Introduce yourselves!!!

Lets all do an introduction post.

Talk about you, your goals, your methods, how the group can best support you, and a dream activity for your new body! haha


  • fsucurran1
    fsucurran1 Posts: 3 Member
    I am Active Duty Navy and volunteer at my church. I am getting ready to transition out of the military this year. I want to lose 48 pounds. I had some health issues in the last few months that have made working out difficult. And i find that stress makes me want to eat. Not a good combo.

    For groups support, I just want partners who are on this road with me.

    Dream Activity: Go to the beach and not be embarrassed taking off my shirt.
  • I'm 45 and have always battled weight issues. Luckily I look less than I weigh. I don't want to be my mom or grandmother. I want to defeat diabetes before its an issue. But, I am at my heaviest. I want my energy and zest for life back.

    As for group: The idea of having support from others in the same boat and "accountability" seems helpful.

    Activity: Anything outdoors! Plus, being a super energetic Grammy that can keep up.