What are everyone's weight lose plans?



  • AutumnFrostfall
    AutumnFrostfall Posts: 25 Member
    Weight loss plans, well goal is to lost 29 more pounds then reassess things.

    How? Continue to log my food because when I don't I get into trouble. This part is where I'm struggling. Since I have PCOS, Insulin Resistance & a Gluten Sensitivity, what I eat is as important as how much. (The gluten thing we only just found out about but it explains a lot) So I have some adjusting to do. *grimace* I've also discovered that in looking back, I haven't been as good as I thought I was about "eating clean". So more adjustments are in store before I can start losing again. (I'm having trouble getting my sugar cravings back under control, but I will again. Eventually.)

    The current plan is to do Zumba at least 3 times a week with the treadmill & yoga thrown in. Once it warms up enough that I can walk outside, that will get mixed in with the treadmill. (I enjoy walking & seeing the sun rise but not when it's cold.) XBox One has XBox Fitness so I've been doing some of their workouts. I started working out 3 days a week & have a goal of moving that to 4 days a week eventually. Once I reach 140 or so I'll re-introduce weights to my workout routine. For me, Zumba is the core of my workout plan just because it works so many parts of my body & burns so many calories. I plan to do the Glass Slipper Challenge & Coast to Coast events for Run Disney so the treadmill & walking outside are important to that goal. Building endurance / distance & then shaving down my time so I can do a mile in under 16 minutes. I have a long term goal to do the Goofy & Dopey Challenges as well but that's down the road.

    So I have some adjusting to do. :)
  • Mishka0321
    I generally eat healthy, so I'm working on portion control, drinking 8oz water a day and improving my fitness level. I want to lose about 30lbs, but I'm in no rush. The last time I lost weight fast going low carb and very low calorie, I wasn't able to maintain, and I ended up gaining it all back and then some.:/ I'm also thinking about joining a weight watchers support group.
  • tapdance66
    I'm late to this topic but am still going to post. I joined the group for a while, but have pretty much just been watching things. You can see my (very, very long) introduction in the DA post for an understanding of my thoughts on the MFP community - not bad, just some thoughts.

    My goal at this time is to learn more about being gluten free since it's new to me and to get my body back under control. I have about 10 -15 pounds I'd like to lose, but I'm happy feeling healthy again after a medical setback over the past few years (also in my intro, so I won't repeat here).

    Is anyone else GF? It's new to me and I will not lie - it's hard for me. Beyond eggs, boxed rice mac & cheese, and frozen prepared entrees, I haven't really cooked anything yet. It seems expensive (especially all those special flours) and everytime I pick something up, it seems to have gluten in it!
    And forget about eating out. DH & I tried a Chinese buffet one night but everything there terrified me and I ended up eating iceberg lettuce with no dressing. Ugh. Funny thing is that I'm not at all worried about our trips to Disney b/c I have heard that eating GF there is a treat since they are so willing to help you. That's awesome!!
    So, I appreciate any insight anyone can offer and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • AndyRogan
    AndyRogan Posts: 195 Member
    I want to lose another 50lb this year, but not sure how likely that is with a WDW visit in May.

    My first challenge is walking 50miles in January.
    Also to add weights to my routine.

    Just a quick update, I smashed my 50 mile goal, walking 75 miles.
    In Feb I walked 90miles
    So far this month, I'm at 60 miles :D
    I will be setting a target for April at 100miles
  • iwannabinnarnia
    iwannabinnarnia Posts: 179 Member
    My weight loss plans are: logging calories and hitting the gym. I want to lose about 10 more pounds.. and they are being very stubborn.