I need support

I'm feeling discouraged. I have a problem with emotional eating. I've always used food to make myself feel better. That's what got me into this situation.

Today is one of those days. I feel bad because I'm not loosing weight and I want to make myself feel better. Yesterday I bought some new activewear for my workouts but it isn't helping me today.

My tummy is full but all I can think about is eating..... :brokenheart:


  • amillerusmc
    amillerusmc Posts: 19 Member
    You have got this! I am an emotional eater as well. Any time I want to gorge, I actually do a double slim fast chug and chow down on some hummus and veggies. One time was so bad... I wanted - like - 3 bars of chocolate... so I took some slimfast and put barely some milk in there and stirred it into a pudding and put it in the freezer... hehehehe Actually not bad at all! LOL It's not the pitfalls and the failures that make us or break us, it's whether or not we get back up and continue on. I'm right with you, girl.
  • runner115
    runner115 Posts: 321 Member
    Hang in there, Cassandra! Tomorrow is a new day!

    I'm interested in joining this group but I don't own a scale right now...can I join even if I don't weigh in?'

    My objective is to keep a daily food journal - record everything that is consumed...I'm trying to eat primarily things that are low calorie and low glycemic.

    Anyone interested in keeping a food diary and checking in here for accountability?
  • CassandraEldridge
    CassandraEldridge Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks for the support but I ended up breaking. it was super bad but today will be better. :ohwell:
  • CassandraEldridge
    CassandraEldridge Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks for the support but I ended up breaking. it was super bad but today will be better. :ohwell:

    I ate over 3000 calories yesterday. I binged because once I was over I said to myself I'm already over I might as well eat this, and then I kept going back into kitchen saying the same thing. Knowing it was the fact I was over already that triggered my binge I decided to re-calculate my calories to 1lb per week instead and maybe the extra couple hundred calories will be the difference between feeling satisfied and binging because I already went over.
  • newday1981
    newday1981 Posts: 41 Member
    Cassandra, I know the feeling of being over calorie intake and then thinking ,well I am already over limit so why not go further? This happens sometimes by lunchtime. What can we do to not overdue it and still be satisfied? We should keep low calorie snacks nearby and STOP to think about the long term. Knowing that showing some self control is satisfying, something to be proud of. If emotions are running high due to stress, instead of eating high calorie foods, let's try to work out our frustration by exercising. I know it is easier said then done cause I am guilty of emotional eating alongside eating when bored. Even if the swaps for eating vs exercise are not always made we have to be proud of the times we do make good choices when it comes to food. Rewarding ourselves with things other than food. Like pedicures, New clothes whatever makes you smile.
    Remember to stay focused on the long-term and not allow the short-term missteps to discourage you. One bad day of calorie intake is not the end of the road. It creates room for improvement.
  • runner115
    runner115 Posts: 321 Member
    don't be too hard on yourself, Cassandra!

    At least you are being aware and conscientious about your intake...

    On my bad days I usually stop counting when I get over my reasonable limit...just try and do better tomorrow!

    I dined on pizza (one of my trigger foods) and dark chocolate last night...too large portions of both

    but I'm hitting the gym this morning and have packed healthy meals to get me through the day.

    Just take it one day at a time and do your best!