5ft 11in newbie seeking other newbies for the journey

Ive been on MFP for a year now but last year I seemed to give up just on my own.

I've decided to really go for it now and rejoined last week and so far so good.

I would like to refocus my addiction to food to my addiction to a support group so if there are any newbies or indeed anyone willing to give and receive support please send friend request.

I am 45 yrs old based in the UK

Start weight 202 lbs (14st 6lbs)
Current weight 201 lbs ( 14st albs)
Goal weight 154 lbs ( 11st)

I took some before pics yesterday......jesus!!! I did not recognise myself.
How come it took a picture of me squeezed into an ill fitting gym top and leggings to really see that person in the mirror?

If like me you are fed up of people saying...."you carry it well" or " you can get away with it because you're tall" then come along with me on this journey.


  • artfulpodger
    artfulpodger Posts: 12 Member
    P.S. Im 5ft 11in tall
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Welcome! I cannot stand the "you wear it well" comment!
  • dirextor
    dirextor Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome. I am in the US. My food is my weakness. My biggest problem is what I eat and when. The bulk of the day I usually go without eating at night I turn into the food monster. All the crap is now gone. Food shopping on Sunday from a clean eating list so no junk allowed.
  • Lpaduano17
    Lpaduano17 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm 5'11" as well and I am sick of everyone saying "you wear it well." I think I just used that as an excuse for quite some time. I'm always looking for new friends so feel free to add me and we can support each other through this journey!
  • TemeraldMarie
    TemeraldMarie Posts: 69 Member
    Hi! I'm 5 11. I started at 211. Npw down to 177. I'm looking to get into the 150 region myself. i have an open food diary. i prefer friends with open journals but will accept some without. especially if we have the same heigt weight stats.

    Ps hate the 'you carry it well comment' grrr :p
  • hellomanen
    hellomanen Posts: 96 Member
    I'm 5ft 10 1/2" coming all the way down to Peru :) started at 240ish down to 220!
    I've been a memeber of MFP for I don't remember how long but this year I want nothing but my health back, after spending most of last year yawning I want to make a change.
    I HAE that comment, but what I hate the most about it is that I believed it
    feel free to add me (if I haven't already) and lets do this together! :D
  • bridgeydidge8
    bridgeydidge8 Posts: 24 Member
    Oh yes i am definitely in!

    I have started and stopped too many times! I think those "compliments" that i get about being taller (i'm 5ft10) so its not as noticeable to carry wait have helped fuel my laziness.
    I am committed to getting down to a fit and healthy weight, to look and feel great!
    I'm currently 87kg (190 pounds) and want to get down to 70kg (155 pounds)

    I definitely need some support to stop from emotional eating :)

    Add me as a friend
  • Healthy_Hunnie
    Healthy_Hunnie Posts: 60 Member
    Hello! I am 6'0 and currently 174. I started around 200-205 and have been working on getting back to healthy shape for about a year now. I really didnt make much headway until this past sept though. I look forward to meeting more ladies with the same similarities as me!
  • JPZ98
    JPZ98 Posts: 70 Member
    I am not a newbie, but I have recently found the focus that I lost of a while. I am 6ft tall. My starting weight was 258 lbs when I started MFP. I had already lost about 25lbs before starting here. I got all the way down to 195 and then due to some issues/excuses, I let myself but some back on. I am current at 215 lbs and working hard. I don't want to "carry it well" any longer....i want it gone. I am currently looking for friends to support me as I get rid of the remaining 35 lbs to my current goal. I would love to support you during your journey if you will let me.
  • loriwarnerpaulsen
    loriwarnerpaulsen Posts: 17 Member
    I am a newbie...45 in the US...just over 6'3" and started at 325 on Feb. 3. As of Feb. 17 I was at 323. I got down to my goal weight 10 years ago...had a kiddo 8 years ago and just got into horrible habits. I have a long long way to go but I am seriously committed.

    I would love to support another 40 something in this journey!!

    LET'S DO THIS!!!
  • bejewel1
    bejewel1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I'm fairly new myself. Had decided to get serious this past week. I am 5'11 (and 3 quarters). I weigh in at 344 :( I love food and the way it makes me feel. It's my go to when I need to feel good. I went on the Atkins diet about 10 years ago and lost 80 lbs then. I've gained it all back because I didn't learn how to be and eat healthier. I want a lifestyle change and I'm hoping I found the motivation and inspiration here on MFP. My long goal is to get to 185. My short goal is 20lbs.
  • LuvMyCapt
    LuvMyCapt Posts: 13 Member
    Hey Gals!! I am on my second week on MFP and using a FitBit. I am 6' and weigh 216.8. I would like to be in the 100's by my birthday in July. My goal is 190. I need some assistance figuring out this calorie deficit business. Any help is much appreciated.

    My weakness, the weekends. It's like a free for all. A celebration of making it through the week. I love to be social. Social eating, social drinking.....this weekend was no different. Even though I did try to track it. Last night I just wanted to eat eat EAT! I also started my period Saturday so I think that was the culprit.

    Although I feel like I am getting my portions under control I am just at my wits end of what to eat. I am trying to stay with the everything in moderation approach. I really don't want to cut anything completely out of my diet.

    Anyway, I am glad I found the rest of you Amazon Women!!! My comment I hate " How tall are you????""" and " I bet you played basketball?" YUCK!!!