1 month since sleeved, only 20lbs gone

I was sleeved on January 22nd, 2014. I'm down 20lbs but wonder if it should be more. I've transitioned from liquids to mushy / pureed foods and I'm getting between 50 & 70g of protein in a day so am I expecting too much or is this on par with what I should be losing? Thank you!


  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Honestly, the rate of loss after surgery can be different for everyone. You are down 20 lbs in a month, that is amazing! I think you are making awesome progress. Good luck to you!!
  • ashleyonich22
    ashleyonich22 Posts: 2 Member
    I was sleeved on 1/7/14 and have only lost 18 lbs. (eating 3 small, protein-filled meals and 2 protein shakes a day). So be proud of your progress thus far!
  • I lost about 20 lbs the first month out. By 3 months out I was down 45 lbs post op. by a year I was down 100 lbs. I am one of those people who stall frequently and lose weight in clumps. I follow the plan and it works. Try not to worry about everyone else...we are all very different. Do what you are told and it will happen. sometimes it is faster for for some, but it truly does work!! Remember this is a lifestyle and there is no race to the finish line.

    Keep in mind 20 lbs is fantastic!! Just keep it going and you will be amazed at the progress you can make.

  • magtart
    magtart Posts: 161 Member
    I am 9 weeks out and down only 28 lbs. I am bouncing up and down this whole month. Arrgh!
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    OMG, I would have been thrilled to lose 20lbs in the first month. I lost not a single pound my first month after surgery and thought I was destined to be a WLS failure. It's hard to be patient but you're doing great and the weight will keep coming off.
  • I was also sleeved on 1/7/14 and have only lost 15 lbs since surgery. It has been kind of discouraging since I keep thinking it should be a bigger loss by now. I am trying to be patient and continue to stay on track - at some point the scale has got to move. I am eating my 60-80 gms of protein a day, keeping my calories between 600 and 800, carbs are around 50 gms and fats are around 15-20 gms, I am drinking as much water as I can handle and have added regular exercise. So, I am just going to keep doing what I have been doing and be grateful for every pound I lose.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    You are doing great. Your body just has to get over the whole resisting digesting your body fat. Around 6 wks my body just gave in cause I wasn't gonna let it have more than 750 calories. I did have trouble about 3wks out cause I didn't realize that a creamer I was using in my coffee wasn't calorie free. I was eating about 250 extra calories in a sugar free creamer. I'm such a dork, I just assumed sugar free meant it was negligible calories, boy was I wrong!! My wt loss has sped up after multiple stalls. Tomorrow makes 93 days post op and I have lost 58 lbs. I am thrilled. I am now a size 12-14. If you just adhere to the program and don't get depressed and start grazing you will do fine
  • Thanks everyone, I feel much better about my progress after all your support!
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Remember; WLS is a TOOL not a magic solution. Everyone will adjust differently and will need to find what works for them. Stay patient, follow your Dr./Nutritionists plan, exercise and log everything into MFP. You are going to have to work real hard at failing.

  • escapepod
    escapepod Posts: 68 Member
    As everyone has posted, loss rates vary, and 20 lbs in four weeks is awesome. Seriously, non-surgical weight loss advice usually aims for 1/2 - 1 pound per week. You lost on average 5 pounds a week!!
    So, I'm just curious. I see these posts a lot, and it always leaves me scratching my head, wondering. Where did you get the impression you'd be losing faster than this?
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    I was sleeved 2/5/14 and at my post-op appointment today with the surgeon I had lost 7 lbs. I was a little discouraged as I'm eating so little (300-450 calories a day). Then I realized that as a requirement to having the surgery I had to lose 10 lbs. in the week prior and I lost 13 lbs. A total of 21 lbs. in 3 weeks is all right.

    I think you are doing just fine. I just got the ok today to move to pureed and crispy (haha) foods for the next 2 weeks. It will be nice to be able to eat something with a crunch.
  • hurricanelena
    hurricanelena Posts: 83 Member

    I think it's because people talk about how much weight they've loss in 3/6/9/12 months in combination with many 'old-timers' saying how its much easier to lose weight early on than later. Add to that "I'm doing everything right but the scale is not moving!" (which is where I sorta am), and the sheer craziness that you're only eating a small fraction of what you used to and the scale is STILL NOT MOVING.

    At least, from my perspective :)
  • escapepod
    escapepod Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks Lena, I just hate to see so many folks with unrealistic expectations feeling frustrated, especially when they would otherwise be elated with their weight loss pace!
    I do understand the frustration of stalls. I'm trying to take off some regain, and it's going VERY slowly, with lots of ups and downs. Water - check. Protein - check. Carbs low, no simple carbs - check. Exercise - check. Calories under target - check. Scale movement - NOT what I'm hoping for. Lots of ups and downs, but a gradual downward trend - much too slowly for my tastes, but it is what it is.
    My best advice for those early post ops is two-fold. (1) If you can possibly avoid it, don't compare your weight loss to others. Your body's gonna do what it's gonna do, and sometimes it's not going to make any sense to you. Sometimes you'll see a sudden unexplained loss. Other times you'll do everything right and not see any loss at all. But I get it - we all want affirmation that we're doing ok, and that this is working for us! (2) If you really feel the need to have a bench mark for your progress, find someone who's ahead of you on their journey who's about the same age, same sex, same height, same starting BMI, same weight history, and see how your numbers compare to theirs. Men lose faster than women (dammit), younger faster than older, higher BMI faster than lower. I also think there can be differences if you've been overweight all your life vs. used to be thin until you started having kids. Oh, and if you lost a chunk of weight pre-op, you're not going to see the same huge initial losses post-op. That initial transition to low carb changes how much water your body retains.
  • Hi, great questions. I didn't really get the impression I would loose more, I was just curious what others had lost around the same time frame. I understand now that my progress is mine and can't fairly be compared to others and I'm very happy with my results thus far.:smile:
  • Very true!
    MBSNANA Posts: 149 Member
    My doctor told me to stop obsessing over the numbers. Which is hard for me. She said watch you body for changes. I was sleeved 12/30/2013. I have lost 22 pounds in two months but before surgery I found my collar bone. Then after surgery I found my hip bones, ribs and finally an entire rib cage. So I guess I am doing good. Gone from a size 26/28 to a size 22/

    Congrats on your weight loss. In the words of my doctor don't obsess over the numbers. Watch your body.
