Picture Perfect

I am ready to begin my weight loss journey early before my wedding. I have not decided on a wedding date yet but I know for sure it will be in 2015. I am planing to drop 80 pounds before I get married!!! So I am very ambitious on looking picture perfect for my big day.


  • Hello!! Good Luck! My date is March 15, 2015 and I'm hoping to lose 55 lbs by then - totaly doale!!

    Good luck with your journey.

    Btw - My name is Melanie
  • lizzietremlett
    lizzietremlett Posts: 3 Member
    Hi ladies, by date is 8th August 2015 - very excited! My current goal is just 10lbs, but I'd really like to get that down to 15lbs. Not a huge amount, but having lost a big chunck a few years ago I've really struggled to lose the last bit!

    Good luck to you both! Looking forward to hearing how successful you've been :) xxx
  • melbann
    melbann Posts: 115 Member
    Hi, my name is Melissa and I have being engaged since Christmas 2010! Currently I am almost 90lbs over my goal weight. We've wanted to get married for a while but I want to be a healthy weight first. Also we made a list of priorities to do with our money and my fiance going back to school first was more important (plus I got engaged when I was 20 so we were in no hurry).

    My finance completes college in June of 2015. So if he gets a job soon after we hope to get Married in September-October of that year. I'm excited to finally get married considering that I will be engaged for almost 5 years at that point.

    Hoping that in the next year or so I can make a huge dent in that 90 lb goal and look like a beautiful picture perfect bride!
  • kittycatmeowmeow
    kittycatmeowmeow Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Melissa, Lizzie, Melanie and Tiarra! Waaaah! I am so excited I get to join a group like this!! I recently got engaged (christmas day!) after NINE years so I am really excited.

    My name is Catherine and I have been losing weight very slowly over the last year but want to ramp it up so I look as best I can at my engagement party (14 weeks away!)

    I havent set a date yet but I cant see it being this year and we dont really want to have a long engagement, so march-april next year is what we are aiming for.

    I am looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • melbann
    melbann Posts: 115 Member
    Christmas seems to be a very common time to get engaged. I got engaged Christmas eve 3 years ago and a few girls who went to high school with me got engaged at the same time.

    I didn't like the idea of a long engagement either at first but I was only 20 when we got engaged and we had only been together for 2 years at the time. So we decided to look at it as another phase in our relationship. The first phase was the dating phase where our lives we pretty separate. And the second phase is our testing our commitment to each other to make sure that marring was what we wanted. It going splendid! We just bought a house together this summer. I helped him go back to school. He is helping me lose weight. We handle all financials together, and we have even been talking about kids.

    Now the only reason we are not getting married right now is financial and because I want to lose weight. But once he is done school and has a job I hope to be my goal weight and the planing can start!

    I hope you hit your goal! And you have a great wedding!
  • Brianna032015
    Brianna032015 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi ladies!!! My name is Brianna and I'm marrying the man of my dreams on March 20, 2015!! When we met in law school, I weighed 125 pounds... now I weigh about 165 (on a bad day, 161 on a good day!). I have a little over a year to transform into the bride I KNOW that I can look like. Please help me stay on track, and I will do the same for you!! Thanks!
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    I can relate with some brides here - I too just became engaged on December 23rd! (At Disneyland, no less!)

    My wedding is June 21st of 2015. :) Looking to lose at least forty pounds and get in shape, as we are marrying at and honeymooning at Yosemite National Park! I look forward to the next year/two years with you ladies!
  • Terpasaur
    Terpasaur Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Also new to this group! I'm hoping to shed some pounds, tone-up, and maintain for our wedding in June 2015. Would love to have some other brides-to-be on MFP for support :-)
  • elizabeth_2014
    elizabeth_2014 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello All!
    My fiancé & I just got engaged on New Years Eve & are getting married October 03, 2015. I have about 80 lbs to lose by then & know that I can be the picture perfect bride that I am dying to be!
    Feel free to add me if you wish.
    We can all do this! :)
  • FitSinV
    FitSinV Posts: 4 Member
    Feb 2015 and have about 63 pounds to lose !! We must do this !!!
  • kittycatmeowmeow
    kittycatmeowmeow Posts: 90 Member
    Hi everyone and welcome :)

    I have yet to set a date but we are thinking it wil be late March/early April 2015. We are going to lock it in by the end of next month though. Eeee, exciting!!

    Our engagement party is in a couple of months - May 3rd - and I have a beautiful black dress with dimontes which I bought when I was skinny, but then did my knee and gained weight really quickly so I never got to wear it.. I would LOVE to wear it at my engagement party.

    I have been eyeing off wedding dresses.. there are some beautiful ones out there.. I am planning on getting married on a beach so my dress will be simplish.. but the dresses I am looking at will require a fair bit of weight loss and toning, haha. But I have plenty of time if I start now to loss weight and get super fit properly.

    Have a great day everyone :)
  • Congrats to all! my wedding date is Jan 17/15 and i'm planning a destination wedding in Jamaica. So not only do I have to picture perfect in my dress I need the bikini body too!

    I started my journey January 2 of this year and am hoping to lose another 53 pounds!

    Lost 17 so far!

    feel free to add me as a friend! and if anyone used Fitbit add me there too!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • sdotcurll
    sdotcurll Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone! I got engaged mid Jan and am planning my wedding for 2015- not sure of a month yet..this planning process is very difficult for me! I would love to lose weight, ideally 70 lbs. Most importantly, I need to tone up my arms. Previously, I lost over 100 lbs then gained a lot back, and my arms have lots of loose skin. I hope I can feel confident and dance in a wedding dress. Good luck everyone!
  • esaulx
    esaulx Posts: 17
    Hello gals! I'm excited to have found a group with similar goals as me, including shedding for the wedding in 2015. Our wedding is set for June 20, 2015 and I have been engaged since January 2013 - we have a long engagement as he's attending veterinary school and I'm getting my masters. My goal is to lose 40+ pounds by the time of the wedding and get back to my weight before college.

    My past has included yo-yo dieting, a questionable weight loss program, and considering veganism. However, I realize that nothing beats the traditional methods of working out and eating right. We can do this! All the support definitely helps, feel free to add me.

  • kellogsmscott
    kellogsmscott Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Melissa, Lizzie, Melanie and Tiarra! Waaaah! I am so excited I get to join a group like this!! I recently got engaged (christmas day!) after NINE years so I am really excited.

    My name is Catherine and I have been losing weight very slowly over the last year but want to ramp it up so I look as best I can at my engagement party (14 weeks away!)

    I havent set a date yet but I cant see it being this year and we dont really want to have a long engagement, so march-april next year is what we are aiming for.

    I am looking forward to getting to know you all!

    WE MATCH! Made Christmas day extra special right?

    I don't know my exact date but we do know it will be summer 2015 - My name is Kelly
  • amesea
    amesea Posts: 10 Member
    Brianna-- How funny! I am the same exact stats (same initial weight and post-law school trauma weight) and met my fiance in law school! You've got an advantage-- I'm get married in May. Slow and steady but I'm really nervous about going dress shopping...