hey everyone!

Hi, Im a recent bar taker (Florida) and have put on weight from stress and studying.. as you can all understand. I would love to get this group going and find motivation ways to work out and good time saving tips. I am awaiting bar results now so I have a lot of time on my hands at the moment. Thanks !


  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member

    I am a recent graduate and studying for the Feb bar. I am glad there is a group for lawyers/law students. I think we endure a stress and demand that no one really understands. I am sure once the bar is closer my working out will be less, my drinking will be more, and my eating will be a mess. I am hoping to change my outlook and continue even after I get that Esq. after my name! :)
  • TXPlayboy
    TXPlayboy Posts: 1 Member
    Is this group still going?
  • smcdaniel9506
    smcdaniel9506 Posts: 6 Member
    Greetings, all. Looks like we all really are too busy, since this thread was created over a year ago and still only has 3 posts! But I'm starting up fresh again. Oddly, the lowest weight I've had in the past 2 decades was when I was studying for the bar (back in 2003)....somehow I dropped 15 pounds then without even trying! But since that time, the stress of a law practice plus daughter has made it near to impossible for me to exercise. So my weight swings (generally UP) with my eating stress.

    Aside from the freak bar exam period, my other success at losing weight was when I tried a tracking program similar to this: a big realization to see how many calories I actually take in (and much of that is drinking calories!). Plus I always need some external motivation to exercise. So I've signed up for a 5K, and have been logging my food fairly well for the past 2 weeks.

    I'd love to hear how other practicing lawyers manage to fit exercise into their schedule!!!
  • Sad this group isnt so active, but I guess we are all pretty busy! I'm a military lawyer (Air Force JAG) and I guess the plus to being in the military is they expect us to be in shape, so we get time during the work week to work out! I also keep my work stress down by running regulalry, including long runs on the weekends. My problem is always eating - I stress eat all of the time so any workouts I get in are basically cancelled out by my stress-eating! I gained 15lbs when I started a relationship two years ago and then maintained that weight gain, despite running half marathons! Now that relationship is over, and with it the weigh needs to go, too. So here I am on MFP. If there are any other lawyers that are active on MFP, friend me!
  • Amy4President
    Amy4President Posts: 165 Member
    Hey Everybody! This is my first group ever! Been on MFP for a while and only responded to the forums, but no groups.

    I'm a 2L and just came from a 2-hour-long session on what to expect next year with bar prep (and cost), so kudos to you who survived the exams and waiting for results. Good luck while awaiting your results.

    So 2 months before starting law school, I quit my job and took some vacation time where I ran and Jazzercised a lot. Traveled to Denmark and such. While in Denmark I discovered BEER. During 1L, I found that BEER is served at every event and successfully takes the edge off caffeine. So I reached my highest weight Christmas break 1L year. 14 months later and I've lost about 15 pounds (was even more then Christmas break 2L came around and I gained more back).

    A month ago I bought a stationary bike to keep in my bedroom. I set my alarm earlier than usual, work out right out of bed, and then go about my normal busy day. I find it's harder to fit it in later in the day. I also have more energy during the day so find it easier to accomplish my work. Before I was drained by 2PM and trying to fit in a nap before my 3:30 class. It seems counter-intuitive to say, get up and work out to get work done and go to bed early, but it works.

    If anyone wants to add me as a friend, I accept all requests (except from this one guy who said in his profile he gained weight in prison and wants to lose weight so that women will have sex with him... I passed on that).
