Did You Push Play?

TurboJenn Posts: 64 Member

I did Fire30 man do I love this program! Chalene is seriously so motivating

Hope you all are having an awesome day!:drinker:


  • PinkGemini612
    PinkGemini612 Posts: 63 Member
    Didn't workout at all this weekend. But I usually don't. Pushing play tonight though, not sure what workout though!
  • TurboJenn
    TurboJenn Posts: 64 Member
    HIIT15 today wooooo still outta breath!
  • PinkGemini612
    PinkGemini612 Posts: 63 Member
    Fire45 & Stretch10! 501 calories burned tonight!
  • sugaree1202
    sugaree1202 Posts: 184 Member
    It was a rest day for me and took all my energy not to put on my workout gear and sweat it up with Chalene. I'm soooo looking forward to my workout tomorrow! I'm 2 weeks into my second round of my TF/ChaLean Extreme hybrid I put together last spring.

    If anyone is looking for extra motivation and support, I have a 30 day fitness challenge starting Sunday and still have a few spaces left. It's a great way to stay motivated and connect with other women committed to reaching their fitness goals! Get in touch with me if you're interested.

    I'm always looking for new TF buddies so anyone is welcome to add me :)

    You are not tired!!!
  • PinkGemini612
    PinkGemini612 Posts: 63 Member
    What is the 30 Day Challenge?
  • sugaree1202
    sugaree1202 Posts: 184 Member
    What is the 30 Day Challenge?

    The challenge is to workout (any fitness program or routine), eat healthy and post your progress in the private facebook group we use for the chachallenge. It's another avenue of support and motivation and great way to connect with other women doing similar workouts on a more personal level. I sent you a message withthe rest of the details - I hope you're interested!
  • BBGonzalezBB
    BBGonzalezBB Posts: 5 Member
    Pushed Play last night and Boy I was so happy I did. the Stretch 10 at the end really released a lot of stress. I'm still finding myself stumbling along at times but I keep moving and sweating.

    I guess I'm really not Tired! lol
  • mrs9wilson
    mrs9wilson Posts: 8 Member
    Did Fire 30 today :)