p90x3- weight gain?

Hey all,

I have read it's common to not lose/gain weight when first staring p90x3. I am finishing up my 2nd week and have gained about 3 lbs+. Not too worried, but I would like to know if this happened to anyone else on MFP and when they started noticing a difference in body/weight? Thanks!


  • rhino45
    rhino45 Posts: 86 Member
    when I started doing the program I dropped a few lbs and then gained a few in the first week or so. I did opt out of the full nutrition plan as far as calories go and now the scale and body fat is dropping off at a steady pace. what does your diet look like? and have you been taking measurements. sometime weight gain can be a great thing as long as its muscle. My guess is you need to drop a few calories and attribute some of the gain to water retention from your muscles trying to protect themselves.
  • Thanks for the info.! I am using the nutrition plan as a guide but am not following it exactly, but i have been sticking to the calorie intake. I have taken measurements and have seen improvement. I hope to see even more change by week 4-5. Thanks for all the help! :)
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    I put on a couple pounds as well, then it came back off. But I am not doing the eating plan, either. I'm in maintenance and eat at TDEE.
  • GaFez
    GaFez Posts: 25
    I too have not lost weight with the plan. I do notice a difference in how my clothes fit so I must be re-shaping a little. I dropped a couple pounds in the first three weeks and have since put 1.5lbs back on. I have not eaten "per the plan" but will focus more on that in the next 8 weeks.
  • I am glad I am not the only one in a similar situation. I will make adjustments in eating/diet and see how that changes things! :) Thanks for all the input and comments!! Though I have not fluctuated in weight, I do see noticeable improvement in physique and performance, very pleased! Good luck to you all!
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    I gained up to 6 lbs my first week! I heard that your body freaks out when you start a new workout/eating plan and so it retains all it can since it basically thinks you're going to die. However, at the end of my first month, I lost it all and am back to the 147 I started at. Things are just firmer haha..
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    yes i too have just finished week 2 and have gained.. well not really gained but haven't lost any of my vacation weight that i gained right before that. I figured i woudl be back to that already but i am still holding srtong onto it. I assume it's b/c i started a new program so quickly after gaining it that i am holding onto it still????
  • I was told it's very common. Through the first 3 weeks i saw no weight change, but i did lose some inches and noticed more definition. I am now on week 4 and lost 2 lbs! Very happy overall. Stay on track, you can do it!!