Panic Mode, Somebody Slap Me

I had the Gastric Sleeve on December 23rd and am down 33lbs. I don't know if this is normal or not. I find myself weighing daily and getting upset when I yoyo up and down 1 lb. My biggest problem is that I do not know if what I am eating daily is right, enough or too much. Could a successful sleever give me a "real" example of what they may eat in a day. Here is what I doing now.

Breakfast Scrambled egg, fruit or protein drink

Lunch Soup or a piece of meat (chicken or lean burger)

Supper It varies, a piece of grilled chicken or something of the sort

Snacks Baby meat sticks, halo oranges, almonds or such

*** I also drink an apple juice a day! I know that is probably bad. :(

I am terrified of failing and looking for people who are past this hump.



  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    First of all, take a deep cleansing breath. Exhale. Don't Panic, you are going to be OK.

    I believe my diary is open, you can look at it if you like, but be aware, I'm eating more than most of the other Sleeve patients on here, but then most of my Sleever friends who's diary I see are women. Very successful women, right Paula and pawoodhull?

    What I have found to be true is that you really need to maximize protein. Did you doctor give you a protein level to shoot for? Mine told me more than 80 grams. The only way I have been able to do this on a daily basis is with two protein rich additions to my diet per day. I have either a Chobani or Liberte Greek Yogurt, Quest Bar, and/or a Protein Shake. Two of three of these will give me about 50 grams of protein. The Quest bar adds 17 g of fiber and that's another plus in my book.

    My doctor isn't wild about this use of supplements, he really wants me to eat natural protein, and I do try to do that as much as possible.

    Also, when/if you do look at diaries, think about how long we have been doing this. At around 6 months out, your appetite comes back. You still have the restriction to tell you to stop, but these first few months are to be used doing exactly what you are doing. Learning how to eat properly.

    Bottom line, unless you throw protein out, start pouring all liquids down yourself, this tool should help you succeed. Chances are not high that you are going to be the special one that will fail with this. It sounds to me like you have a good start going. Some folks like a website, I think called BariatricTalk. I didn't like it's layout and worse once you sign up for notifications it won't turn them off again, so I don't use it, but many people do use it and quite successfully. At least look around. The web is full of opportunities for education on this subject.

    Before you do ANYTHING that even remotely seems extreme, talk to your surgeon and or nutritionist first! They have the playbook lined out for you. Anything else you get from us is just opinion. (Mine just happens to be very good opinion. :wink: <jk>)

    Best of luck.
  • candacet36
    candacet36 Posts: 353 Member
    WOW Dward59 that is great advice! I would add to it but no need!

    Don't panic! It is a process and if you follow the diet and exercise when you are cleared to you WILL be successful!!

    I am 5 months 1 week out and down 66 pounds.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Dward is on point here. It looks like you are doing fine. Are you logging everything into MFP? If not - start. Disregard the calories for a while just focusing on protein and fluid. As you progress through your nutritionists food plan you will find it helps to weigh food as well. You will start to learn to visualize portions which will help greatly.

    I am fortunate that my cafeteria at work has a digital scale available for customer use so I can be very accurate.

    Exercising yet? At two months out you may be able to start light weight training (check with DR - always) and cardio which really helps explode th eweight loss.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Dward is right on target! Focus on getting at least 60 grams of protein per day, eat several small meals if you need to and ditch the apple juice. Fruit juices tend to be high in sugars and calories. Drink 64 ounces of water every day and flavor it with some Chrystal Light if you need the flavor. If you buy a bottled, flavored water, check out the sodium before you buy. Find one with zero calories and zero sodium, otherwise you really can't count it as water.

    Don't panic. Slow and steady is the way to go for all of us here. Hang in there kiddo, you will be fine.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I ditched the soup early on. The extremely high sodium was bouncing my wt all over. Also I would make sure you are having a good BM every day, otherwise add fiber gummies. Feel free to look at my diary, it is open
  • VaingloriousVictoria
    Not that I'm an expert, but here's what a normal day looks like to me lately:

    Coffee (two cups, creamer/milk, splenda)
    Oatmeal or grits made with milk

    Morning snack:(Pick one)
    Fruit, Chex mix, nuts, or pretzels

    Soup or high protein frozen meal

    Afternoon Snack: (pick one)
    Fruit, applesauce, protein shake, or peanut butter with crackers

    Lean meat, vegetable, quinoa/whole wheat pasta

    Dessert/Snack: (This doesn't always happen)
    Wine, air popped popcorn, dark chocolate
  • BGabbart
    BGabbart Posts: 173 Member
    I agree with the ditching the juice. I do however drink a Healthy Balance applice juice that only has 4 grams of sugar and 18 calories in 6 oz. I mix that will my Zeal Wellness.

    People always say if you get tired of water add crystal light but I even found that to taste to sweet and I hate the after taste of it. I have started adding frest fruit to my water. frozen strawberries (3), lemon and even the smilie oranges. That really refreshes my water for me.

    I had surgery 1 month before you and I have lost a total of 45 pounds. this site only shows 35 cause I did not log my correct starting weight to begin with.

    Sounds like you are doing a good job. I have also started adding in cardio and exercise in the last week and make sure you measure yourself that is where I am seeing a big difference