Post op 3 days out.

Hi all I'm new to MFP I was sleeved on 2/17/14 was curious to see if others are having same problems as I am. I am having trouble getting in 32 oz of water a day right now. And not hungry at all fill very full all the time. I am taking very small sips of water but have this extreme fullness I am guessing this will pass as my body gets used to it but looking to see if anyone else is fighting the same or have in the past post op.


  • sue100194
    Hi, I was sleeved on 2/12 so am a few days ahead of you in the healing process. What you are describing sounds just like how I was feeling. It was definitely work to get close to the protein and fluids goal for a few days but it's a bit easier now. I've hit my doctor's prescribed goal of 30-40g protein and 56oz fluid for the last two days so am feeling good about that. I'm awfully tired though........
  • christianladybug
    christianladybug Posts: 41 Member
    I was sleeved July 15th. What you describe is the way I felt. It was actually about six weeks before I ever felt like eating. Took almost eight to get up to the 32 oz of water. It will just take time to get up to what you are suppose to be doing. Be patient with yourself. Things will get better.
  • ujuoba
    ujuoba Posts: 20 Member
    Love you Sue ????
  • Jerod1978
    Thanks for the follow up posts it is getting a lot better now. Am able to get protein in and about all of my water in just having a hard time with head hunger and watching my wife and kids eat. But I know it is short lived this liquid phase is the hardest not chewing anything. Sugar free popsicles are a saving grace cause you can chew them. Hang in there we can get through this. Good luck.
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    I just had to set phone alerts to remind me to eat something (protein). I wasn't hungry, but did manage a small portion of something healthy and to keep my protein intake up. I also have frozen my shakes into an ice cream like consistency and that has helped with my need to chew something. Popsicles are always good and so is broth. Wylers makes a good one.
  • 7843jpd
    7843jpd Posts: 5
    Hello all, I had my surgery this past Monday and I'm completely the opposite; I'm hungry all the time and I can drink 16 oz at a time, the chick broth is not satisfying, and after I drink an 8 oz protein shake I'm hungry after two hours....

    Please tell me that there is at least another person out there that is going through this.

    I've scheduled and appointment to see my doctor on Monday; I just hope he didn't just forget a step:angry::angry:
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    Yup. Totally normal. While your stomach is still swollen it will be harder to get things down. Focus on fluid week 1. Do not get dehydrated! Work towards your protein goals. You should be able to get the recommended amounts withing a few weeks. I really had to work at it to get the right nutrition. Still do 5 months post op. Easy to forget a protein supplement here or a meal there and be under fed for a day. I'll probably food journal for the rest of my life just to make sure I'm getting enough protein. That's okay. It's worth the trade off for my health!