Saturday weigh in 15 Feb

elw90 Posts: 41 Member
Hi everyone :)

SW: 10st 10lbs BF 28.5%
W @ week 1: 10st 7lbs BF 26.4% (Boots Machine)
CW @week 2: 10st 2lbs BF 23.7% (Same Boots Machine!)

These results seem almost too good to be true, I'm worried there is something wrong with the machine, although it is the same machine I have weighed on every week......

IT just seems unbelievable that I have lost this much fat in 2 weeks and that the lbs I am losing are not just water weight.....


  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    If it's one of those machines where you hold on to two metal pieces and it uses electrical current, they're not extremely accurate. It can vary quite a bit even if you do it a couple times in a row! It still gives you a ballpark estimate though, so I'd say you're still doing good!! 5 lbs in a week is a huge loss!! Especially at such a low weight already.

    My stats:
    02/01 - 130.8
    02/08 - 128.8
    02/14 - 128.4

    Guess I've kinda stalled a bit. :-\ I don't usually officially weigh-in til Sunday though, so maybe it'll change. Probably not, though.

    EDIT: Great work everyone! Turns out I did go down this morning, so I'm actually 127.8. Wish we could edit our posts in this group. :-\
  • realalize
    realalize Posts: 67 Member
    Oh, hi. Here are my stats as well. I usually weigh in a few times a week to get an average. Think I need a new scale as the number's been all over the place, but am penniless and unemployed, so will have to hold off or just settle for something cheap.
    SW: Since last September around 160-163
    02/02 - 165.57
    02/08 - 167.77
    02/15 - 163.36
    Exercise this week was awful cos I've been ill. Here's hoping I see the 150's soon. Good luck all!
  • sarahlmm
    sarahlmm Posts: 5 Member
    Ok so last week I was 9st 6 and this week I'm 9st 2, which would be a 4 pound loss. I think some of it may be a change in scales though because there's no way I've lost that in a week! I suspect next week will be a much smaller difference
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    Starting weight: 163 lbs
    (5 weeks in) Last week: 148.6 lbs
    This week: 147.2lbs

    Coming off really well. I think I'll be able to reach my goal of 140lbs. By my 21st birthday in march!
  • erikaevans93
    Hello everyone! Sorry for being a little late.

    Starting weight: 166
    Last week:160
    This week:160

    I did extremely bad this weekend. I went to a steakhouse for Valentine's day and practically ate my weight in chocolate. Then Saturday I ate everything in sight! Also, I have not really had time to exercise these past few days. So I was not expecting to lose anything! But I'm still in this, I just need to work hard this week!
  • RamonaMoon
    RamonaMoon Posts: 321 Member
    Sorry I'm late!
    Last week: 161.7
    This week: 161.1

    Not that much of a loss but the scale is still moving in the right direction which is good with me! Can't wait to hit the 150's!!
  • piratesluver
    piratesluver Posts: 105 Member
    I'm also late, but that's because I'm ashamed:
    Last week: 144.0
    This week: 145.2

    BUT it's a 'special time' for me right now, so I'm sure that will fix itself in the next few days.
  • AlexM1129
    AlexM1129 Posts: 7 Member
    Last week: 134.8
    This week: 134.2

    Not much, but considering I went out drinking one night and ate a little too many Valentine's treats during the week I'll take it!
  • gemma1675
    gemma1675 Posts: 44 Member
    I lost 2lb this week. Happy with that, ate out one evening last week and had a less than healthy meal for valentines too.
  • Katielou112
    Katielou112 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi All,

    I need to weigh in again tomorrow, but last Thursday I was maintaining...upped my exercise though. Also think TOM is about a day away...

    Congrats on your losses! :)
  • jesslillyb6
    jesslillyb6 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone sorry I am late!
    I don't do my weigh ins until Monday morning, so I will
    get back to everyone on my progress!