trouble hitting calorie target - help!

Would appreciate any advice on hitting my calorie target. I'm at 14 weeks now and I aim to eat ~2500 each day (maintenance + extra cals - set MFP goal to gain) and I eat any and every time I am hungry but on some days I really struggle to get there. I don't really want to force myself to eat when not hungry but at the same time want to make sure I'm getting enough nutrients in me! I already regularly eat fairly nutrient dense calories (avocado, nuts, cheese etc) so anyone else struggle with this or have any suggestions? Thanks :)


  • hiba_84
    hiba_84 Posts: 177 Member
    I am 19 w 6 days and since starting the second trimester i didn't manage to consume ALL the allowed calories EVERY SINGLE DAY. some days i go over but many others i am under. I feel that as long as i am eating nutritious and diverse food and i don't deprive myself of anything (even the unhealthy stuff sometimes), then it should be ok. I am not gonna beat myself up about reaching a certain number. At the end of the day, my weight gain is steady and the last appointment i had, baby was measuring right at his age.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    MFP still keeps telling me I'll lose weight in 5 weeks! I'm 31+2! Before I was pregnant I was eating around 1500, then I gradually increased to 1800, then to 2000. A pregnancy calorie counter I did suggested 2300 for the 2nd trimester, not sure for the 3rd. I'm still exercising a few times a week.

    Some days I am really hungry and I go over the 2000, and some days I've had dinner and have had less than 1500.

    I haven't weighed myself, but I am definitely gaining weight, and my baby is the right size for the weeks I am. (My profile pic is me on Sun).
  • I would say don't stress it eat a balanced diet and just see how it goes. If your not hungry don't push it likewise don't beat yourself up on days you are starving, I have found my appetite comes and goes 35 weeks and baby is measuring fine and have gained 17lb x
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I'd focus more on the nutrients than the calorie goals - in the coming weeks, you'll probably feel like eating more.
  • vlmcwilliams
    vlmcwilliams Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I'll see how the next few weeks go and if I keep gaining weight and baby is growing I guess I must be doing something right :)
  • I've been having trouble with this too, but I just came back from the doctor and she reassured me. As long as my diet is nutrient-dense, she says it's all good.
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    Is it possible to add one more snack in to your day? Like a slice of PB toast, yogurt, etc.