Introducing me (new and old members!)

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There are so many new people in here and I thought it would be great to do a little introduction, some general information maybe get to know a few people better no matter how long we have been around!!

So something like this

What to call me: (name or nick name)
Birthday: (just the date if you want to share the year I like to wish happy birthdays)
Where I'm from: ( well....
Weight loss goals: (where you want to get)
My maxim: (quote inspiration)
A little more about me: (well just that)

Hope some of the new and older members will join in I know there are so many new names!


  • hollyla9905
    What to call me: Holly
    Birthday: December 22nd I am 34 (yikes)
    Where I'm from: live in frozen central canada (it's so cold right now)
    Weight loss goals: to get below 200 lbs, I'm only at 294 so I have a long road!!
    My maxim: self help comes from helping others,

    A little more about me: I have between 2-5 kids depending on the day of the week, 2 from me 2 from my husband and 1 we picked up along the way, I also have 3 cats and a mother! I work full time and need way more sleep than I get!

    Looking forward to seeing a bit about some more of you! Of course I know a few members but I wanted to share who I am with the new members too
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,706 Member
    This is a great idea, Holly!

    Call me Paula
    From the San Francisco Bay Area of California (where the fabulous weather is causing a horrible drought)
    I'm 5'9 and 61 going on 42
    SW (starting weight) 317 in March 2013
    I had weight loss surgery in June 2013
    CW 189 (just dropped into the 180's today for the first time in decades)

    I've been very happily married for many years. We currently have three feline children. [But I cotton to all animals (human and otherwise) - you should see my husband grin and tap his foot when I stop to pet dogs on our walks.] Our home is in the rural area of the Santa Cruz mountains. Deer sleep in our back yard and the vistas are spectacular. (The picture on my ticker is the view from our deck.)

    I work full time in bookkeeping, in a great job, in a great city and with a lot of amazing coworkers.

    I'm somewhat of a nerd and philosopher, and find it fulfilling to help people (love Holly's maxim). That's what I like most about this group. Everyone is so supportive :heart: and it REALLY helps. :flowerforyou:
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    Love this idea

    What to call me: Crystal
    Birthday: November 28th, I'm 33
    Where I'm from: Middle of Michigan - We are enjoying single digit temps and more snow than we've seen in a few years
    Weight loss goals: One day I'd like to be around 150
    My maxim: It's not going to be easy, it's going to be worth it and Just stick with it... what seems so hard now will one day be your warm up.
    A little more about me: I'm married to my best friend, my partner in life and love. We have a set of boy/girl twins age 20 months. He has 2 adult sons and the oldest is going to make me a grandma in May - I look forward to this! I love to play volleyball and basketball. Camping and hiking is one of my favorite past times. My husband and I love to go 'waterfalling' where we follow trails and sometimes no trail to find waterfalls in the middle of nowhere. This is something I hope I can pass along to my children.
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    It's always nice to have a refresher to remind us who is who! Plus there are lots of new folks. Thanks for starting this, Holly!

    What to call me: I typically answer to most anything - Jess, Jessica, "hey you with the face!", etc.
    Birthday: October 24th - I'm currently 25.
    Where I'm from: Eastern Washington state.
    Weight loss goals: I don't really have a goal at this point weight-wise, just to be more healthy, more active, and hopefully, as an added bonus, quite a bit smaller.
    My maxim: "Don't give up. One day, you'll look back and be glad you didn't."
    A little more about me: I'm a full time college student, I live with my wonderful boyfriend, and we have two fur babies - a cat and a dog. I'm a writer, an avid reader, and a bit of a nerd, though everyone is always surprised by that last part. I watch more T.V. than I probably should, but since I'm getting my Bachelor's in creative writing for entertainment I get to pass it off as "research". I'm hoping to be able to start a family within the next few years, and I know that I need to get down to a healthier weight in order to do so safely, which is my biggest motivation other than the fact that my best friend is getting married in New York City this Fall and I want to be able to enjoy the trip without worrying about my lack of physical endurance getting in the way.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Congratulations Paula! Dropping into a lower decade is great incentive to keep going.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Hi, my name is Chuck and I’m an alc…… oops, wrong group.

    I am 69 years old born Aug. 15, ’44 in Louisiana. I lived in Southern California for seven years and in the East Bay of the San Francisco bay area for the last 54 years, except for a few years in Uncle Sam’s Great Canoe Club.

    At my highest, I was a well rounded 332 pounds and have had my ups and downs over the years. My goal is to stay healthy and to get to 180 pounds through healthy eating and exercise.

    “The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something, because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other people.” Randy Pausch

    I’m married (2nd time) and have two girls (and two sons-in-law), one son, three grandsons and two Cocker Spaniels. I retired in 1999 after 30 years of public service and my wife in 2012 after 39 years of public service. We enjoy spending time with the family and traveling to the United States and to foreign countries to experience different cultures and explore their history.

  • emmerin78
    emmerin78 Posts: 311 Member
    “The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something, because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other people.” Randy Pausch

    Love that quote, Chuck - one of my faves and Dr. Pausch's book is on my shelf. Thanks for sharing!! :smile:
  • emmerin78
    emmerin78 Posts: 311 Member
    As usual, Holly, great idea!! :)

    What to call me: Tara, T, T-Dawg (but that was my across the hall neighbor from freshman year of college who called everyone *insert name here*-Dawg ;)

    Birthday: October 15....I'm 35 and loving it. Each year is a gift.

    Where I'm from: Born and raised outside of NYC, went to school in DC, then grad school in Rochester, NY. Since then I've lived in Washington, Alaska, California, and now we're in Delaware.

    Weight loss goals: I'm not proud, I'll take what I can get! That being said, 379 was my highest weight, I had VSG on 7/15/2013, and I'd like to get down to the 160 range, if possible (given that my lowest weight in high school was 180, that would be a huge accomplishment).

    My maxim: Persistence, not perfection.

    A little more about me: I'm a teacher of the deaf by day and a sign language interpreter at night and on the weekends. No kiddos of my own yet, but I have 32 honorary ones that I get to work with everyday (I'm so lucky to work in early intervention). I live with my best friend and soon-to-be husband, Mike, who is an incredible artist and the most wonderful man I've ever met. We're getting married on June 29th and cruising to Bermuda with our family and friends. I love to snorkel and can't wait to take pictures of the fishies.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,706 Member
    I live with my best friend and soon-to-be husband, Mike, who is an incredible artist and the most wonderful man I've ever met.
    Oh oh oh, congratulations, Tara!!!!
  • emmerin78
    emmerin78 Posts: 311 Member
    I live with my best friend and soon-to-be husband, Mike, who is an incredible artist and the most wonderful man I've ever met.
    Oh oh oh, congratulations, Tara!!!!

    Thanks, Paula! It was a long time coming, but I feel very fortunate to have found a fellow traveler to journey with in this crazy life ;)
  • lauralouwho84
    What to call me: Laura
    Birthday: June 7th and this year I will be 30
    Where I'm from: Wisconsin (close to Green Bay)
    Weight loss goals: I gained 20 lbs in the last 2 months. I weight 321.6 and I would like to get down to 155 or 160.
    My maxim: When one door of happiness closes another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
    A little more about me: I live in Wisconsin and I used to love to be active and go on hikes and bike and swim. My weight has been preventing me from do this and I miss it. I am missing out on my life and I want to regain control and be able to keep up with all those around me. I am the proud aunt of 2 nieces. I have one sister who is older than me and my mom. My dad died when I was 16. Life is looking so positive in other areas, I want it to reflect in my health too!
  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member
    Well, hello :)

    What to call me: Ignaura or Iggy or Ig

    Birthday: October 21st, and I'm 31

    Where I'm from: The center of the Caribbean, Dominican Republic.

    Weight loss goals: Hmmmm... I don't have an actual goal. I currently want to get to 200lb (I'm 220 now) and see what will come after that.

    My maxim: "If you don't know what you want, you will end up with a lot you don't" - The Fight Club

    A little more about me: Well... English is my second language (that's why I'm always apologizing for it). I live with my boyfriend, we've been together for almost 8 years and have lived together for a year now. I went to Law School but changed my mind after graduating so I've been working in Communications ever since. I currently work on Social Media Marketing and Communications.
    I'm an avid reader. Some of my favorite authors are Julio Cortazar, José Saramago and Gabriel García Marquez; and my favorite books are The Double by Saramago, La Voz Dormida (The Sleeping Voice) by Dulce Chacón and 100 Years of Solitude, by Gabo García Marquez. I love lifting weights and running, and want to try boxing and yoga.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    What to call me: Pixy or Nixy(it is a play on my nickname)
    Birthday: February 13th
    Where I'm from: Edmonton, Alberta... Canada (for my american friends)
    Weight loss goals: My highest was 310. 160 is my goal and 135 is my pipedream. lol!
    My maxim: It's that song.. just the chorus, "Never gonna break my stride, never gonna slow me down, oh no. I got to keep on moving."
    A little more about me: I'm married with 3 young kids. MY family is everything to me. I also work as a cook and I :heart: my job. I've always been heavy but also very active and strong. Last couple of years my husband has gotten sick and with the stress of everything, I was starting to get run down and hurting myself. Between the pain and my weight, I was losing my freedom. So I needed to change. I started to take weight management classes and that led me to mfp. I've been slowly chugging along ever since. :happy:
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member

    Please don’t apologize for your English. I’m sure you speak better English than most people that have English as their first language can speak Spanish.
  • Nannabug
    Nannabug Posts: 13 Member
    What to call me: Nanna
    Birthday: July 3rd (I will be 29 this year)
    Where I'm from: Arkansas
    Weight loss goals: I would love to be in the 150's.
    My maxim: Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.
    A little more about me: I've been overweight since I was a pre-teen. My weight skyrocketed during college. It continued to climb after college. I have tried multiple times to lose weight. I tend to sabotage myself pretty easily. I am working on my issues with food and a food and exercise lifestyle change.
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    What a great thread...loving it!
    Congrats to Paula on hitting the 180s. You rock!
    Congrats to Tara on your upcoming wedding.
    And Hi!'s nice to meet you all and to have a chance to get to know more about you. :)

    My name is LeAnna, and that is what most people call me. Some family and friends call me Sis, Sister or LeeLee, which I actually think is kind of cool.

    My birthday is April 17th and I will be 52 on my next birthday.
    I was born in Tennessee, but raised all over the place. My parents tended to be travelers. I guess I must have gotten it honest, as I am also a traveler.
    I share my life with The Mister, aka, Mark, who is one of the smartest people I know. We sold all our home stuff and took off in our RV in 2004 to see America. Currently, we are in Arizona, but who knows what's next?
    My weight loss goal is 150, but I figure if I live right, I'll get to where I'm supposed to be. Mostly I'm just trying to learn how to live with food.
    My maxim is: Don't apply a temporary solution to a permanent problem. I have an eating problem...dieting is not going to fix it. So, I'm learning to live "with food" instead of "for food".
  • Carysta
    Carysta Posts: 152 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm sorry I vanished, I fell off the healthy wagon but am pulling myself back on ;) I hope you've all been having some great successes, can't wait to read all about them!
  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member
    Leanna, living on the road must be awesome!!! I love road trips! The boyfriend and I decided to go out and get to know our country this year... I think it's embarrassing saying I've been to Germany but still don't know places that are just 4 hours from home.

    And thank you, CRody44! My dad always says "If you speak some english you are one step ahead of those english speaking people who don't speak spanish"
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm sorry I vanished, I fell off the healthy wagon but am pulling myself back on ;) I hope you've all been having some great successes, can't wait to read all about them!

    Welcome back, Carysta!! I'm glad to see you jumping back on the wagon with us :-)
  • MichelleLee1978
    MichelleLee1978 Posts: 55 Member
    What to call me: Michelle
    Birthday: February 7th, just turned 36.
    Where I'm from: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    Weight loss goals: 150 and see what happens from there
    My maxim: "You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice."
    A little more about me: Married, technical writer, mommy of a 2 year old little angel. I started my battle at roughly 340lbs in June 2010 and am excited to be back and getting the ball rolling again. I need to be there to walk my daughter down the aisle and if I'm lucky, her daughter as well.