Possible Surgery Date Change - Nervous

Hello All, I was suppose to have my sleeve done in June but due to the severity of my headaches from my Pseudo Tumor Cerebri, my surgeon and therapist are going to try and push me to March. I am a little nervous as I just got the news today and it will be confirmed on Wednesday when I can get my surgery in. It depends on the OR scheduler. I am just now trying to make changes to my eating plan and drinking plan. Any suggestions on how to prepare for this procedure? I will say I am a surgical assistant so I know about the surgery and what is done but it is all the "other" stuff I do not know about. Any help would be great! I really need my quality of life back and these darn headaches to go away! :heart:


  • Hi, I had the opposite problem....it got delayed for about 8 months from my original plan. And i got nervous too as soon as I finally had a confirmed surgery date. But in my opinion, the process is the same - do all you can to make a good and healthy start....walk, eat lots of protein, practice whatever skills you can beforehand (like not drinking with meals) and check in with yourself as often as you need to about the reasons you want to do this. It's a big deal and big life change and the change starts before you even have the surgery. The mental prep is important! I never came up with any answer for myself except "yes" whenever I asked myself if it was something I really wanted to do. And I like to think that's the reason I was serene once the date finally arrived. It's been almost 2 weeks now so I'm young in the journey but haven't had second thoughts or buyer's remorse. Wishing you all the luck with your journey.
  • Wojtkowiak
    Wojtkowiak Posts: 2 Member
    I had the sleeve done in January 2013. I am at a normal BMI & feel so much better! I also had a rapid surgery date - Found out on the 9th of January I was scheduled for surgery on the 24th! I had a few insurance wrinkles that sort of fell into place. I did the 2 week pre-surgery diet (to shrink the liver I think) & upped my fluid intake. I found if I carried a water bottle around all day I drank more - it was a constant reminder to stay hydrated! This cold weather we are having has made fluids a bit of a struggle but I try to drink hot rather than cold now! Keep in mind that each day will be different & things that work one day may not work the next, but KEEP TRYING & you will get where you need to be! Good luck!
  • Thank you so much for your insight! I am trying to implement the things necessary to have a great post op period like eating off a salad plate, drinking lots of fluids, walking, etc. I want this to be successful and I too do not think I will have "buyers remorse". I need this to be healthy for my four daughters who are all under 18. I need to do this for them just not me. They deserve to have me around for a long time!

    Congratulations on your weight loss! You are doing fantastic.:flowerforyou:
  • I cannot wait to be at my normal BMI! What an accomplishment you have done! You should be so proud. I am hearing some negative talk about how I am taking the easy way out. I don't think so. Surgery is NOTHING to blink an eye at! It is very serious. I am only nervous about the anesthesia not the surgery. I have filled out my Durable Medical Power of Attorney since I have 4 girls, and am buying life insurance too. I just need to feel safe that they are taken care of. I think I am going to have some insurance crinkles too but they will work it out. Thank you for your support! :flowerforyou:
  • christianladybug
    christianladybug Posts: 41 Member
    This surgery is not the easy way. It can be reversed if you don't follow the guidelines for the rest of your life. Those that are saying that really have no idea. Remember this is your journey. They don't know everything you have tried and done to lose the weight or what medical issues have made it much harder for you than others. I would suggest if you are already hearing those kinds of things to make sure your friends are limited to people who have done/support what you are doing. And don't let others see your food diary because it will just be you aren't eating enough when they have no idea you are eating what you can.

    Hang in there. I know if is fast but I am sure you checked into this and researched it before you ever approached someone on doing it. If you have any questions we are here for you. I will add you to my friends.
  • candacet36
    candacet36 Posts: 353 Member
    Deseretflower7 - I was sleeved on September 12, 2014.

    I promise you that this is not the easy way out....this is a tool that will help you get to where you want to be and maintain as long as you put the effort in. I have so much to say but will keep it short here. If you would like to PM me I would be happy to answer questions, offer support etc. The one thing I will tell you is I would do it all over again in a heartbeat! This is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I am the happiest I have ever been in my life.....I wish I would have done it sooner!

    Feel free to friend me and we will take this journey together! Best of luck!
  • Thank you ChristianLady! For your words of insight. It is my journey and my journey alone. My friends are very supportive and excited for me. They know how much this means to me. I want my old self back. I lost that person 8 eight years ago in a near fatal car accident. I put on a lot of weight due to depression and my medications. But now I am no longer depressed and my medications have stabilized me due to having a moderate brain injury. My headaches are my worst enemy! My surgeon agreed with me that once I lose about 50lbs my headaches will start to subside, which will be awesome! They give me such a poor quality of life. I appreciate all of your guy's honesty. It means alot! Blessings! :heart:
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    I think at moving your surgery date up is the best possible news. All your doctors must agree that you are physical and mentally ready for it. The best thing about moving up the date is you don't have a lot of time to get anxious and stressed out about it.

    I believe you have made tremendous strides in your life so far and this is just one more hurdle. Compared to your tumor, I think this will be a piece of cake for you. The recovery time is a blink in the eye and you can continue moving forward. You already have your plan of action and know what you need to do to make this surgery a success. You have overcome so much in the past 8 years and though it has taken its' toll on you, you continue to persevere through it all.

    I hope the surgery does lessen the severity of your headaches do subsisde. Wishing you the best.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Easy way out, Ha! 750 calories a day, having to chew your food forever, saying goodbye to all desserts and candy forever cause you can't have more than a bite without becoming ill. No Motrin ever, no more than 1/2 a beer, no chugging your drink when thirsty, Having to take handfuls of vitamins, lose a lot of your hair, and learn to love your 70%protein25%veg-no potato5%whole grain carb life permanently unless you want to gain it all back in less than 5 years. Sure , if that sounds easy to you