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  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 673 Member
    5'6 (and a half!)
    150 ish
    130 ish

    I was so close to my goal last summer, then I let myself get stressed out by a dangerous roommate, and my new guy is as much of a foodie as I am. My ultimate goal is lower, but 20 is plenty for now.

    I feel like I have more energy at lower weights even though my body looks fine now.
  • notthatNaomi
    I want to lose weight because I've gone back and forth over the years up to a high of 160 and a low of 138(about 5/6 yrs ago).

    I just don't feel comfortable at this weight. Up until about the age of 25, I didn't have to do a thing (exercise) and ate all kinds of junk food and maintained at 120-125. I was probably considered "skinny fat" though. This time around, I have a lot more muscle definition and my body looks like that of a person who works out. So, even if I don't get down to 120ish -I'll be happy. I think I can get pretty close though because I do still have some fat to lose.
  • ThinkInOregon
    Name: Shannon
    Age: 46
    Height: 5' 4" (just a hair under)
    CW: 146 lb (down from 199 lb and a HW of 224 lb)
    Goal: 125 lb

    Why?? Become more fit and healthier! Have more energy.

    Had a disabling back injury, so wanted to lighten the 'load' and see if it would help some. I am currently the weight I was when I started nursing school, which added 25 lbs (was a fit 170, very active rode and trained horses in addition to nursing.) Then the back injury which added a LOT more weight, had to sell the horses, etc. and getting ready to sell my acreage.

    My son thinks I should stay where I am weight wise, but would like to see how I feel to take off that last 20 pounds!
  • baboody
    baboody Posts: 4 Member
    I am 5'6
    Age: 22
    CW: 142-144
    GW: initially 130, but would ultimately like to be 125
    I want to lose weight to feel confident in my graduation dress and to enjoy shopping for clothes I actually want to wear and not ones that just hide my trouble areas
    I don't want to stay the weight I am now because I feel extremely self conscious and it affects other aspects of my life: school, relationships, etc.

    I am new to this group and I would love to make friends who regularly log their meal on MFP as motivation
    I don't want to fall off the wagon as I have done in the past and I would really appreciate some positive people on my newsfeed so add me if you wish!
  • ashleycde
    ashleycde Posts: 622 Member
    Age: 23
    Height: 5'6"
    Start weight (Feb. 15): 140 lbs
    Start weight before joining this site: 143 lbs
    Current weight: 136 lbs
    Goal weight: 120 lbs or when I feel great in a bikini again
    Started Insanity with my boyfriend, and the 30 Day Plank Challenge to build core strength, plus I spin a lot at home with a good playlist of upbeat music to keep me going. I am dedicating myself to eating whole foods and living an overall healthier lifestyle (including quitting smoking).

    Ladies, feel free to add me! It's always great to have friends on here with similar goals for motivation and meal/workout ideas.
  • keekykay123
    keekykay123 Posts: 3 Member
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'5"
    Start Weight/Current Weight: (starting over AGAIN today): 159
    GW: 140ish, still want some curves, want to tone more than anything

    I want to lose weight/tone to look and feel good in my own skin. I know I have more energy and suffer less from migraines when I eat and work out the way I know I should. I just need that extra support and self motivation to keep up with it so I can finally reach my goals!
  • timetravelforfitness

    I'm Jeanne.
    I'm 35.
    I'm on the upper end between 5'4" and 5'5", but I really have no idea.
    I currently weight 160, coming down from 178.
    I really want to get down to 130, I doubt I'll go more, may feel better a bit heavier, but I want to get down to 130 before I decide.
    I want to be a positive role model for my 2 kids. While being overweight isn't the worst, it makes life a lot harder, and I'd like to show them how much easier it is to stay healthy than to lose it when you aren't.
    Not so much anymore, but when I weighed 178 I felt obscene when I wore tanks and shorts. There was just so much flesh. And I'm beginning to have real gastric problems and gallbladder problems, at least part of that is weight-related.
  • Jennwa
    Jennwa Posts: 107 Member
    Really glad I found this group, wish I would have sooner!
    I'm Jenn
    Height: 5'5"
    CW: 172.8 LBS ( 3 years ago I was 210lbs)
    GW: 145LBS
    I want to loose weight because I want to feel great about myself. I have always been bigger. 3 years ago I was 210lbs, with hard work and dedication I lost 65lbs! I was thrilled, looked great. I then had gallbladder surgery. I went home from the hospital weighing 168lbs, I was admitted at 143lbs! That did something to my thought process and I majorly lost all motivation. January 2014 I weighed in at 177lbs, so it has been a very slow process this time.
    I don't want to stay the weight that I am know because I remember how great I looked at 145lbs and I want to get back to that.
  • crystal075
    crystal075 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi everyone.
    My name is Crystal
    Age 30
    Current 146
    Goal 130
    I really want to get back in shape like how I used to be. If I plan on getting pregnant in the next few years, I also want to be at a healthy weight before gaining a ton.
  • missjmariam
    missjmariam Posts: 47 Member
    Name: Jennifer
    Age 24
    Height 5'6
    Your current weight 142
    Your goal weight 120
    Reasons why you want to lose weight--- Over the past 6 years I have gained around 20 lbs! I miss my body. I don't like to wear dresses anymore because I'm self conscious of my weight, even though I know I am not overweight I still just don't feel sexy you know? Plus I recently quit smoking (tomorrow will be 1 month) so I just want to transform into a healthy person!
    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now - I want to wear dresses! I want to feel sexy when naked and when clothed! I want to rock bikinis and not be self conscious when I SIT DOWN (tummy roll-ugh!)
  • Kellylynnhaynes
    Kellylynnhaynes Posts: 73 Member
    SW:185 (October 2012)
    GW: 150 (For starters)
    Reasons why you want to lose weight - I want to feel comfortable in my body. I also am matron of honor in my best friends wedding in August. I gotta look good in that dress.
  • agronx
    agronx Posts: 42 Member
    Name Ashley
    Age 30
    Height 5'4
    Your current weight 155
    Your goal weight 130
    Reasons why you want to lose weight - I want to feel comfortable in my own skin and look good in my clothes
    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now- I do not feel attractive and I feel self conscious.
  • Cheerio64
    Cheerio64 Posts: 3 Member
    Name : Ashley
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'5
    Current Weight: 140
    Goal Weight: 125-130
    Reasons why you want to lose weight: Get rid of the fat hiding all my hard work at the gym. I love working out but I also love food.
    Reasons why you don't want to stay at the weight you are now: I'm at the edge of my healthy weight range teetering on overweight. Don't want to continue the steady trend of weight gain to reach the overweight range.
  • CNG223
    CNG223 Posts: 127 Member
    Name: Corinne
    Age : 26
    Height : 5'4''
    Your current weight 161
    Your goal weight 140
    Reasons why you want to lose weigh: To regain some confidence, feel healthy and bathing suit season is on the way!
    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now : My body is hanging on to some baby weight from having my son, ready to get that off and get into my pre pregnancy clothes! I want to be a hot mom :)
  • bonkosaurusrex
    Name: Samantha
    Age: 24
    Height: 5'4"
    Your current weight: 140
    Your goal weight: 120-130, I guess.
    Reasons why you want to lose weight: Trying to get rid of baby tummy but... My goal isn't to lose weight per se... I'd like to lose fat and build a solid foundation of lean muscle.
  • gottabekd
    gottabekd Posts: 46 Member
    Name: Karina
    Age: 31
    Height: 5'6"
    Your current weight: 150
    Your goal weight: 128
    Reasons why you want to lose weight: Suffered a bad injury almost a year ago, have gained almost 20 lbs since then.
    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now : I weigh this much because of being sedentary. I'm much happier when I'm working out, I also feel better both emotionally and physically when I'm active, which means I look better too!
  • JalynRose1
    JalynRose1 Posts: 30 Member
    Age: 30
    now: 159
    goal: 130

    General health and I'm getting married in August 2014
    I feel unhealthy and uncomfortable in my skin.
  • Callie_Nunn
    Callie_Nunn Posts: 1 Member
    Name: Callie
    Age: 21
    Height: 5'6"
    Your current weight: 140
    Your goal weight: 126

    Reasons why you want to lose weight: Have not been happy with current weight for a while now but finally trying to do something about it! Want to lose weight and tone up to gain confidence and feel happy in a bikini this summer! Also, to feel healthier and lead a better and more active lifestyle.
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    Name: Lindsey
    Age: 39
    Height: 5"5.5
    Your current weight: 144lbs
    Your goal weight: 135lbs

    Reasons why you want to lose weight: I'm really working on acquiring a six pack and I'm very close.

    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now: I'm happy with my body overall, but still want six pack abs.
  • AwesomeFrenchie
    AwesomeFrenchie Posts: 3 Member
    Hello hello :)

    Name: Alia
    Age: 18
    Height: 5'5"
    Your current weight: 155lbs
    Your goal weight: 125-130lbs
    Reasons why you want to lose weight: Since August, I have put on over 15lbs and about 25lbs over the past year. Although, I do have a weight loss goal, I mainly want to change my lifestyle. I am a lot less active than I was before, and I want to have more energy in my day to day life. As a second year uni student, I am always exhausted and stressed, and I often over-eat just to avoid studying (hopefully I'm not the only one). Obviously this has been coming on for a while, but I've decided now is the time to take action. Which leads to the next question :)
    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now: I only fit in one pair of jeans. And they're jeggings. And there is nothing more depressing than going to a store to buy new jeans because you've gained so much weight you can't fit into the ones you have now. I'm not giving up just yet on those size 7s I bought this summer ;)