Kamalevantis' SwimFit Challenge

Hi Everyone,

I have started this group so that anyone who is taking part in the SwimFit challenges at their local pool can have somewhere to compare notes, chat about their progress and lay down their challenges for all to see....

My personal challenge I have set myself is:

Category: Health

Challenge: Swim (the equivalent) of the River Avon in Bristol

Distance: 75 miles

Start Date: Monday 10th February 2014

Distance so far: 500 metres

Time taken: 25 minutes


  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I go to swimfit in my local pool but didn't know they do challenges as well. We"just" do structured training drills. For me its fab. I could swim breast stroke but they have taught me front Crawl as well. Looking forward to doing a challenge or two :-) I'll have a look on the website and join in. Thanks for getting this going.
  • ElBence
    ElBence Posts: 291 Member
    Got any room for non-obnoxious Americans in this group? I'm in the swimming group, but the lack of challenges that get thrown down there is disappointing. I've been in a bit of a rut lately when it comes to my swimming, and the short term goals here might be just what I need to get out.
  • I miss swimming.. Its winter here. But can someone help me with the calorie burnout..? I be in swimming pool for an hour swimming for 20 mins then just playing around in the pool for 40 mins.
  • MrsPixelbark
    MrsPixelbark Posts: 175 Member
    I go to swimfit in my local pool but didn't know they do challenges as well. We"just" do structured training drills. For me its fab. I could swim breast stroke but they have taught me front Crawl as well. Looking forward to doing a challenge or two :-) I'll have a look on the website and join in. Thanks for getting this going.

    I started swimming about a month ago here 'properly', and we have the swimfit workouts pinned onto the wall when you come into the pool. (There are sessions, but they're not exactly wonderful for fitting into my schedule.) I picked up workout one this week and intend to slowly work my way through them! I normally go to the pool 2-3 times a week for an hour at a time, so the plan is to try and do one of these workouts at least once a week.

    Congrats on being able to do front crawl by the way! I'm much like you, I can quite happily swim breaststroke, but when I attempt front crawl I look like I'm drowning to quote my other half. I just can't get my arms to work in motion properly.
  • Does anyone else get super hungry after a swim? I heard the cold water stimulates appetitie. Maybe a protein bar afterwards would be a good idea. Just want to keep within my cal goal.
  • Hi Guys,

    Wow this is great, thank you for showing an interest.....

    Anyone from any country can join in the fun, just go to


    There's all the information on how to set up an account and there are all different challenges you can do in any water, whether you're a pool swimmer or open water swimmer; there are the SwimFit cards in some (UK) swimming baths, but on the website (that anyone can log onto) there are gym-like workout schedules and then there's the challenges (like the River Avon swim that I'm doing)....

    Good luck to you all and thanks once again for showing an interest in this challenge.

    xXx aka xXx
  • cadine1982
    cadine1982 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi All,

    I managed to complete an Isles of Sicily challenge that was running on SWIMTAG last week (through my local leisure centre). I went to the pool 3 days and swam 4.6km in 226 mins - yes, very slowly but I got there in the end - haha

    I have now signed up to swim Lake Windermere in one month (12th Feb-12th Mar), which is 16.89km. I can only swim 3 days per week as that's when my son is in nursery. I swam 1.69km today in exactly 1 hour (didn't plan that :-)

    my swims are tracked by an electronic wristband which saves me having to count laps, it maps your swim giving data like strokes per minute, stroke type (breaststroke/freestyle etc) and even calorie burn :bigsmile: I started using it in January and find it absolutely awesome!

    I will keep the group updated with my Lake Windermere challenge but you can also track my progress on the following link:


    swimming rocks! :drinker:
  • cadine1982
    cadine1982 Posts: 51 Member
    Does anyone else get super hungry after a swim? I heard the cold water stimulates appetitie. Maybe a protein bar afterwards would be a good idea. Just want to keep within my cal goal.

    I'm actually the complete opposite! I'm generally less hungry on the days I swim - the day after though, I could eat a horse! lol
    I have found nuts (peanuts, almonds, cashews, any nut really) satisfies my hunger
    just thought I should mention as well that the pool I swim in is lovely and warm - don't know if that makes a difference?
  • ElBence
    ElBence Posts: 291 Member
    Does anyone else get super hungry after a swim? I heard the cold water stimulates appetitie. Maybe a protein bar afterwards would be a good idea. Just want to keep within my cal goal.

    Always. I usually find myself thinking about what I'm going to eat after I'm done whilst in the middle of my swim. I find that if I get a proper cool down and stretch time immediately after my workout, have a protein shake on hand, and hydrate well, the hunger usually goes away. Anecdotally, I was perusing a swim forum on reddit one time, and came across a thread about swimming while under the influence of marijuana. Although I've never used drugs of any kind, I'm aware of the relationship between cannabis and the munchies. I can't imagine how much I would eat after knocking out 5k in the pool while high.
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    We don't have a swim fit at the gym but I love swimming laps. It's hard to motivate myself to get to the gym but once I do, I love it. I got a Garmin swim watch for my Christmas present and love being able to easily count my laps.
    I need some motivation right now to get off my butt and drive to the gym. The pool is a little chilly which makes it less enjoyable.
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    You swim 5k? As in three miles? Whoa!
  • ElBence
    ElBence Posts: 291 Member
    You swim 5k? As in three miles? Whoa!

    Every time I swim. The first mile is straight through doing freestyle/front crawl. The second two miles are broken into sets. It usually takes me between 95-110 minutes depending on how I vary the sets and how I feel on any given day. Today was my personal best. One of my MFP friends does 7-10k/day. He's training to swim The Channel.