Week 7 weigh in

Morning all from a much rainier Australia! We've had a heck of a battering by the weather this summer, so will definitely be glad to see the end of it soon! (Not having to hear "Miss, it's too hot to work" during period 5 every day will also not be missed!) Hope that all of our northern hemisphere people are staying nice and warm and making positive choices about their eating and exercise. We are a little over halfway to the completion of the 90 day challenge, so let's all knuckle back down and try to reach our 90 day goals! :smile:

Onto the facts, figures and (finally!!!) photos.

SW: 125.0kg
LWW: 120.5kg
CW: 120.5kg [was expecting a gain after a few not so crash hot food choices this week, a migraine and an IBS episode, so really pleased with maintenance]

Water: 6 glasses [average - damn it]
Exercise: 3 hours.

First 5 weeks photo montage:

This weeks photo:

Going to go back to a prescribed eating routine for the next few weeks, trying to get myself into that great mindset I had at the start of my journey. Goals: lose 1.5-2kg this week, go to gym/pool 5 times, up my water intake on non-school days.

Hope everyone has a great week! Looking forward to seeing losses and enthusiasm! Mwa! Love to all xx :flowerforyou:

p.s. Anyone else have some start point to mid-point photos they'd like to share?


  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    We are a little over halfway to the completion of the 90 day challenge, so let's all knuckle back down and try to reach our 90 day goals! :smile:

    It's so hard to believe! I feel like we just started.
    [was expecting a gain after a few not so crash hot food choices this week, a migraine and an IBS episode, so really pleased with maintenance]

    Keeping maintenance is great. It's definitely a learned practice, and you should just consider it experience for when you maintain your goal weight. :)
  • kikalique
    kikalique Posts: 52 Member
    coolchick, your pictures look awesome! I wish I had thought to take pictures from week to week. Your progress is definitely noticeable!

    As for my week, it's been crazy. I've been so stressed out because of a long list of school/work obligations (I'm a PhD student) that my appetite just plummeted this week. I've never had that reaction to stress before where I would have to force myself to eat, normally when I get stressed I eat everything! I also went to see a nutritionist this week, and that was really helpful to get personal advice about my calorie and protein goals. I'm on the right track so far!

    SW: 228
    CW: 214.6
    CGW: 210
    UGW: 160ish

    I'm down 2.4 lb this week. I actually met my original 90 day challenge goal to be at 215, and I'm more than halfway to my 6 month challenge to be at 200 by my wedding in June. Goals for this week include getting to the gym more (slacked off on the gym this week and only went 2x) and trying to eat more of my calories in spite of my lack of appetite. Hope everyone else had a great Week 7!
  • Spambo16
    Spambo16 Posts: 223 Member
    Halfway? Really?! It's been a quick trip!

    Much happier with this week than last - I recovered from last weekend's major splurge, and then some.

    SW: 162.5
    LWW: 157.5
    CW: 153 (new low, finally! :bigsmile: )
    CGW/UGW: 145

    My goal for this week is to better manage my eating for a couple big events coming up. I've got a celebration dinner for a colleague who's getting married, and a dinner/dance with hubby and friends. I know I'll be over goal both of those days; my goal is to keep it reasonable - limiting the alcohol and staying the hell away from the desserts!

    Coolchick - those 20 lbs gone is definitely noticeable, and yes, staying even is a moral victory, especially on rough weeks, so yay you!

    Kikalique - PhD program AND an upcoming wedding?! That's insane - no wonder you're stressed. Proud of you for making such good progress, and kudos for making the time to check in with a nutritionist!
  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    I'm down 2.4 lb this week. I actually met my original 90 day challenge goal to be at 215, and I'm more than halfway to my 6 month challenge to be at 200 by my wedding in June.

    That's great that you've already met your original goal. Congrats on making headway on your second goal as well!
  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    CW: 153 (new low, finally! :bigsmile: )

    Yay! That's awesome recovery from your splurge weekend. It also sounds like you've got a plan in place for future events that are "splurge trigger" events. Keep up the great work.
  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    SW: 203.5
    CW: 196.0
    GW: 191.5
    Loss so far: 7.5 lbs.

    Well, I made it past my "dreaded number" of 196.4. I actually woke up this morning and first weighed myself at 196.4. It's seriously like my body is obsessed with being at that EXACT weight. I was so upset. I knew that on Valentine's Day and Saturday I indulged within reason but had some salty foods that may contribute to water retention. Instead of feeling defeated, I got up and did a few things around the house before weighing myself again since I know my weight can change drastically within the first 30 minutes of being up. Lo and behold the scale read 196.

    Usually I don't really get influenced by numbers, but 196.4 was my mental block number for some reason. I had even weighed myself yesterday (which read 195.5 - pre sodium laden food lol) so I wouldn't be upset today if I weighed 196.4. I realized how stupid it is to get hung up on a number like that. I have been stuck on plateaus before for weeks at a number, but it didn't bother me much because it wasn't 196.4. Basically all this rambling is to say that it's good to have goal weights to work towards, but I shouldn't get stuck on what the scale says. Losing weight and getting fit is such a mental thing as well as a physical thing, and I forget that every now and then.

  • Onto the facts, figures and (finally!!!) photos.

    SW: 125.0kg
    LWW: 120.5kg
    CW: 120.5kg [was expecting a gain after a few not so crash hot food choices this week, a migraine and an IBS episode, so really pleased with maintenance]

    Water: 6 glasses [average - damn it]
    Exercise: 3 hours.

    Going to go back to a prescribed eating routine for the next few weeks, trying to get myself into that great mindset I had at the start of my journey. Goals: lose 1.5-2kg this week, go to gym/pool 5 times, up my water intake on non-school days.

    Hope everyone has a great week! Looking forward to seeing losses and enthusiasm! Mwa! Love to all xx :flowerforyou:

    p.s. Anyone else have some start point to mid-point photos they'd like to share?

    Thanks for posting pics and I totally see the difference I've taken before pics. Since we are 1/2way through the challenge, I will take some more today and think hard about posting them here. I'm still a little embarrassed. I'm so happy you maintained this week. You are truly an inspiration to many of us.

    SW: 228
    CW: 214.6
    CGW: 210
    UGW: 160ish

    I'm down 2.4 lb this week. I actually met my original 90 day challenge goal to be at 215, and I'm more than halfway to my 6 month challenge to be at 200 by my wedding in June. Goals for this week include getting to the gym more (slacked off on the gym this week and only went 2x) and trying to eat more of my calories in spite of my lack of appetite. Hope everyone else had a great Week 7!

    You're doing exceptionally well considering how full your plate is. Wedding in June, congrats!!! I'm sure you'll look lovely in your wedding dress!!

    Much happier with this week than last - I recovered from last weekend's major splurge, and then some.

    SW: 162.5
    LWW: 157.5
    CW: 153 (new low, finally! :bigsmile: )
    CGW/UGW: 145

    My goal for this week is to better manage my eating for a couple big events coming up. I've got a celebration dinner for a colleague who's getting married, and a dinner/dance with hubby and friends. I know I'll be over goal both of those days; my goal is to keep it reasonable - limiting the alcohol and staying the hell away from the desserts!

    Well done on your recovery and great loss.
  • SW: 203.5
    CW: 196.0
    GW: 191.5
    Loss so far: 7.5 lbs.

    Usually I don't really get influenced by numbers, but 196.4 was my mental block number for some reason. I had even weighed myself yesterday (which read 195.5 - pre sodium laden food lol) so I wouldn't be upset today if I weighed 196.4. I realized how stupid it is to get hung up on a number like that. I have been stuck on plateaus before for weeks at a number, but it didn't bother me much because it wasn't 196.4. Basically all this rambling is to say that it's good to have goal weights to work towards, but I shouldn't get stuck on what the scale says. Losing weight and getting fit is such a mental thing as well as a physical thing, and I forget that every now and then.

    I too am heavily influenced by that damn scale! It affects my mood in so many ways its ridiculous. I've decided to pull out the measuring tape for some relief. Congrats on reaching One-derland!!!!!
  • SW: 237.4
    LW: 230.2 (02/02)
    CW: 231.2 (-3.8 this week)
    CGW: 220
    -6.2 so far

    I'm still recovering from the +4.8 gain after Superbowl Sunday's binge, but am very happy with this weeks' numbers.
    I only worked out 1 day last week and that WILL change.
    Goals for this week: Get out of the 230's (-2.2 lbs), continue to drown myself in water and do my in-home circuit workout no less than 3xs this week.

    You guys rock, like seriously!!!!
  • SW: 181
    LWW: 179.5
    CW: 177.5

  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    SW: 183
    LW: 171
    CW: 169
    CGW: 160
    UGW: 145-140

    2 lb. loss this week. Yay!
  • meek277
    meek277 Posts: 16 Member
    SW 317
    LWW 301.8
    CW 302.2

    I had a gain this week. Valentine's day got me. I had a cheat day Saturday which I feel guilty about. I do better when I have my kitchen stocked. I will restock Tuesday when I am able to get to my fav store ALDI! My Feb goal is to get to 297. That will bring my loss to 20. I think I can do it! Lets have a great month everybody!!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    It was bound to happen eventually:

    SW when I joined MFP: 264
    CW: 242.5 (up 2.6)
    GW for the 90 days: 235
    FGW: 150 (*or* 160-170 if it's muscular/toned...I'll revisit this when I get a lot closer to goal...)
    BMI: 36.7 (up .1)
    BF%: 35.7% (up .1)

    How I did this week:

    First the good:
    1. Get average water intake to 4 glasses a day. AVG: 4.0 Forgot my giganto bottle a couple days but managed most days to get my four minimum. Got my full 8 once.
    3. Try to do strength training 3 days a week. (Mon/Wed/Fri-DONE)

    The Bad:
    Too many days with zero exercise. (SAT/SUN/THUR)
    Too many days over on calories (5 out of 7...two of them WAY over). I guess the silver lining is that Valentine's Day would have REALLY creamed me if that was a "no exercise" day. There were two fairly high sodium days in a row so hopefully a bit of this is just retained water and I can at the minimum get back to last week's weight for NEXT week's weighin.

    SAT 2 gl Under cals No exer
    SUN 6 gl Over cals No exer
    MON 2 gl over cals Cardio/strength
    TUE 6 gl over cals Wii active
    WED 8 gl under cals Cardio/strength
    THUR 4 gl WAY over cals (Cane’s chicken) No exer
    FRI 4 gl WAY over cals (Japanese steakhouse for Valentine’s day) cardio/strength
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    SW: 183
    LW: 171
    CW: 169
    CGW: 160
    UGW: 145-140

    2 lb. loss this week. Yay!
    Way to go, Skittles!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    SW: 181
    LWW: 179.5
    CW: 177.5

  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    SW: 237.4
    LW: 230.2 (02/02)
    CW: 231.2 (-3.8 this week)
    CGW: 220
    -6.2 so far

    I'm still recovering from the +4.8 gain after Superbowl Sunday's binge, but am very happy with this weeks' numbers.
    I only worked out 1 day last week and that WILL change.
    Goals for this week: Get out of the 230's (-2.2 lbs), continue to drown myself in water and do my in-home circuit workout no less than 3xs this week.

    You guys rock, like seriously!!!!
    Straight up AWESOME
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    SW: 149
    CW: 144
    CGW: 140
    UGW: 130

    I am up which I am not happy about, but I know where I have gone wrong, I have been slipping after work and eating some junk food.

    Well today is a start of a new week and I am ready to go.
  • JoyLaine
    JoyLaine Posts: 110 Member
    I'm only down 1 pound but I am so excited by it :happy: I didn't feel like I was making any real progress until seeing 210 on the scale. I've been unable to get over that hurdle for what feels like forever in trying. In the past I would have given up after the first few weeks of trying and gone back to my old habits but you guys have all really kept me motivated ~ thanks!
  • jls43
    jls43 Posts: 49 Member
    SW 152.2
    CG 145
    UG 135
    TOTAL LOST -3.8
  • RosieRaz
    RosieRaz Posts: 282 Member
    SW: 207.7
    LWW: 203.3
    CW: 200.0 (+3.3 lbs, -7.7 lbs total)
    GW: 190 (at end of 90 days)
    UGW: 150

    *disclaimer - I binged Sun & Mon on some munchies so I am back at 204 this morning. I'm hoping it will come off with some water and a little effort. Hope to see a big dip next week!