Getting Discouraged

I lost like 7 lbs my first week, but haven't lost anything since then. I'm currently in the recovery week about to start week round two. I was really excited when I first started and it came melting off, but now it's getting harder to push play. Need some encouragement or something to let me know that this is going to work.


  • I was getting discouraged as well, I started my third week of block 1 on Weds and have barely lost a pound. But I'm gonna stick to it, because I am feeling stronger and slowly seeing results with parts of my body looking firmer. So I'm hoping when I measure myself, I will see the difference. Although it would be nice to loos a few pounds. Also reading some articles on P90x3, they say you don't really see it until the end of the 2nd block. Let's keep our fingers crossed and stay with you, you are off to a good start loosing 7lbs.!
  • Thanks, I really appreciate the kind words, I'm gonna stick to it as best I can. I've done really well the past month and I think I can finish strong. I just haven't weighed myself since that first week, and when I saw that it was like, really, nothing else lost. Great...But from what I'm seeing too, people aren't really seeing great results until the second block is almost done. So I have some thing to look forward to!

    I do feel tighter in my stomach and arms and chest so that is good!
  • groundhawg
    groundhawg Posts: 121 Member
    Don't let numbers discourage you, because they don't actually say anything about you.

    How do you feel? Do you feel stronger? More energetic? More capable? If the answer is yes, let the rest follow eventually.

    Remember, muscle is denser then fat, but the scale isn't reflecting that. Measurements might. You might have to accept that your goal weight is really right for you, because you might weigh more than you want to, but you'll look better with muscle. Reevaluate the way that you are evaluating YOURSELF, and you might just find you are using the wrong standards to begin with.

    Keep pushing play, and I promise, as long as you are eating reasonably, you WILL see results.
  • maxiefit
    maxiefit Posts: 53 Member
    I was discouraged at the end of Block 1 too - I only lost a couple of pounds and no inches and could barely see a difference. I just finished Week 1 of Block 2 and already I'm seeing a lot more definition. So I think it's true that Block 2 is where you see results. Keep at it!
  • dustinsmith1010
    dustinsmith1010 Posts: 29 Member
    I haven't lost anything in the first month. But I feel tighter and busted out 25 more pushups in the final week of The Challenge, so I know it's working. I'm just going to take measurements and ignore the scale for the duration of the program.
  • CBI3
    CBI3 Posts: 3 Member
    Just a thought on 'not' pressing play: you could feel like you're not getting results and in 2 more months be worse off than you are today (since whatever muscle you gained will turn to mush). . OR you could just finish all 90 days and more than likely be in a much better place. Obviously, if at the end of the 90 days, you still feel discouraged , by all means, jump ship, but until then, press play!!
  • groundhawg
    groundhawg Posts: 121 Member
    Also, if it makes you feel better- I lost four pounds, then gained five, I still have a layer of fat on my tummy, but I can feel my core strengthening there. I need to change my diet to get the fat off, but the muscle is building, my metabolism is increasing. Your body is a machine, and working out changes soooo many factors inside of it to make you run better. These things NEED time.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Take a picture! Sometimes , you only realized the difference when you put pictures side by side.
  • maxiefit
    maxiefit Posts: 53 Member
    This morning I looked at myself in the mirror and was like "holy *kitten* I look amazing!"
    Not really, but it was like all of a sudden I could see progress where I hadn't before.
    So maybe it is true that you don't really see results til Block 2.
  • I just finished my first round of Triometrics, and man that thing totally kicked my *kitten*. I loved the Eccentric upper yesterday and am excited about eccentric lower coming up. I'm trying not to get on a scale for the time being, because that really only discourages me. I do feel tighter in my core. I can feel tighter muscles going up my obliques like I've never felt before. So I know something is going the right direction.
  • vpanuccio
    vpanuccio Posts: 9 Member
    To be honest I love the program but I didn't see the scale move down instead it moved up. With P90X i lost 25lbs and thirst 20lbs was in phase 1 with only 5lbs last two months but I went from doing no pull ups to 3 solid pull ups. I lost only a few pounds on X2 but went from 3 pull ups to 3 one arm chin ups. I lost no weight on T25 and lost muscle definition but I am sure it was related to diet and the routines are just so damn boring so they get stale fast as the program is not very diverse. If you compare the daily workouts to X3 you'll see what mean.
    I have been on fitness pal since start of block one logging my calories every time something even touches my lips but still gained about 5lbs. I do notice muscle development in arms and most of the body but the belly fat has not moved. That belly fat seems to laugh at me whenever I look at my reflection but I feel better and I figure getting in shape is not a race it's a lifestyle change so I'm gonna smile back at the belly fat till I burn it away.
  • badbull69
    badbull69 Posts: 157 Member
    The changes is weight lost have been slow, but steady. Im starting wk. 7 and lost only 8lbs. My abs are sore all the time, probably because if Im working out or showing snow, I keep hearing Tony say "engage your abs" With P90X, I lost 30lbs, I dont see that happening here, but I really love the 30 min. workout. Im gonna run a second cycle and maybe to the lean one that time and workout in the a.m. Seeing that I teach martial arts in the evening, even though its a 30 min. workout, I rush around one some days and really dont like that.

    Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • Smoked33
    Smoked33 Posts: 186 Member
    The changes is weight lost have been slow, but steady. Im starting wk. 7 and lost only 8lbs. My abs are sore all the time, probably because if Im working out or showing snow, I keep hearing Tony say "engage your abs" With P90X, I lost 30lbs, I dont see that happening here, but I really love the 30 min. workout. Im gonna run a second cycle and maybe to the lean one that time and workout in the a.m. Seeing that I teach martial arts in the evening, even though its a 30 min. workout, I rush around one some days and really dont like that.

    Feel free to add me if you wish.

    Dude, don't say 'only' lost 8lbs in 7weeks. That's awesome! I bet you're building lean muscle at the same time if you're following the nutrion guide. Get yourself a set of calipers and measure your fat % rather than using the scale. Do you really want to weigh less or look better and have less fat? :) Measurements are a good way to track progress as well but to me it sounds like you're doing amazing!

    I lost 21lbs in X and I think it's designed more for weight loss than X3. X3 is more about overall athletic will burn fat and you will gain muscle but if all you want to do is weigh less then longer workouts and less food is the ideal solution.
  • groundhawg
    groundhawg Posts: 121 Member
    This morning I looked at myself in the mirror and was like "holy *kitten* I look amazing!"
    Not really, but it was like all of a sudden I could see progress where I hadn't before.
    So maybe it is true that you don't really see results til Block 2.

    Absolutely excellent. GET SOME!
  • badbull69
    badbull69 Posts: 157 Member
    Dude, don't say 'only' lost 8lbs in 7weeks. That's awesome! I bet you're building lean muscle at the same time if you're following the nutrion guide. Get yourself a set of calipers and measure your fat % rather than using the scale. Do you really want to weigh less or look better and have less fat? :) Measurements are a good way to track progress as well but to me it sounds like you're doing amazing!

    Trust me, I have calipers and I lost 3% from 18% to 15% +/-. I wanted to be a bodybuilder years ago, kind of fell short. Its ok. Im doing what I really enjoy. Teaching Martial arts again, and inspiring others by words and my body changing. I can't say that numbers don't matter, BUT, they don't like they use to. Pants are fitting better, lats, shoulders, arms, even my chest there is a small change. What I want are my abs to show, doesn't matter if Im 175 or 185, if they show that is my goal.
  • Smoked33
    Smoked33 Posts: 186 Member

    What I want are my abs to show, doesn't matter if Im 175 or 185, if they show that is my goal.

    I'm right there too. 15% and wanting ab definition :)
  • leahhugh
    leahhugh Posts: 144 Member
    Never forget that muscle is more than fat - don't worry about the scale so much as inches!! I'm only on week two, but - knowing where the people showing us the moves started helps. Like the guy in Agility x! I want an amazing AFTER pictures and that keeps me motivated.
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    I am in my 9th week of P90X3 Classic and pleased with the results. The weight is very slow to come off, but my waistline is shrinking as is my body fat. I've lost 2 inches and had to buy a pair of new jeans, and this morning my body fat dropped below 15% for the first time since I finished P90X in 2012. That's two percentage points lower than when I started P90X3 after Christmas.

    Don't quit, otherwise you will never know what could have been. Stick to the nutrition plan and keep pressing PLAY. The results will come with the right discipline and determination.

  • Things have been going well for me after I got discouraged. I kept up with it. And I'm starting to see a difference mainly in my core, I'm getting my ab definition back, and I haven't really had that since college. I'm almost done with the second block of P90X3, and one thing that I've found beneficial to my workouts is to actually work out with weights. I'm currently going to the gym I'm a member of to do the Eccentric Upper, Eccentric Lower and Incinerator workouts. I just wasn't getting enough of a workout out of the bands alone. I was barely breaking a sweat with those otherwise. And now it's so much more gratifying doing those because I can definitely feel a difference.
  • beeblebrox82
    beeblebrox82 Posts: 578 Member
    you rock. way to stick with it!!