I have no idea what I am

Hey all! I completely support human (and animal) rights of any kind, so I am all for the LGBT+ community. I've always wondered where, on the "scale" or "spectrum" I would fall. I never really gave it too much thought, and honestly, just allowed my crushes to fester as they were. I've had very strong crushes on females, and I've had very strong crushes on males. I am physically a female, but really, you could say I identify as androgynous, as I really see gender as a small thing. I think I have a stronger attraction to women, but right now I am dating a man. So, pansexual? Bisexual? No clue! I just find my attractions and go with them!

Not to knock anyone for their orientations, just introducing myself as I am! Love the LGBT+ community and love meeting people on MFP, so happy I found this group! Feel free if anyone would like to add me, as I enjoy meeting new people and talking about a plethora of things. I also support everyone in their goals, whether that be fitness goals, or goals to legally marry someone of the same gender/sex without negativity! :D


  • strongestgirl10
    strongestgirl10 Posts: 26 Member
    <- Pansexual, in an open marriage to a bi male. *adding* Welcome!
  • iKaze0789
    Welcome to myfitness pal :) Who cares what you like male female! LOVE IS LOVE! regardless of gender age culture or religion! Just know you have support and we are here for you if you need some motivation and love (HUGGLES) I myself is a gay man. FULLY GAY sorry ladies! :) I enjoy helping others and motivating them to their goals in life! HIT ME UP! i'll friend ya!
  • charlicee
    I am a cis gay woman... Because you don't seem to identify with gender much, I have seen the terms "agender", "neutrois", and "genderless". (Often androgyny and agenderism are seen as similar, but agender is seeing yourself without gender, why androgyny is a fusion of the traditional male and female energies; the first is without, the latter is with both.) Despite what others tell you, I like labels, because it gives validity to our identities and helps ourselves to seek others who are similar to us (so long as the term doesn't overly pigeonhole or too descriptively tell who we are). Do not forget there are also terms like heteroflexible (mostly straight but with the occasional gay attraction) and homoflexible (mostly gay but on the occasion falling for the opposite sex, like me with Enrique Iglesias ;).

    Mheh, try it out. For better or worse, go with "queer" or "genderqueer" if you are of the younger crowds, who readopted the term for themselves (I know plenty of folks like 30 and over, we hate the term for the offenses people used to do to us, hurl at us), if nothing else suits you. Let labels being a starting guide and help you find others like yourself, but don't corner yourself into what you have to do. I'm lez, like I said, but I prefer the bar and dance scene my male gay friends still stereotypically prefer, over the whole coffeehouse-and-folk rock lezzies are supposedly known for ;)

    An important note: sexual orientation and gender identity are completely separate entities. While there are strong correlations and influences between the two, they are not related. A male transsexual who likes men is still technically a gay male (but if likes women is a straight transman), a female MTF who likes women is a lesbian (but still men is straight), etc.
  • Kabiti
    Kabiti Posts: 191 Member
    I'm a trans female and some flavor of bisexual. I think I'm demi or pan, but I don't entirely understand what that means (perhaps because I've always looked at people for who they are?). In any case, while I know my gender (and I'm in transition) I am very unaware of my sexuality. I've learned a lot since August, when I came out trans to myself and my ?-wife, but I have a long way to go before I understand my sexuality (if ever).
  • That_weird_angel
    I am a cis gay woman... Because you don't seem to identify with gender much, I have seen the terms "agender", "neutrois", and "genderless". (Often androgyny and agenderism are seen as similar, but agender is seeing yourself without gender, why androgyny is a fusion of the traditional male and female energies; the first is without, the latter is with both.) Despite what others tell you, I like labels, because it gives validity to our identities and helps ourselves to seek others who are similar to us (so long as the term doesn't overly pigeonhole or too descriptively tell who we are). Do not forget there are also terms like heteroflexible (mostly straight but with the occasional gay attraction) and homoflexible (mostly gay but on the occasion falling for the opposite sex, like me with Enrique Iglesias ;).

    Mheh, try it out. For better or worse, go with "queer" or "genderqueer" if you are of the younger crowds, who readopted the term for themselves (I know plenty of folks like 30 and over, we hate the term for the offenses people used to do to us, hurl at us), if nothing else suits you. Let labels being a starting guide and help you find others like yourself, but don't corner yourself into what you have to do. I'm lez, like I said, but I prefer the bar and dance scene my male gay friends still stereotypically prefer, over the whole coffeehouse-and-folk rock lezzies are supposedly known for ;)

    An important note: sexual orientation and gender identity are completely separate entities. While there are strong correlations and influences between the two, they are not related. A male transsexual who likes men is still technically a gay male (but if likes women is a straight transman), a female MTF who likes women is a lesbian (but still men is straight), etc.
    Thank you:)]
  • enchantedgardener
    enchantedgardener Posts: 214 Member
    If you want to find the right 'labels' for you, that's great! A little self-reflection and introspection can really help you figure out who you are, then it's just a matter of being able to describe it.
    On the other hand, if you don't want to be defined by a label, that's cool too. :)
    The choice is yours and both are perfectly valid choices.

    For what it's worth, I identify as pansexual, polyamorous, and primarily cis-gender female.

    I'll often label myself as bisexual, because most people I encounter in my daily life are not familiar with the term 'pansexual' and I have no interest in having to explain my sexual orientation all the time.

    Best advice I can give is be yourself and do what makes you happy. I doesn't matter what you are to anyone but yourself.
  • SexNerd
    SexNerd Posts: 36 Member
    I can relate to what you're saying. I use the words queer and genderqueer for myself because I otherwise don't think I'd have any words (instead of longer explanations) to describe how I feel. I am often more attracted to female-bodied people, but I have mostly only dated cisgendered men. It just often seems to work out that way for me, probably because I tend to feel more comfortable around men and have many as friends.
  • AZ_Danny
    AZ_Danny Posts: 50 Member
    Seriously, don't get caught up in labels. I am gay because I identify as such because I have strong feelings for men and none (sexually/romantically for women, though oddly enough, I'm married to an asexual woman.... nearly asexual, myself), but if I ever became confused of my label, I'd likely just drop labels altogether as they aren't necessary, anyway.

    This was meant to be a bit deeper but I'm running on very little sleep and very much energy drink so it's amazing that I managed to type a complete sentence at all :P

    Either way, we love you regardless of what you call yourself

    *group hug*