February Goals

PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
What would you like to accomplish in February?

Do you have any certain milestones you want to hit?

Do you have a certain weight you would like to get to or under by March 1st?

What about any fitness goals?


  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    well, i didn't/won't reach my January weight loss goal it was a bit of a stretch i knew, but i did lose some weight this month and am fine with the losses i did accomplish.
    For February, my goal is to attempt to do some sort of loggable exercise every day i am tracking my days now of consecutive workout days and trying to keep that number building i thought that would be a motivating factor along the lines of my MFP logging days motivator.
  • queenegreene
    queenegreene Posts: 1,376 Member
    My January goal was to get my weight into the 180s- mission avccomplished- I weighed 187 this morning :laugh: . My February goal is to weigh 183 or less and to walk at least 105 miles by 2/28!
  • leekat14
    leekat14 Posts: 10 Member
    No goals for January was set for me. I didn't lose weight but toned and feel it in my clothes. I've been focusing on just turning the fat on me into leaner muscle. I guess I'll take it over being just plain Fat.
  • kimkay1985
    kimkay1985 Posts: 73 Member
    Goal weight by 2/28 is 174
    Fitness Goals Follow TNB-28 lifting workout in Feb and 3 hours cardio each week
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    What would you like to accomplish in February?

    For February I would like to achieve the same weight loss that I have achieved in January. This may be a stretch though as to be honest this month my weight fluctuated wildly from binging and i was constantly gaining and losing the same few pounds. Luckily in the last week and a half I have really buckled down, that plus the flu has put me at a great overall loss for the month. Atleast the flu has one silver lining i suppose.

    Do you have any certain milestones you want to hit?

    Im currently in between sizes. 13. and would like to comfortable fit into my size 12 jeans. Although my size varies a lot by brand.

    Do you have a certain weight you would like to get to or under by March 1st? I would be happy losing 4lbs, anything else would be a bonus.

    What about any fitness goals? Slacking on that right now, hopefully i will start up doing leslie sansone videos.
  • BLillard68
    BLillard68 Posts: 309 Member
    What would you like to accomplish in February?

    In February, I would like to lose at least 1 lb. a week. I joined a challenge at work that lasts 8 weeks and I have to drop at least 8 lbs. in the next 8 weeks. If I lose the 8 lbs., I will be in a drowing to win a $50 gift card!

    Do you have any certain milestones you want to hit?

    In January, I wanted to weigh less than 190 lbs. I was able to meet that goal! So for my February goal, I would like to weigh less than 185 lbs.

    Do you have a certain weight you would like to get to or under by March 1st?

    185 lbs or less

    What about any fitness goals?

    In January, my goal was to exercise at least 3 days a week for at least 30 minutes. I was able to do that on most of the days. So for my February goal, I would like to be able to do this again, so I want to exercise at least 3 days a week for at least 30 minutes a day. I would also like to be able to add some toning exercises to the walking or the elliptical that I already do.
  • blen85
    blen85 Posts: 77 Member
    I don't want to set a goal to lose a set amount of pounds, but I would rather drop another pants size. I'd like to drop one more pants size by the end of next month because I'll be back in the size before I gained this significant amount of weight. I've already dropped two pants sizes so I'd like to be one size smaller by the end of february (:
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    I register for a 12 week challenge, so I am about to step my game up, hopefully.

    They gave a nutrition guide along with an exercise guide. So going to follow that and add in turbo fire workouts for the cardio the exercise guide requests. It has 5 days of strength workouts, different muscle group each day, one rest day and a cardio workout for the last day. I am going to most likely do all 5 strength workouts through the week and pick a day to the cardio along with a strength workout and take two rest days Saturday and Sunday. Weekends are just really hard for me to squeeze anything in.

    I really would like to lose between 1 and 2 pounds a week this month, so 4-8 pounds, putting me at 163-167 at the end of February, is what I am looking for as far as a weight loss goes.

    If anyone else is interested in the challenge here is the link:
    It's free so that's a plus.
  • odylynn
    odylynn Posts: 20 Member
    I would like to get into the 150s. So, at least 3 pounds will get me there.
    I am working really hard to get back on routine with my morning workouts so that I produce my own energy and I can stop drinking coffee. I have logged my calories for 13 days in a row now, so I am aiming to keep that going. I have finally gotten to the point where junk food doesn't interest me anymore so I haven't been doing the emotional eating, but I would like to get to the point where I WANT to WORK OUT my stress. I'm almost there. I've have been trying to recover from a concussion all week so it has set me back on my workouts a little.
  • sunny180
    sunny180 Posts: 9 Member
    What would you like to accomplish in February?
    To limit my Starbucks treat to once a week- decreasing the amount of syrup added.

    Do you have any certain milestones you want to hit?
    To complete the February challenge at the end of the month, not after.

    Do you have a certain weight you would like to get to or under by March 1st?
    To either lose four pounds or lose inches from my last measurement.

    What about any fitness goals?
    I want to do Body Pump/weight work out twice a week, Zumba or cardio once a week.
  • kmouse2
    kmouse2 Posts: 93 Member
    try to loose 4 pounds this month. Keep eating healthy meals and try to increase my exercise time to 10-11 minutes daily. Also want to increase my water intake - I really struggle to get in 2 glasses/day - really trying to get it up to 4 glasses/day.
  • jeninthed
    jeninthed Posts: 20 Member
    Honestly I am shooting for 3 pounds. Small but it has been near impossible to lose weight for me! I can do this!