Talking Dead: Team Tyreese and Sasha



  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Woohoo! You won this week team Tyreese and Sasha! Way to go! :drinker: Remember to go easy on us with your punishment! :laugh:

    Congrats to Vestarocks for making MVP this week.:drinker:

    Have a great week, team Tyreese and Sasha :smile:
  • pdnaylor
    With the low number of kills in this week's episode, there's a great chance for us to get first choice of new characters! Let's hit our numbers this week so we can add Abraham!
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    Hell ya!
  • pdnaylor
    Since part of our challenge this week is to write a short autobiography about ourselves, here we go:

    I've been overweight since I was 12, with my highest weight being close to 400 by the time I graduated high school. After college, I reached a point when I wasn't caring about my body, eating and drinking whatever I wanted. After I got my current job, I was forced to move away from home. Shortly after moving to Cleveland, I met my wife. Her healthy lifestyle (she was vegetarian at the time) rubbed off on me. I was in denial about my weight, and when I finally stepped on the scale again, it couldn't give me a number. I started working out regularly, and eventually saw 350.
    My wife and I got married, and were trying to start a family. We went through two painstaking years trying to concieve, but no luck. I got tested, and was diagnosed with low testosterone and a very low sperm count. Basically what my body was doing was turning testosterone into estrogen. They put me on drugs that stopped that transformation, but it was believed that if I lost weight, I wouldn't need the drugs. It was the kick I needed.
    A few months after that, with hard work and exercise, I had gotten my weight down to 300 pounds. More good news at the time, we were expecting our first child. Our son, Sam, was born in March 2012. I slacked off on my diet and exercise, so I tried getting back into shape. I got my weight down to 265, but gained a lot of it back. Currently, I'm at 285.
    My goal is to get down to between 200-210, and live a healthy lifestyle for my son, and any future children we have!

    So there it is. I know we didn't have to go on depth, but I never really opened up about my weight troubles, and it felt good!
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Tyreese and Sasha, I applaud you! The punishment you have given us is difficult! However, I'm so up for the challenge! I had an embarrassing situation with wall squats before this punishment where I actually got so tired, I somehow fell over and faceplanted the front of a few people! Don't ask how I did it! haha.

    Anyway, I just wanted to come on here and not only congratulate you for winning but for giving everyone a worthy punishment! You all amaze me!

    Dazz (Team Michonne)
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    Tyreese and Sasha, I applaud you! The punishment you have given us is difficult! However, I'm so up for the challenge! I had an embarrassing situation with wall squats before this punishment where I actually got so tired, I somehow fell over and faceplanted the front of a few people! Don't ask how I did it! haha.

    Anyway, I just wanted to come on here and not only congratulate you for winning but for giving everyone a worthy punishment! You all amaze me!

    Dazz (Team Michonne)

    Dazz that is something that I totally would do. I forget to breathe when I do wall squats and get super dizzy. I figure eventually I'll remember to breathe. Perhaps faceplanting on floor would learn me.
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    Jim what an amazing turn around you've had and the most precious prize of all, your son. Thanks for sharing your journey. I am enjoying being your teammate in this most-awesome challenge.
  • luckygohappy
    luckygohappy Posts: 80 Member
    Since part of our challenge this week is to write a short autobiography about ourselves, here we go:

    I've been overweight since I was 12, with my highest weight being close to 400 by the time I graduated high school. After college, I reached a point when I wasn't caring about my body, eating and drinking whatever I wanted. After I got my current job, I was forced to move away from home. Shortly after moving to Cleveland, I met my wife. Her healthy lifestyle (she was vegetarian at the time) rubbed off on me. I was in denial about my weight, and when I finally stepped on the scale again, it couldn't give me a number. I started working out regularly, and eventually saw 350.
    My wife and I got married, and were trying to start a family. We went through two painstaking years trying to concieve, but no luck. I got tested, and was diagnosed with low testosterone and a very low sperm count. Basically what my body was doing was turning testosterone into estrogen. They put me on drugs that stopped that transformation, but it was believed that if I lost weight, I wouldn't need the drugs. It was the kick I needed.
    A few months after that, with hard work and exercise, I had gotten my weight down to 300 pounds. More good news at the time, we were expecting our first child. Our son, Sam, was born in March 2012. I slacked off on my diet and exercise, so I tried getting back into shape. I got my weight down to 265, but gained a lot of it back. Currently, I'm at 285.
    My goal is to get down to between 200-210, and live a healthy lifestyle for my son, and any future children we have!

    So there it is. I know we didn't have to go on depth, but I never really opened up about my weight troubles, and it felt good!

    So proud of you honey, and hopefully we'll have another little one on the way soon! (It's a big part of why we're both here, btw.)

    PS. Go Team Daryl!! :tongue:
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    Since part of our challenge this week is to write a short autobiography about ourselves, here we go:

    I've been overweight since I was 12, with my highest weight being close to 400 by the time I graduated high school. After college, I reached a point when I wasn't caring about my body, eating and drinking whatever I wanted. After I got my current job, I was forced to move away from home. Shortly after moving to Cleveland, I met my wife. Her healthy lifestyle (she was vegetarian at the time) rubbed off on me. I was in denial about my weight, and when I finally stepped on the scale again, it couldn't give me a number. I started working out regularly, and eventually saw 350.
    My wife and I got married, and were trying to start a family. We went through two painstaking years trying to concieve, but no luck. I got tested, and was diagnosed with low testosterone and a very low sperm count. Basically what my body was doing was turning testosterone into estrogen. They put me on drugs that stopped that transformation, but it was believed that if I lost weight, I wouldn't need the drugs. It was the kick I needed.
    A few months after that, with hard work and exercise, I had gotten my weight down to 300 pounds. More good news at the time, we were expecting our first child. Our son, Sam, was born in March 2012. I slacked off on my diet and exercise, so I tried getting back into shape. I got my weight down to 265, but gained a lot of it back. Currently, I'm at 285.
    My goal is to get down to between 200-210, and live a healthy lifestyle for my son, and any future children we have!

    So there it is. I know we didn't have to go on depth, but I never really opened up about my weight troubles, and it felt good!

    So proud of you honey, and hopefully we'll have another little one on the way soon! (It's a big part of why we're both here, btw.)

    PS. Go Team Daryl!! :tongue:

    Oh you guys sweet! Love it.
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    Okay my autobiography. Yikes. Here goes...

    I am the youngest of 4 siblings - much younger. I am the oops wasn't that a great New Year's party baby. My sisters are 8 years older than me but much smaller than me. I am tall like my Dad. Growing up I felt like a freak. People called me a "big girl" They meant tall. I heard fat. I always had to wear the largest size of clothes so that the pant legs and arms were long enough. Little did I realize that I was really quite slim. Typical teenage girl subsisting on cookies and Diet coke (that was a thing when I was in high school) thinking the whole time I was too big. I never really considered myself athletic yet loved my dance classes, volleyball and running. My parents NEVER exercised so I didn't have an example to follow and I was a girl, therefore, not athletic. I honestly didn't know that there were soccer teams, hockey teams and baseball teams out in the community. I had moments of very good fitness, probably a lot fitter than I think.

    I got married to my husband when I was 21 and moved to the other side of the province and then to another province. My husband worked a lot out of town so I was stuck in the sticks all alone in a backwater town. The Pizza Hut delivery guy and I became very good friends. Bored and sad = food in my books. Add university, work and being away from family and friends. Yikes. We both struggle with our weight to this day. We have done weight watchers on and off but I don't think we ever really bought into the idea that it was a "rest of your life" change. We would reach goal and then continue as we were. Apparently we are very slow learners.

    Health challenges, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, uterine fibroids (sorry), hormonal imbalance and anxiety finally woke me up to the fact that I only get one go around on this earth and I'd better damn well make the most of it. Every ailment I had could be cured (or at least improved) with a proper diet and exercise. So... 4 years ago I made a change. Exercise has become part of my life. I haven't lost much weight but I'm probably healthier than ever. I eat very healthy (for the most part) but as my Dr. informed me so sarcastically "Ann-Marie you can eat healthy and eat too much" Doh! I'm still working on that. As I get older my weight just creeps up and down - gaining and losing the same 10 pounds. It is getting harder and harder to do a quick weight drop but that's okay because I'm in it for the long haul. My fibroid tumors do cause me to look pregnant which is frustrating but I'm not willing, at this point, to have major surgery to appease my vanity. That may change once I get a little more weight off and get more muscle/less fat.

    I have two amazing teenaged sons, 16 and 14. They are such a blast. I was never planning on having kids but I'm so glad I did. I homeschool them and i now work full-time (stress). Still working on balancing all of that.

    I have a very close knit family who I love dearly - warts and all (mental illness, addiction etc.) I lost my Dad coming up 2 years ago and I am still reeling. I haven't quite got my spark back yet but I'm trying. He was a pretty great man. His birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks and the anniversary of his death shortly after that. I am usually a very happy person who can find gratitude & joy almost anywhere. I'm working on getting my joy back. This challenge and the amazing people on MFP are helping.
  • luckygohappy
    luckygohappy Posts: 80 Member
    Hi, I'm Kari, and I made the mistake of choosing a team based on the actor's physical attractiveness... not that Norman Reedus even compares to the "sexiest man alive," though :wink:

    I'll be 30 this fall, and I'd like to be successfully pregnant by then (I think that's more or less the doctors' goal, too). I'm about 12 lbs overweight, but apparently that's enough to throw my hormones and cycles out of whack. I had 4 miscarriages last year, causes unknown, while on fertility drugs, and I'm hoping that getting my weight down will help me get successfully pregnant on my own.

    I spent most of my childhood curled up with a book and eating all kinds of junk food imaginable, just like my mother did. I never exercised outside of gym class, and I was horribly out of shape (13:27 mile at age 13, although I did beat the class chain-smoker). I hit my highest weight of 185ish my senior year of high school (proof that a vegetarian lifestyle isn't always the healthiest, if you live off french fries and soda!!), lost 45 lbs by the end of the year, gained 20 back when I met my first boyfriend... and I've been yo-yo'ing between 140-165 since. I started running as an Army entrance requirement back in 2006 and discovered that it's actually fun when you're in reasonable shape lol (I was medically discharged 2 months later due to asthma, btw.) My goal is to one day run a marathon after I'm done having kids (the plan is to stop trying after 2, due to all the heartbreak we've been through).
  • pdnaylor
    pdnaylor Posts: 49
    Okay my autobiography. Yikes. Here goes...

    I am the youngest of 4 siblings - much younger. I am the oops wasn't that a great New Year's party baby. My sisters are 8 years older than me but much smaller than me. I am tall like my Dad. Growing up I felt like a freak. People called me a "big girl" They meant tall. I heard fat. I always had to wear the largest size of clothes so that the pant legs and arms were long enough. Little did I realize that I was really quite slim. Typical teenage girl subsisting on cookies and Diet coke (that was a thing when I was in high school) thinking the whole time I was too big. I never really considered myself athletic yet loved my dance classes, volleyball and running. My parents NEVER exercised so I didn't have an example to follow and I was a girl, therefore, not athletic. I honestly didn't know that there were soccer teams, hockey teams and baseball teams out in the community. I had moments of very good fitness, probably a lot fitter than I think.

    I got married to my husband when I was 21 and moved to the other side of the province and then to another province. My husband worked a lot out of town so I was stuck in the sticks all alone in a backwater town. The Pizza Hut delivery guy and I became very good friends. Bored and sad = food in my books. Add university, work and being away from family and friends. Yikes. We both struggle with our weight to this day. We have done weight watchers on and off but I don't think we ever really bought into the idea that it was a "rest of your life" change. We would reach goal and then continue as we were. Apparently we are very slow learners.

    Health challenges, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, uterine fibroids (sorry), hormonal imbalance and anxiety finally woke me up to the fact that I only get one go around on this earth and I'd better damn well make the most of it. Every ailment I had could be cured (or at least improved) with a proper diet and exercise. So... 4 years ago I made a change. Exercise has become part of my life. I haven't lost much weight but I'm probably healthier than ever. I eat very healthy (for the most part) but as my Dr. informed me so sarcastically "Ann-Marie you can eat healthy and eat too much" Doh! I'm still working on that. As I get older my weight just creeps up and down - gaining and losing the same 10 pounds. It is getting harder and harder to do a quick weight drop but that's okay because I'm in it for the long haul. My fibroid tumors do cause me to look pregnant which is frustrating but I'm not willing, at this point, to have major surgery to appease my vanity. That may change once I get a little more weight off and get more muscle/less fat.

    I have two amazing teenaged sons, 16 and 14. They are such a blast. I was never planning on having kids but I'm so glad I did. I homeschool them and i now work full-time (stress). Still working on balancing all of that.

    I have a very close knit family who I love dearly - warts and all (mental illness, addiction etc.) I lost my Dad coming up 2 years ago and I am still reeling. I haven't quite got my spark back yet but I'm trying. He was a pretty great man. His birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks and the anniversary of his death shortly after that. I am usually a very happy person who can find gratitude & joy almost anywhere. I'm working on getting my joy back. This challenge and the amazing people on MFP are helping.

    An amazing story! I couldn't have asked for a better teammate!
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    Hi, I'm Kari, and I made the mistake of choosing a team based on the actor's physical attractiveness... not that Norman Reedus even compares to the "sexiest man alive," though :wink:

    I'll be 30 this fall, and I'd like to be successfully pregnant by then (I think that's more or less the doctors' goal, too). I'm about 12 lbs overweight, but apparently that's enough to throw my hormones and cycles out of whack. I had 4 miscarriages last year, causes unknown, while on fertility drugs, and I'm hoping that getting my weight down will help me get successfully pregnant on my own.

    I spent most of my childhood curled up with a book and eating all kinds of junk food imaginable, just like my mother did. I never exercised outside of gym class, and I was horribly out of shape (13:27 mile at age 13, although I did beat the class chain-smoker). I hit my highest weight of 185ish my senior year of high school (proof that a vegetarian lifestyle isn't always the healthiest, if you live off french fries and soda!!), lost 45 lbs by the end of the year, gained 20 back when I met my first boyfriend... and I've been yo-yo'ing between 140-165 since. I started running as an Army entrance requirement back in 2006 and discovered that it's actually fun when you're in reasonable shape lol (I was medically discharged 2 months later due to asthma, btw.) My goal is to one day run a marathon after I'm done having kids (the plan is to stop trying after 2, due to all the heartbreak we've been through).

    Kari thanks for sharing. Miscarriages are heart breaking. I have been there with you. Blessings to you and Jim that your journey to better health gives you another healthy child.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Remember to check in! Don't forget that there's a great prize this week, the top four teams get to add a new character from the show, who will make them points for the rest of the challenge.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I haven't officially posted it yet, but Team Rick is number one this week! Four teams got a perfect 3.0: Rick, Carl, Tyreese/Sasha and Michonne. Rick had an extra 2 points that was divided among the team for when he killed the guy in the bathroom last week. So Rick gets first pick(I am going to assume, Abraham) and the remaing three teams are all tied, so to be fair the best solution may be for the three character's (Tara, Rosita and Eugene) kills to be added together every week and divided equally among the three second place teams. Is everyone okay with this?
  • pdnaylor
    pdnaylor Posts: 49
    That works for me!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    New Challenge is posted on the team's Walking Dead thread.
    Recap is posted here:
    Summary of Kill points Daryl 6, Beth 2

    Leaderboard and this week's MVP's has been posted.

    Rick will be deciding the punishment exercises this week and choosing one of the four new characters. The weekly points from the remaining three will be divided up among the three, second place finishers. 

    This week's optional show inspired exercise is this fitnessblender golf workout:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Posting from my phone at work so I'll be brief! The week's punishment is a quick circuit training routine:

    1 min jumping jacks; 10 sit ups/roll ups/crunches; 1 min jump rope; 1 min side plank (30 sec each side); 5 burpees.
    Here's the punishment from Team Rick's captain. The good news is he decided that you only have to do it once this week and, as always, you can include it with your cardio or strength numbers.
  • pdnaylor
    pdnaylor Posts: 49
    That sounds like a lunch break workout tomorrow night at work!
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    Oooh I like that punishment.