New to the Community?

agarlits Posts: 429 Member
Please introduce yourself. This can be a basic introduction or you can include a short bio. Remember the more information you post the more likely others will be to relate to you.


  • melissa199mfp
    melissa199mfp Posts: 12 Member
    Hi. I'm Melissa. I'm 24, and have two kids. I'm trying to lose 100 pounds overall, with my first major (2014!) goal being 60. So far I've lost 10, gained back 3. I'm looking for motivating friends to keep me in check! Haha!
  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member

    I'll start things off by introducing myself. My name is Aaron, I recently separated from the Army after being a combat medic for 4 years in Alaska, including a yearlong deployment to Afghanistan. Before I joined the service I used this website to lose 40 lbs over the course of a little over 3 months. When I got back from Afghanistan I was having problems adjusting to the "real" world again and I gained a lot of weight through binge drinking and other bad habits that I was using to cope. I later found out that I had PTSD and after seeing some specialists got on the course to managing it successfully. However, with the separation from the military and everything else going on in my life I haven't yet been able to get back to a healthy weight. But I know that this website works and that the biggest thing that keeps you coming back from day to day is having an active support base. My hope is that we can start to form a tight knit community and all help each other reach our goals successfully.

    Now, on a lighter side. I'm 25 (in march), I married my high school sweetheart back in 2010 and we have been happily married for nearly four years. We currently live in north central Indiana and both commute to Indianapolis for our jobs. I am now a state and nationally certified EMT and I work at Amazon as an Onsite Medical Rep.
  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    Hi. I'm Melissa. I'm 24, and have two kids. I'm trying to lose 100 pounds overall, with my first major (2014!) goal being 60. So far I've lost 10, gained back 3. I'm looking for motivating friends to keep me in check! Haha!

    We can definitely provide motivation. Thanks for being a part of the group and introducing yourself. Don't sweat gaining back 3 pounds, in the overall scheme of things it doesn't matter. This is a lifestyle change and a process that takes time but with good motivation and the education that you'll get from the online community here you will see those 60 lbs drop off faster than you can imagine.
  • My name is Anthony. I turn 31 next month. I have always been a little bigger because I have a large frame. I have always been able to carry the extra weight without many people thinking I was heavy or fat. But I have always known. I spent about 5 years in the 280-285 range. Due to being pretty inactive the last few years,(had my first child which took away a lot of my hobby time,i.e sports) I am now the heaviest I have ever been. The city I live in hosts a Biggest Loser Challenge every year and this year my wife and I decided we had to do it. I weighed in at 306, although most people guess my weight to be around 260. My goal is to get down to at least 250 so that when I do get back out to playing sports I will be better than I was before. Challenge started this past Monday and runs for 10 weeks. Im already down 12 pounds but determined to get to my goal!
  • raaraa17
    raaraa17 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi I'm Sarah, I'm 27 and I'm from the UK. I gave birth to my first child 9 months ago, and joined this site to lose my pregnancy weight. So far I have lost 33 pounds, 27 using this site, and am now 17 pounds lighter than I was before I got pregnant.
  • Trae3
    Trae3 Posts: 59 Member
    Hello everybody! My name is Tabitha and I have always battled my weight ever since I can remember. One summer in high school my mom and I went on Jenny Craig (my mom is actually very healthy but I think did this purely to motivate me). I went from 168 to 146 before we stopped the program. I ended up gaining all of the weight back plus more. After graduating I went through some personal issues/events and ended up with the worst habits. My weight had even gone up to 198. Over the past few years I have made lots of progress and am now at 172. However, my goal weight is to be 135 and always has been since I can remember. However short term I would be very happy with even a 20-25lb loss. My birthday is this May and will be going on vacation to celebrate. I want to feel comfortable with myself and even possibly wear a bikini once again. This has been the major motivation for me but overall I really just want to feel healthy, look healthy, and not feel sluggish and out of breath so easily! I currently do my workouts at home and have been changing my eating habits. Losing motivation has always been my worst enemy so I would love to meet you all and continue to motivate each other and help each other. Please feel free to friends me on here as well!
  • ChasingMyBliss
    ChasingMyBliss Posts: 803 Member
    Hello to all of you from s snowy but sunny western Montana. A friend of mine introduced my to the MFP site back in September. I had been working to lose about 20 pounds for a long time, (since the birth of my 4th son) but it seemed no matter how much time I spend at the gym and enjoying the outdoors, I just couldn't get the pounds to drop off. I was using the site every day, and was able to lose about 10. Then I went on a vacation, and got off track. Now.... 3 months later.... I am starting over.

    I am hoping to find a community of friends to help keep me motivated and on track. So if you like, send me a friend request and perhaps we can help each other stay focused on our long term goals.
  • Hello all!

    My name is Kacy, I'm 23 years old and I'm looking to be happier with myself as well as healthy. I hope to lose about 30lbs and get myself into the healthy BMI range. I'm always all about attempting to lose weight when I start but end up falling off the wagon so it would be great to have support from others. I'm looking forward to talking to you all. :)
  • Giddy72
    Giddy72 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all, my name is Gideon and im on MFP to lose a bit of weight and change the way i view food.

    I need to get my blood pressure down and feel good in my clothes again.

    Check out my profile as thats got my story on already!

    Im happy to share tips on steady weight away!!
  • crownofthorns
    crownofthorns Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, My name is Pat. I see most of you are very much younger than me. The one thing we have in common is
    our constant thriving to get healthier by losing excess weight. Good luck to all of us
  • Hey everyone! I’m Ashhlee Lynne. I am 25 and live in New Jersey. I have been fighting with my weight since I was a little girl. I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), an endocrine disorder. at age 15 and that made me blow up like a balloon. I battled bulimia for 6 years and finally after recovering I started to take my weight loss seriously and going about it in a healthy manner. I married the love of my life back in July. He and I both are making it a point to lose weight and get healthy because we want to live the happiest ever after! Which includes becoming parents and because PCOS causes issues with fertility I want to be the healthiest me I can be. This is what will keep me motivated through the hard times and I can come out on top and finally be a happier and healthier me. Hopefully being a part of this community will help keep me motivated as well.
  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    I feel like the potential oddball here.
    I'm Ashley, here's a short story about me.
    I used to compete in track/XC in high school and college (the big guys). My weight plummeted to 100lbs during this time, I was also struggling with depression with multiple family deaths on top of all the stress.
    Since then I've put on about 20-30 pounds (no idea what I weigh anymore).
    I've also been a vegetarian for 11 years, one of those years I ate chicken, lots of protein (according to all the fitness gurus) and got pretty damn sick with stomach issues from IBS to allergic colitis, weight gain, loss of appetite, PMS. Switched to a vegan diet right before thanksgiving and boom, everything slowly started to heal.
    So my goals are to lose some of the weight (not like what drastically happened in college, that was a nightmare), and get more fit. I'm currently on the last week of Bodyrock's 30 Day Realtime challenge. I also want to eat more foods that are in their natural state (I.E. not from a box)
  • Hi my name is Trish, I am 37 years old and live in Dublin, Ireland with my husband Simon and gang of cats.
    I am an office manager in a small company here in Dublin and I have 4 stone 10lbs to lose after losing 1 stone 6lbs with slimming world.
    I have just started boxercise and did it 3 times this week and have lost 2lbs already from doing it which I am delighted about.
    I hope we can spur each other on.
  • Tabbycat54
    Tabbycat54 Posts: 98 Member
    Howdy y'all. I'm Tabitha. I'm 26 years old and an Access Card Distribution Team member of DirecTV. A little bit about me:

    -I'm currently an orange stripe belt in Karate
    -I've lost 7.2 lbs at this time
    -I have three amazing kitties that I couldn't live without
    -I have a wonderful boyfriend who always cheers me on
    -I love to cook
    -I love to compose music
    -I love to read
    -I am addicted to Criminal Minds and crime documentaries
    -I have a bachelor's in Music Business and going for my Master's in Criminal Justice
    -My family is my greatest support group

    My short term goal is to lose 40 lbs, run a mile and do 100 pushups by June. Long term is to run 3-5 miles a day, do at least 100 pushups a day, and lose 111 lbs. I have confidence in myself to do these things, and I love to give my motivation to others who need it too :)
  • Griath
    Griath Posts: 13 Member
    Hey, thanks for the group invite.
    I'm Greg, 23, from South Wales.

    Mostly did this by myself up until now, be good to see if this will have a positive influence on me =]
    Was about 260lbs at my heaviest
    Got down to the sub 200's
    Currently 220
    Things were going well until I accepted a night job, basically 12 hours a night with travel. Didn't have much energy for much else and my sleeping pattern was really messed up. Job has ended recently so I'm hoping to get back to some sort of normality.
    Started P90 today. This is my third attempt, never managed to get as far as midway, plan is to go all the way this time!
    Another main goal of mine is to get stronger, if anyone has any tips on this I'd appreciate it!

    Been messing around with Excel and made a basic weigh-in spreadsheet. I find this helps me keep track of my progress a bit better than logging it on MFP. It's weekly and has stuff like weight lost, % lost and total lost. If anybody wants a copy, feel free to message me =]
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    hello my name is jose antonio, friends call me TOY, dont ask me why, this is my 3rd time to try and lose some bodyfat, my inspiratons are my two girls, they mean the world tome me, I know a little bit about nutrition thru self research so feel free to ask anything about it if you need some help, im here as well as everyone else.. to motivate, inspire and educate... :smile:
  • johan1585
    johan1585 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi guys,
    Im Johan from holland and im a bachelor in nursing and management ive allways been very sportive and athletic untill i started to work in shifts.
    Since then ive gained 20 kilos or 44-ish lbs and reached my highest weight last year at about 100kg or 220 lbs it had to stop right there and then and it did. I lost 13kg so far.
  • Hi everyone, I'm 23, from Jamaica . I'm using this site to help me have a healthier diet so that I can lose some weight, so far using this site to plan my meals have helped me lo lose about 2kg , so I'm loving it so far . I still have a hard time with cravings - sweets, fast food,etc. but being healthy doesn't happen overnight, so I'll just keep working on it.
  • My name is Janet, I'm 65 & retired. I was a dog groomer for 40 years. I was widowed when my daughter was 2 yrs old so grooming was a great way to make a living. It is very labor intensive job. As a result, I have arthritis in my back, hands & knees. Exercise isn't impossible but it is difficult. I have lost weight before, but gained it back eventually. I'm planning a trip to Mt Rushmore this summer. I have had 3 surgeries on my rt eye to fix a macular cyst. They failed and now I have a macular hole! I can see but have no depth perception, so my friend Michelle drives if we go very far. She's a farmer's wife. Our kids grew up together so we are almost sisters!

    Portion control & smart choices is the way I plan to conquer this. I have positive support with friends & neighbors.
    WISH ME LUCK! :flowerforyou:
  • wedgeang
    wedgeang Posts: 25 Member
    hi, I am angela and I am a homemaker and mother of 2, age 12 and 16, girl and boy. I have pretty much replaced facebook with mfp, and am so glad I did it, I feel like my decision definitely has a purpose where facebook does not. I look forward to shedding my 37 pnds. with you all. We all have a purpose on here, and its to take care of ourselves, and feel healthy and look great!