
I'm 21 year old female and my current weight is 211,2 lbs (95.8kg), height - 5,7" (170cm). Most of time my weight was about 190lbs, but in few months (since 2013 summer) I have gained additional 20 pounds, which is very sad. It was all my fault, because I ate everything I wanted and here's result.

My long term goal is 143 pounds(65kg) :)
I come from non English speaking country, that's why I might have some mistakes in my posts.


  • Weight:
    Day 1- 211.2 lbs
    Day 2- 210.5

    Day 1---
    Day 2-

    Day 1---
    Day 2-

  • Good luck with your goal. Mine is to get down to around 195. I'm M/48. I ate like a pig nearly all my life, but it's time for a change
  • jellybelly8222
    jellybelly8222 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 209lbs got down to 201lbs just before xmas and have really lost the will to do it since... got to get my dieting mojo back!
  • progers88
    progers88 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I am a 50 year old female. My starting weight is 217 lbs. My goal weight is 150 lbs. About 10 years ago I lost 60 lbs and ended up putting it back on. This time I am going to lose it and keep it off. I want to be healthy!!! Lets do this!!!
  • rdec873
    rdec873 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi I tipped the scales at 305 after Christmas. My long term goal weight is 205 with some nearer term goals up front. I just weighed in at 295 a couple days ago. and I am 10 pounds away from my first goal. Although it is not much of a weight loss yet, I have been eating really healthy (and enjoying it) and most importantly have been riding a bike almost every day. Even if its just 5k (3.1 miles) on a stationary bike. I am already starting to feel better. If anyone is interested in friending me, I woud love to work thorugh challenges together.
  • Hi All,

    I'm 43 and my stats are:

    HW: 298
    SW: 274
    CW: 239
    Short-term goal: 200
    Long-term goal: 130

    Looking for ways to stay interested in exercise as it gets tough at times. I am in it for the long haul.
  • Hi Everyone! Good group to be a part of as I have 19 lbs to go just to get to 200 and then more after that!! Got a Fitbit Force which helps and this site links to it. My FitnessPal has an awesome database for food....logging it is my downfall-Have to become consistent with that ! Wishing everyone great success with this journey!
  • capnlizard
    capnlizard Posts: 73 Member
    Hiya! I am 31, female, 5'4", and I started at 238; now I am around 223. I lost sixty pounds about five years ago, then put seventy back on (was using WAY unhealthy habits last time, realized it, and hit the brakes...a little TOO hard!). Looking for sustainable life changes this time around, since I know that the older I get, the harder this is going to be!
  • Denisha805
    Denisha805 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello everyone!

    At my heaviest I was 221 and now I am somewhere around 207. It feels like once I hit the 200 pound mark the scale just kept creeping up..

    My goal is to be under 200 by my wedding June 7

    Long term is to get to 170 while losing fat and gaining lean muscle.
  • Nice to meet you all! :) One one hand I'm happy to see you all here, but on other i wish we wouldn't be 200lbs+. How often we will update our weight status? Once in a week or daily?
  • And also this topic name is mine because i thought that everyone could open his own topic to share daily/weekly details or changes.

    But most of you have shared information about yourselves in here, that's why:
    We can leave this topic as introduction topic (but i cant change the title), we can star new one with all of us or make topic for each person?
    FABRICWOMAN Posts: 539 Member
    hello I'm a 61 year old female who started at the beginning of this year at 320 lbs. I now weight 291. I would like to leave the topic where everyone can discuss a topic. MFP has introduced me to a lot of good people who have the same desire I have to lose weight. My worse fear is every time I get around 220 I slide back down that dark tunnel and gain weight again. I'm hoping to now do that this time.
  • FABRICWOMAN, that's impressive. How did you manage lose so much weight in so few months? Did you eat healthy and exercise?

    Last year my lowest was 172lbs after i watched what i ate and counted calories. Then i started to feel safe and more comfortable and then BOOM i was again around 190lbs and now ~210lbs. It's hard to get back on track and each day i though - umm.. i will start to count calories again and watch i eat... TOMORROW.. and so i gained more than i weighted before dieting.

    Its very difficult for me to stay motivated and keep results.
  • Hello everyone! I'm a 40 year old woman from Virginia. I'm 5'4" and weigh 208 pounds. This is my heaviest weight and my starting weight. I weigh even more now than I did when I was 9 months pregnant all those years and years ago!

    I joined MFP about a year or so ago but didn't stick with it. I've had some major life changes over the last 4 years and the weight has crept up on me over that time. In a nutshell... I graduated from college, got a new job, bought my first home all by myself, ended an 8 year long relationship (who ever heard of an 8 year engagement anyway?), quit smoking cold turkey after 12 years (put them down, didn't pick them up, and cried for months and months), and fell madly in love with a man who was not officially divorced yet (that was a rough thing to go thru). For anyone out there reading this that is wanting to stop smoking... I HIGHLY recommend talking to your doctor and getting medicated. I was the saddest, angriest, most terrible person for so long. I should have gotten the meds early on!

    I'm trying to lose weight so that I feel better, both physically and mentally. I am ashamed and embarrassed and I'm uncomfortable in my skin. And I'm on here because I'm looking for some support and motivation!!
    FABRICWOMAN Posts: 539 Member
    Hi Alessia - I just faithfully log in to the food diary and make sure that I eat at or below my daily allowance. I even pre-plan some meals in advance just to make sure that I am with the values. If I eat something different, I just go back in and change it. I do water walking/aerobics twice a week. So far I have been losing at a good rate. Hopefully I will be under 200 lbs. by next January.
  • Denisha805
    Denisha805 Posts: 7 Member
    I plan on weighing my self every friday morning.