Week 8 weigh in

Hi all.

Short post this week. Had some good on-scale success, but struggled all week with the psychological part of this journey. Found out some distressing news about some of my students, had several long days at work, didn't exercise as much as I wanted and got my period, which all added up to wanting to have huge carb binges. Luckily, I've been able to restrict these to 2-3 days this week, but I'm planning my food diary ahead for this week so I know exactly what I need to take out of the freezer every night to plan ahead. Must stop the starch cravings! Right now, the scale says 'yay!' but my head says 'nay', so I need to push through this.

SW: 125.0kg
LWW: 120.5
CW: 119.5kg
Loss this week: 1kg
Total loss (90 day challenge): 5.5kg
Total loss (since 28th Dec, 2013): 11.5kg

No photos this week, guys. Will post again next week. For the moment, napping is the order of the day. Hope everyone else had a good week! xx


  • kikalique
    kikalique Posts: 52 Member
    Coolchick, sorry you had a rough week, but it sounds like you're handling it the best you can.

    SW: 228
    CW: 214.6
    CGW: 210

    No change this week, but I had a large loss last week and I think there may be some hormonal mischief going on. I've felt "off" this week; I bumped up my weight in my Bodypump class on Monday, and it's made my body feel very tired and sore in the "oh I pushed myself too much there" way. And there was the night I just started crying to my fiancé about how I'm frustrated none of my clothes fit right and I don't feel good in anything I own (oh yeah, the crazy hormones are here). Plus building stress in my school/work situation.

    NSVs: Got a few new items in a smaller size, discovered jeans in my closet from 3 years ago (my "skinny" 200lb days) that I fit into, bought a belt so no more hiking up pants every single time I move, and I took some measurements (official measurement day is 1st of month) and there is definite positive change. So even though this has felt like a terrible week, there is plenty to be proud of.

    Hope everyone else had a decent week!
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Congrats on the losses ladies. Sorry you had a rough week coolchick, I hope this week is much better! We had some distressing news in our classroom as well and I'm worrying about the fallout from that this next week.

    On to my stats:
    SW: 183
    LW: 169
    CW: 168
    CGW: 160
    UGW: 145-140

    1 lb. loss this week. I'm happy with that.
  • HW: 242.6 - 01/01
    CSW: 237.4 - 01/05
    LW: 230.2 - 02/02
    231.2 - 02/16
    CW: 233.2 - +2 this week
    CGW: 220 lbs

    I'm down for the count. I truly hate being under the weather. I'll continue to log because I don't want to ruin my streak. Can't wait to get better.
    I've got 13.2 lbs to reach my goal and 5 weeks left in the challenge.
  • Congrats to everyone with their losses! Keep up the good work!
  • Spambo16
    Spambo16 Posts: 223 Member
    Hang in there, ladies! Don't let the emotions (hormonally induced or otherwise) drive your actions. You can do this and get through this! Mel - get well soon!

    I'm pleased with my week. Only a small loss, but that means I was still very successful in navigating two major food events is week. (That said, I'm going to be well over goal today, but that's post-weigh-in! :tongue: )

    LWW: 153
    CW: 152.5 (-0.5)
    CGW/UGW: 145
  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    Keep on keeping on for those who had a rough week! Whether it was a gain or maintaining, you're still in the game! You show up every week, and that's the important thing to take away from this.

    Congrats to those who lost!
  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    SW: 203.5
    CW: 194.7
    GW: 191.5
    Loss so far: 8.8 lbs.

    I didn't think last week was going to be that great, but it turned out pretty well! This week starts a more active schedule, so we'll see how that affects things. Gotta keep powering through. I'm really starting to see a difference in my body. My clothes are starting to fit better, and it makes me want to keep going so come May when it's warm I'll be able to wear my cute size smaller shorts.

    I'm proud of myself that even though I have a crazy schedule right now I am making time to feed my body wisely and get it moving most days. I know the old me (even the me a few months back) would have said, "I'll focus on this stuff later when I have more time." Well, I made time!

    I can't stress how much this group motivates me every week. I may not be able to reply to everyone's entries, but I do read them. Y'all are doing so well staying positive and kicking *kitten*. :wink:
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Checkin from Saturday morning:

    SW when I joined MFP: 264
    CW: 240.9 (down 1.6…this puts me 1 pound away from where I was two weeks ago. Considering I didn’t feel well enough [back problem] to do ANY exercise for most of the week, I’m happy)
    GW for the 90 days: 235
    FGW: 150 (*or* 160-170 if it's muscular/toned...I'll revisit this when I get a lot closer to goal...)
    BMI: 36.5 (down .2)
    BF%: 35.5% (down .2%)

    I failed to track most of the week as well so I won't consider how I did on goals since I'm honestly unsure about #1 and couldn't do 2 or 3 except a day or two.

    Here's hoping for a strong final week in February...
  • Honestly I am just here at this point!!!! I know I probably..gained.. dont even want to go near the scale..but I shall push until the very end...March is around the corner and i am looking forward to a fresher start...so no changes that I am willing to look at this time..so if you wont tell..neither will I! :embarassed:
  • RosieRaz
    RosieRaz Posts: 282 Member
    It seems like Aunt Flo is affecting us all. (TMI???) Everybody is doing great...keep hanging in there. 5 more weeks...geez! Flying by. Summer will be here before you know it!

    SW: 207.7
    LWW: 200.0
    CW: 198.9 (+1.1 lbs, -8.8 lbs total)
    GW: 190 (at end of 90 days)
    UGW: 150
  • sharebear2012
    sharebear2012 Posts: 122 Member
    Congrats on all the losses. Sorry to hear some of you and Cool chick had a rough week. I am not travelling for work this week and its so much easier to diet! I did a smoothie fast Monday and increased my water intake. Have been good at getting to gym this week.

    SW 130

    GW 118

    CW 124.6

    Long time since scale moved so pretty happy. :smile:
  • JoyLaine
    JoyLaine Posts: 110 Member
    Still idling at 210 ~ I couldn't resist all those crunchy things that are bad for us! I have some serious dental work next week and will be on a soft food diet for about two weeks so my resistance was pretty low. It'll be a challenge not to fall too far under my daily calorie goal. No excuse to eat soft-serve ice cream :ohwell: