New Female Member Here! Helloooo everyone!

sissylau Posts: 3 Member
Been an active user and lurking around myfitnesspal for long. Real happy to find this local group today so just drop by to say hi and dont be stranger, add me to friend and let's exchange notes, tips, recipes.

I have a full time sit-on-*kitten*-whole-day desk bound job, but my second home is the gym. A gym rat 5 times a week. I lift weight, spinning/ RPM, I run both indoor and out, HITT junkie.

I'm someone that can eat the same boring foods for weeks, months....Been through keto (CKD) diet, Rapid Fat Loss Diet (RFL) & lost 10+kg. Currently on Lyle Mcdonald's UD2 (Ultimate Diet 2.0) to further lean& bulk a lil.


  • isabellybelly
    isabellybelly Posts: 9 Member
    I've been lurking a while too and delighted to have found this group.

    Hi everyone! I have a desk job too, lost some weight over the last year and a half, and now trying to get in shape. Ran 5k for the first time this month (hoping to run a 10k in May), trainer once a week, and want to start outdoor hiking to prepare to climb Mount Kinabalu.

    I've had success with keto but find my workouts are much better with some carbs beforehand. I find keto *much* easier than having some carbs, as the cravings are difficult to manage. I'll check out the Lyle McD diet.
  • mikesing88
    Hi All,

    Similar story... been on MFP for a while and now just starting to explore. Very glad to find that there is a local group here in Singapore! As the person who created the group correctly stated, its damn hard to eat clean with so much good food around.

    I'm a desk junkie by day (Suntec area) but try and squeeze an intense training session in most lunch-times.

    Hope you are all smashing your goals on here!

  • sharad79
    sharad79 Posts: 3
    Hi Guys,

    Same here - have been on MFP but was not able to find anyone from Singapore. So good to see this group. I have just started my long run for a health and fit me. I am into Sales so travel a lot which makes it some times difficult to control calories when eating with colleagues and friends. I am now determined- I go to Fitness First to burn off my calories. Friend Request on its way...