Hello wonderful ladies,

my name is Angela and I'm trying this weight loss thing one more time. I started about five months ago and I stopped. I just gave up, my motivation at the time seem to have no purpose, and I let a lot of things abuse me physically and emotionally so I found myself resulting to food for comfort. But I'm done feeling down and crying all the time. It's time for a major change better than before but I really need the help of motivation to keep me going!! :)



  • Jan2560
    Hi Angela, sounds like we are in the same boat, I started months ago and stopped as well. I just came back and need to lose 72lbs, so I need some help and motivation as well. I have no desire to give up this time around!!!!
  • 40andFindingFitness
    I've learned that patience is key. It likely to some time to gain the wait and it'll take lots of time and patience to lose it. Never give up, consistency is definitely worth it in the long run. I find that photos and measurements aren't as depressing as numbers on the scale so try to mix things up and again... never give up! You CAN do this.
  • nacebarre
    Love reading these stories and looking at this support group. Please feel free to add me and my diary is open. I' need back on this journey.
  • quansc
    quansc Posts: 80 Member
    Hi Angela. I have been here before as well. I can tell you, it works. I can't explained why I gave up. I am determined not to give up this time. Stick with it and rely on others who are going through the same journey.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hi Angela,

    Sorry things did not work out for you previously, maybe it just was not your time.

    That happens, if you feel you are ready now, don't look at it as trying again but that this is your time.

    Without any details as to what type of support you are looking for, I do not know if that is something I can offer.

    A little about myself, I started at 244 pounds, started slow, making changes in my eating and getting active. Fast-forward to today, I have lost 73 pounds but still have about 20 to go. I log every day, work out at least 6 days a week, I have a fitbit that I try and walk at least 5 miles a day and I have recently started strength training, right now on my own but in March I will be working with a training for a few weeks. I eat in real life, meaning I do not deny myself much while trying to make the best decision on what and why I am eating, I enjoy chocolate, ice cream and fried foods - all in moderation! I will not say that is has been easy but it has been well worth it.

    I am not sure what your goals are but I would love to add you a friend if you like!
  • fat2phat2fit
    fat2phat2fit Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Angela, the fact that you are back is a new beginning. Just take this as a day by day journey. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people. Don't beat yourself up if you fall short of 'perfection'. Instead strive for consistency, and make attainable goals. I was featured on the BWLW blog.
    Check out my story :
    I'm also on Instagram as: fat2phat2fit

    Weight loss, eating healthy, exercising is an everyday struggle for many of us. I'm finding that logging my food is the key. You aren't in this alone!
  • cookiekrunch
    cookiekrunch Posts: 65 Member
    It looks like we are in the same boat. I am also looking for additional motivation. I have lost a total of 60 lbs so far (with and without MFP) but seem to be on a plateau. It is becoming difficult in continuing on this weight loss journey without seeing progress. Please add me. cookiekrunch is my id
  • latiajohnson
    latiajohnson Posts: 1 Member
    I was just feeling like eating everything in sight. I deft over ate at lunch time and almost too it to another level what I calll "black out eating" but I came accross this. Thanking agod for u ladies xoxoxo remembering I'm not in this alone.
  • OhFitness
    OhFitness Posts: 31 Member
    @cookiekrunch Plateaus are totally normal...happen to everyone. Getting out of it can be a little tricky, but if your follow the formula/technique, you should be fine. Have you tweaked your nutrition or exercise after you hit the plateau. Note: you don't do both at the same time.

    You can do it!,

    Oh Fitness LLC
  • addokai
    addokai Posts: 68 Member
    Feel free to add me