
I initially starting doing this on my own but I feel that it would be much more fun if I did this with others.

If you're here then hopefully you'll be joining me in making slow but sure changes. I've always tried to lose weight but have had problems maintaining my weight so in a bid to lose weight, keep it off and generally be a more healthier person overall, I've decided to create this challenge.

This is not about quick weight loss but forming habits to keep for the rest of our lives.

The challenges I set won't be huge, (I don't think) but small steps, baby steps to make the overall change easier. I plan to set a new challenges every week until the end of the year.

Sooo, if you'd like to pop your weight here (if you don't mind) and at the end of the year, maybe on New Year's we can all see if the changes I'm to propose made any difference.

I'll be honest I've completed two of the challenges I've made:
- Drink a pint of water every morning when I first get up
- Walk back home from work 3 days a week (this is 2 miles)

My challenge for this week and the first one I propose here is: Log your food here on Myfitness pal every day this week. It does't matter what you're eating, just that you log on and be honest about what you're eating. The aim of this is to analyse your own food behaviour, are there any triggers? Do you eat more snacks than you eat meals? Are you an emotional eater?


P.S. I'm 136lbs, at the moment ;) and I'm a tiny 5ft!


  • kheagy
    kheagy Posts: 5 Member
    Great challenge. I tried doing just that last week and did great until the weekend hit. Maybe with a little support I'll do better this week??
    This I already know:
    I am a big snacker
    I'm an emotional eater - stress is the trigger

    I weighed this morning and wasn't happy with the results 181# and I'm 68 inches.
  • The weekend is always the hardest, I think it's the lack of structure that does it. Hopefully together we can get there! :)
  • sandra041110
    sandra041110 Posts: 8 Member
    This is a great group. 5 weeks ago I made the decision to get into shape once and for all. My weight has fluctuated so much over the last 4 years since having children. I've tried dieting but never kept it up more than a few weeks. My biggest problem is being an emotional eater. Also, being addicted to chocolate doesn't help...
    So I realised, the best way to do this is to change the way I eat. I have been gradually changing different aspects of my diet so I think this is a great group to help keep me motivated.
    I started the year at 154lbs. I am now at 141. My goal is to get back to my "pre-children" weight of 121lbs, and ultimately to make some healthy changes to my diet, which I can carry on even after the weight its gone :)
  • zay31
    zay31 Posts: 28 Member
    I think this challenge is a great idea as for the group. I'm definitely an emotional eater...tend to eat a lot when i'm stress and lately stress is what consumes me(crazy work schedule, two kids and school). over the past 3years i've gained 90pounds and my goal is to lose 124 pounds this year. I know that seems a little far fetched but that's my goal and my plan is to lose it naturally and in a healthy manner. My weight as of yesterday was 337.2. I'm pretty tall at 5'9 so I look big but not abnormal lol. I'm ready to get started. so far this week i've logged and entered my food. Yesterday I did really bad , was over my goal by 1366 calories. My plan today is to do a lot better.
    Look forward to being a part of this group!
    Lets get started :)