What Are Your Fitness Plans for 2014?

I am planning on taking some major leaps in 2014 as far as my health and fitness go. Here are some of the things I plan to do, as well as a few things I hope to be able to do once my fitness improves.

1. I suspect that with proper nutrition and activity, I will be able to lose ALL the excess weight I am carrying around.

2. I'd like to complete all 8 races in the Healthy Holiday Fun Run Series this year.


3. If the 5Ks are going well, I will explore the possibility of doing a sprint triathlon.

4. I plan to get certified in open water scuba diving.

5. I plan to hike a lot more. Would like to maybe take some weekend road trips to hike some scenic trails.

6. Same as number 5, except on a bike.

7. Play a round of golf without a cart.

8. Do an unassisted pull-up.

Well, those are the ones I can think of right now. What do you have in mind for your 2014?


  • ProfessorEcks
    ProfessorEcks Posts: 6 Member
    Anyone else going to post their goals?
  • bkhall44
    bkhall44 Posts: 29 Member
    Planning on participating in one 5k a month. Also doing Ruckus Run again this year and Tough Mudder in October.
  • ProfessorEcks
    ProfessorEcks Posts: 6 Member
    Well, on December 30th I started the Couch to 5K program hoping to get into reasonable conditioning for my first 5K, scheduled for February 8th. Unfortunately, I suffered bursitis/tendonitis in my left knee, most likely from poor flexibility in my calf, quads, and hips. Had to shut everything down for a few weeks in order to recover. I am back to walking mostly pain free now, but I'm still wary of running yet. I've decided I will still do the 5K, but I'm probably going to have to walk most, if not all of it. I'm okay with that though. In the past, I would have just said "forget about it." I'm not sure why I'm sticking with it this time when quitting so often in the past, but I'm happy I am.
  • artsyparts
    artsyparts Posts: 19 Member
    I'm sticking with my Zumba Gold, Aqua Zumba, and Aqua Tabata classes. They're fun!

    My New Year's resolution last year was to try something new every month. It was so much fun, I'm doing it for the rest of my life!

    Aqua Zumba, and Aqua Tabata were part of that resolution, along with a fantastic trip to Portugal! Tons of Pastel de Nata consumed but no weight gained because of MFP tracking and lots of walking.

    2014's new things have been a hoot, too! I started taking portrait sculpture classes, which I'm enjoying and continuing. This month I attended my first Bingo benefit for Special Olympics - joined in for some Cuban Shuffle dancing to work off the pizza & won so many bingo prizes I had to have help carting all the loot to the car!

    Next month is my first cruise! A Fun and Fitness cruise through the Panama Canal with plenty of exercise and healthy eating options.

    Can't wait to see what April has planned for me!

    Love MFPal!
  • ProfessorEcks
    ProfessorEcks Posts: 6 Member
    That sounds great! Looks like you have a lot of fun things lined up. My year got off to a rocky start due to a knee injury, but I am pretty close to 100% again and ready to get rolling. I just wish Spring would hurry up and get here.
  • ProfessorEcks
    ProfessorEcks Posts: 6 Member
    Well, so far my plans haven't gone as well as I had hoped. Here is an update on my goals after the first quarter of the year.

    1. I suspect that with proper nutrition and activity, I will be able to lose ALL the excess weight I am carrying around.

    2. I'd like to complete all 8 races in the Healthy Holiday Fun Run Series this year. Update: Didn't happen for this guy :cry: http://bodiesracecompany.com/event/series/18

    3. If the 5Ks are going well, I will explore the possibility of doing a sprint triathlon. Update: Probably not going to happen for this guy :ohwell:

    4. I plan to get certified in open water scuba diving. Update: Class starts in 3 weeks! :drinker:

    5. I plan to hike a lot more. Would like to maybe take some weekend road trips to hike some scenic trails.

    6. Same as number 5, except on a bike.

    7. Play a round of golf without a cart.

    8. Do an unassisted pull-up.

    Items 5 - 8 are just now coming into play for me. I will update again in three months.