Your Progress: Success or Struggles!!



  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Hannah have you tried Cacique? It is a division of Lane Bryant. They have some with a "4 going on 5" star reviews by buyers and go up to 46DDD. They are online or in the Cacique stores.
  • Polygontus
    Polygontus Posts: 218 Member
    Net Cal of -435 today~
    1110 - 1545 = -435
    Hooray for swim practice. :D
  • HannahAliHealth
    HannahAliHealth Posts: 142 Member
    Thanks ladies I've check them all! And I ordered two from two different sites! Until they shipped to me I gonna wear two bras as you suggested!

    I will let you know tonight :D
  • HannahAliHealth
    HannahAliHealth Posts: 142 Member
    SW: 179
    CW: 175
    TWL: 4

    Hi everyone, I am feeling so inspired reading all your posts - its so nice to have group support. I started my journey two weeks ago - the day after the superbowl (we Bronco fans won't talk much about that)... :( - anyway I had ordered the Usana Reset cleansing diet to start and was a little nervous because I love to eat and didn't know how I would do a week without food. To my surprise it was real easy, the three shakes a day and two snack bars in betwee,n I never felt hungry. At the end of it I had dropped 4 pounds so I felt that it was a great start to my weight loss journey, as it really made me look at food in a different light.

    My goal is to do 1-2 hours at the gym 5 times a week burning about 600 - 700 cals and then keeping myself at a 1200 calorie intake - so far this has been perfect for me! I feel like I am always eating (a lot healthier for sure) and never feeling hungry and coming under my allotment I will see what the scale registers this Saturday on my weigh in day and see if I need to adjust from there.

    I have a once in a lifetime cruise that I am going on with my family to celebrate my 20 year wedding anniversary with my husband and my oldest daughter's HS graduation, so looking forward to that and my goal is to be down 20 pounds at least by then, so thanks for this thread and I look forward to sharing this journey with you all!

    You can make it! and thanks for the beautiful words! You inspired us as well!
  • HannahAliHealth
    HannahAliHealth Posts: 142 Member

    It is difficult for me to get enough protein. I love meat but it is hard for breakfast since I don't have time to cook most mornings and lunch is even harder. I've been doing a lot of protein bars, but they tend to only have 10 grams of protein. I could use more. I'm not a huge poultry lover, so that hurts, too, since that is so diet friendly. I really love to cook, but don't just for me. So I eat out all the time. That makes it a little harder. I do better with a higher protein and carbs from veggies although I do miss bread and potatoes.

    P.S. You are all inspiring. Big losses or small, you spur me on!

    Congrats on the weight lost!
    Is it gonna help if your prepare some meals for the whole week?

    Like grill 7 serving of chicken or beef with veggies and save them frozen!

    Or use the deep electric pot I'm not sure what they called! You can cook up one time and the food stay good for three days with the proper keeping!

    Also, try buying arabic kabob that made of grilled ground beef and lamb and you can froze it for months just simply take what you want to eat and heat it! It is very yummy and good food!

    Good luck
  • bev7366
    bev7366 Posts: 10 Member
    Good morning ladies. Hope we are all well and still enjoying our weightloss journey. It is great to have so much support from all of you and for the first time i dont feel like im dieting just eating healthy. Have a great day xxx :heart:
  • HannahAliHealth
    HannahAliHealth Posts: 142 Member
    Hello thanks bev for asking! I'm doing well! ate little bit more than I should on breakfast but otherwise doing good! What about you?

    Ladies how are you?
  • HannahAliHealth
    HannahAliHealth Posts: 142 Member
    SW - 290 lbs
    CW - 289 lbs

    TWL - 1 lb SUCCESS yay!

    STRUGGLE: When I'm on my period as always I crave sweet so bad more than others normal days! I ate my normal food intake with an almost 1000 cal cake!!!

    I'm sad and not feeling well!
  • lotusthrone
    lotusthrone Posts: 87 Member
    SW: 218
    CW: 170
    Total lost = 47 lbs
    UGW: 135

    My biggest struggle is getting in vigorous exercise! I do most of my exercise through walking my dog/commuting, and I know in order to get to my goal weight and MAINTAIN I need to put in more hours.
    (Although for anyone out there that can't do vigorous exercise because of health reasons etc, I'm proof that you can lose weight through diet alone + just walking. For the past two years I've lost almost 50 lbs this way, at only 2 lbs a month, but I've stuck with it! :0)
    I'm taking this challenge as a way to push myself and start running and/or Insanity!
    I'm excited! And it sounds like everyone else here is motivated and determined too :D
  • Polygontus
    Polygontus Posts: 218 Member
    2 lbs already gone since this group started. ^_^ Yay!
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I am at my halfway point to my ultimate goal and i just feel like crap!! I lose weight really weird and it stresses me out!! I will lose like 5 pounds then will yoyo 3-5 pounds before I see another loss. I did some stress eating today and it makes me feel like crap!! Tomorrow will be better!!
  • mz_tashae_007
    mz_tashae_007 Posts: 61 Member
    SW: 234
    CW: 224
    TWL: 10
    Next goal weght: 199
    UGW: 144

    My struggle is to stay motivated when I don't see a difference or if the scale is't moving.
  • hippiechic2
    hippiechic2 Posts: 12 Member
    SW 189 yr2010 Size 14
    W 155 yr2012 Size 4
    CW 173
    GW 155

    I am looking forward to feeling healthier and better again!
  • bev7366
    bev7366 Posts: 10 Member
    hi hannah theres another day tommorrow so dnt feel sad we all have days when we havent been good but hey hold in there hun xx
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    1/11/14 - Starting Weight @ MFP - 230
    2/10/14 - Starting Weight for Challenge - 217.5
    2/14/14 - Current Weight - 213

    Total Loss for Challenge 4.5 lbs.
    Total Weight Loss since joining MFP 17 lbs. :happy:

    Success: I've lost weight and I love exercising more and more each day.
    Struggles: Right now I am extremely busy and stresses at work. I am currently so understaffed and busy that I'm having a hard time getting in lunch and I'm working six - seven days a week. I have to keep from stress eating -- oh how I feel I deserve a treat and keeping myself motivated to go to the gym. (Once I'm there, I'm fine, I'm just afraid I will start to feel too tired to go.)

    One good thing: while I exercise, it does relieve some stress!
  • Polygontus
    Polygontus Posts: 218 Member
    First struggle of mine to report.
    Valentine's Day was a bomb. Like a bomb as in I'm so dead right now. Such a great day to crush someone's heart.
    My boyfriend and I broke up, so a lot of chocolate was consumed.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    We are 9 days into the challenge. 1/10 through! I'm really pleased with my loss of 6 pounds. I know it won't keep like that, nor should it. I tend to plateau and then lose, plateau and lose. I have found that my clothes are getting bigger and actually bought an 18WP pants instead of a 20WP.

    I have a struggle with water. Because of the heart failure, I have a water restriction. Yet, I have an autoimmune syndrome called sjogrens that causes very dry mouth and eyes. Today, I was feeling sort of light-headed and realized I was just very thirsty. Yet, if I drink too much, I feel water-logged! I have to learn to sip all-day long, just little sips. Did you know that water can raise your blood pressure if it is too low? In fact, you blood pressure usually drops with exercise, so it is important to drink water after if you are feeling a little weak.

    I have made my stationary bike workout a little easier by watching shows on Hulu. I have added a few more light weight exercises. And I have started really doing some stretching before my workout. That helps with the tight calves and shin splints.

    Today, I just feel hungry! Had yogurt and a little granola for breakfast, but that doesn't seem very satisfying. I went into work for a while this a.m. to make sure everything is okay, but I'm off now. Was supposed to be a long weekend for me!

    Thanks everyone for your encouragement. We can do this!
  • mrsward2010
    mrsward2010 Posts: 61 Member
    You are inspiring!! Thanks for sharing mrsward!

    sorry just seen this!!! Thank you!!
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