163. I started out at 160, but have ended up gaining weight since I started trying to lose weight in january. I want/need to lose at least 35lbs. Every summer I swear it will be the last one that I'm embarassed to go to the pool or waterpark, or wear shorts in public. I'm ready to do this. Not sure how much is reasonable to lo lose between now and April 7, so I'm shooting for at least 15 pounds. Anyone on here have a fitbit?

    Start weight- 163.6
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  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    Hi, I am Sallie
    Gained 3 stone in the last 2 years and seriously did not notice until I saw a Christmas photo on facebook!
    I was soooo angry with my sister :explode: :mad: :angry: ... how is it that she did not tell me!
    Still, it all has to come off now!

    Week 1: 184lb
  • slwallace82
    slwallace82 Posts: 3 Member

    My name is Sophia I'm 32 year old mother of 5, 3 boys 12 and twins 10 and 2 girls 10 and 5. I am 5'7 and currently weigh 228.8. My starting weigh was 240 on Jan 1st my highest weight has been 253. I am a stay at home mom. I go to the gym 5 days a week and workout for 2-2 1/2 hours a day. Three years ago I lost 76 pounds to go in for my tummy tuck on March 10, 2011. I had complications and it set me back for 8 months with no exercise and I had to go from a 1300 calorie diet to 2000 calories a day. So needless to say I put on weight in no time. I then got depressed about it and said why worry it's not gonna do no good to try. I tried a few times since then to lose weight and did lose up to 20 pounds and felt good but with kids it's always something happening and then it became summer and well I put those pounds back on. Then I had enough when the new year rolled around and said I am going to do this again and not stop till I get back to my first long term goal 175. Good luck to everyone to looking hot for the Spring. :happy:

    Start weight- 228.8
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  • kariokey30
    kariokey30 Posts: 9 Member
    Dang i'd do anything to be 150 again!!! I used to think I was 'big' then, I was soooooooooo wrong.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 476 Member
    Mama of three (one of whom I'm trying to fight with for the iPad just now lol) just trying to get back into her clothes and be comfortable and healthy!

    Start weight 131.5 pounds
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 503 Member
    My name is Lori,5'5", 50, but soon to be 51 y.o. married w/4 grown chilren and awaiting grandchild # 10. Have struggled with my weight most of my adult life but more so these last 10 yrs. Started in Nov '13 at 204, was able to lose over Thanksgiving and Christmas, was 194 but Jan was a horrible month for me, put a couple of pounds on and just gained and lost the same couple of pounds. It's been really snowy and bitter cold her in Indiana all of Jan and so far for Feb and I've really let up. Hoping for better weather soon and to get back on track with my eating and exercising.

    SW 196.2 (2/8)

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  • Hi, all!

    My name is Sara; I am 37 years old. I am from Alaska. I am a part-time teacher in the mornings; I am on my feet mostly, and then in the afternoon, I have an office job where I am sitting. I am a mother of two daughters, ages 5 and 11. I'm 5'6" tall and weigh 192 pounds. I tried to loose weight back in 2011 on My Fitness Pal and the Insanity program, but lost interest. My last login in 2011 said that I was 172 lbs. What made me change and begin a new lifestyle now, 2.5 years later, is my family and my students. I found myself teaching songs and jingles to my class and something as simple as a few jumps got me out of breath. I also had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with both of my daughters, so I knew that the likelihood of getting type two diabetes was possible, especially if I kept putting on the weight. I want to prevent the onset of it and be healthier all around. I have begun exercising by briskly walking 4x a week outside for about 3 miles with my mom (rather be outside any day :happy: ). She is also on My Fitness Pal. We have begun to do this journey together.

    My Goals:
    To lose 2lbs. each week until I hit my goal weight of 135; hopefully by mid June! I want to work up to 5 walks in a week. I want to be able to sing through all my morning calendar songs with the kids without losing my breath! I want to be an example to my family and students!

    Beginning Weight: 192
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  • jessi_can
    jessi_can Posts: 37 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Jessica and I am turning 23 on February 12th. I'm 5'4.5" and currently weigh 171.5 lbs (41.2% body fat). I started MFP at the beginning of January and weighed 177 lbs. I bought myself a Fitbit Force and Aria scale so my weight has been inconsistent with the scale switch over. I'm currently working as an exhibit design and development intern at a science centre in Canada so the majority of my days are spent sitting at a desk. I work out 3 times a week right now and am starting my fourth week of couch to 5k tomorrow. My ultimate goal is to weigh 120 lbs like I used to in highschool before I put all this weight on during university and after graduation. For this group, I would just like to consistently see a downward trend in weight and measurements as I'm not sure what a reasonable goal would be. I'd like to be able to look at myself in the mirror and feel good about myself once again!

    Start Weight: 171.5 lbs
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