Newbie needs help, please

I had Roux-n-y in Nov, 2003. I lost about 70# and was at 190-195 for about 5 years. Then, BOOM, the weight started coming back on. A few pounds at a time. I have lost 2 jobs in a year and a half due to downsizing and gained 15# in that time in addition to all I had gained prior to that. I can now say I lost about 20#, not 70. At 60, my metabolism is non-existent.

I am currently still unemployed (since Jan, 2013) and looking for a job. I have had many life-changing events in the past year, non of them positive, and I have continually returned to comfort foods...carbs and sweets. When I saw my doctor last week, I was pre-diabetic AGAIN, suffering from anxiety and panic disorders (mostly due to job/money) suffering from depression.

I HAVE to get some weight off and want more than anything to be back under 200 again. Ever since I had my son, who is now 32, I have been unable to get under 190 for more than a minute. I was 120 in college and around 140's during my 20's.

Any suggestions or advice, support, whatever, would be greatly appreciated.:cry:


  • happpyhappyjoyjoy
    happpyhappyjoyjoy Posts: 44 Member
    I'm sorry that you're having a tough time. All of us here in the group are here because we have regained part or all of the weight back so you're not alone. My suggestion is to go and see your nutritionist and see what you need to do to start losing weight again.

    My problem is that I LOVE carbs!!! They are so yummy and that got me into a lot of trouble. Today is day 10 of giving up carbs (like we did when we first had the surgery) and it has been my toughest day yet! UGH! We had to go out of town and of course I had to try and work my plan into the food available. It ended up that I came home hungry. All the food I see I wanted- still do. I hope I can make it. :sad:

    It's not easy but we can do this!

    I'm sending you a friend request. :flowerforyou:
  • Gsausen
    Gsausen Posts: 4 Member
    I too had my surgery in 2003. I lost 70 pounds. Then last year I lost control. I was going through hard times (still am). I gained 20 pounds back. Diabetes out of control. Feeling like crap... It just wasn't good.

    We had the surgery, we have the "tool". We can do this!

    I re-educated my self, what I should and shouldn't do, how much to eat, watch the carbs, chew, chew, chew. I lost the 20 pounds. I'm down to one medication for my Diabetes. I hope to be completely off soon. The more I used this site the more weight I'd loose . My new goal is to loose another 20 pounds, I have 4 pounds to go.

    If I can do this, so can you! YOU can do it!!

    I try to pre plan my carbs. Carbs are my downfall. But I am learning to control the carbs, not the carbs controlling me.

    You can do it!
  • icandothis6
    HI and thank you for replying to my post. I am sitting here now trying to plan out my week. Looking for recipes or easy things to make. I will be working 10 hr days this week, meaning I will be gone 12 hrs and I know if I don't cook some stuff tomorrow, I will be in trouble because I won't want to make anything when I get home. I live alone, so anything that makes 4 servings lasts me a couple of days or more.

    Would you be willing to share some recipes with me? Is there a place on here that has recipes? I think journals can also be shared, but I haven't done this in a long time.

    Thanks again,:flowerforyou:
  • icandothis6
    Checking in...I have currently lost 5# on South Beach. It's probably all water weight, but 5# is 5#. The thing is, I lost it in the first two weeks. I am on the third week and don't think I have lost anything. I am not exercising, which I know is important, but I currently have the flu so it will have to wait. I never did exercise much, it's just really not my thing.

    My question is this...when I was in the losing phase after surgery and weight loss would stall, I was told to up my protein and it would start again. I can't seem to get the protein up, even with shakes. Was anyone else told this?

    What percentages were you told post surgery for fat, carbs, and protein?