Introduce yourself!



  • SwedishMel
    SwedishMel Posts: 95 Member
    My name is Melissa. My fiance's name is James & we've known each other for 23 years. We started dating about two years ago & instantly knew we wanted to get married. We've attempted to plan a wedding several times, with many things (mostly finance) getting in our way and stressing us out. After all this time (a little over a year) of planning & saving & stressing we've gone back to our original thought. We'll be eloping. :) This doesn't mean I'm not a "bride" just because I'm not doing all the pom & circumstance that almost everyone else does. We've decided (mostly me) that the date we HAVE to get married on is on the anniversary of our first kiss. April Fools day it is! :)
    Since we got together we've both packed on the pounds, and knowing we just have a few months until we're officially man and wife I am determined to lose most of those pounds. It's not for the dress (haven't even thought about what I might wear). It's for me. It's so I feel happier & healthier. Also, I'm going to be a bridesmaid for one of my good friends this September. And if I can be comfortable in my own skin by the time I have to stand in front of all those people (a bit of stage fright here) it'd be great.
    Good luck with all your planning & weight loss fellow Brides!
  • KayNowayJose
    KayNowayJose Posts: 138 Member
    Aw, I loved reading all your stories :-)

    My name's Kayla. :-)

    My future hubby proposed May of last year, and we are getting married 8/21/2014.

    We have opted out of the traditional wedding, because this is his second and neither of us have large surviving family. So we plan on getting married at the courthouse (where his Aunt and close family friend work :bigsmile: ) with as many people as his Aunt can talk the judge into letting have into the room because she's the "favorite" (so she says hahah...picture a 67 year old opinionated woman with a cane :tongue: She's too cute, you can't say no too her). His fathers birthday was the 23rd so we were hoping to do that day, but since weddings aren't performed at the courthouse on Saturday, we went back and forth between honeymoon wedding, backyard wedding...then finally settled upon the 21st. Then afterward we plan on taking everybody (around 25 people) out to our 'reception' = dinner at a downtown restaurant. Then we are catching a flight to our honeymoon!

    SO needless to say, since the wedding is so simple, I will be buying a simple short white dress somewhere closer to the wedding date so am unsure of what my goal is exactly before my wedding. As of right now I'm 154 and 5'5.
  • mfcarley2
    mfcarley2 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm glad i found this group. I'm Carley :) I'm planning a wedding for October 2014 in Kansas from Chicago...looking forward to it.
  • Hey Everyone!

    I'm Alexis, I'm 32 and from the UK (England). I am getting married in December 2014 at Gretna Green in Scotland :)
    I have 4 stone to lose (56 lbs).

    Wish me luck :flowerforyou:
  • SaraJRosburg
    SaraJRosburg Posts: 42 Member
    Hi All! My name is Sara. I'm 31 years old, and got engaged in November 2013. Our wedding is May 17th 2014, so not a long engagment, but enough time to hit my goal!

    Here are my stats:

    Ht: 5'6"
    SW: 161
    CW: 158
    GW: 140

    I'm excited to be a part of a team with some ladies that are on the same page!
  • kikalique
    kikalique Posts: 52 Member
    Hi everyone! It's great to hear your happy relationship stories and plans for a healthy future. :)

    I'm Kaitlin, and I've been engaged to a wonderful guy since April 2013. We are getting married on June 7th this year. I actually bought my dress last June (I live several states away from my family and bridal party), and it fit perfectly then, no alterations necessary. But the dress is a size 16, and to me it represents my highest weight in the past few years. I want to feel healthy and good about myself on my wedding day as I start the next big adventure with my soon-to-be husband. So I will gladly pay to have alterations made to the dress (or find a new dress!) if it means I'm healthier.

    I hope to lose 25ish lbs before June that will bring me to 200. I think it's totally doable! Feel free to add me, and I'll be more than happy to support you on your journey as well.
  • Hi Ladies! So great to be part of this group.

    I'm Kim, and I've been engaged since December 2012. I wanted to avoid being stressed out and turning into bridezilla, so we opted for a longer engagement. Our big day is August 23, 2014. 8 months to get my *kitten* in gear. I quit smoking about 1 year ago, and have put on 15 lb since then.

    I'm 5' tall. Current weight is 114.8lb, hoping to get down to 100lb by March 2014 and then maintain.
  • Hi everyone!

    I'm Kayla, and we got engaged December 2013. We are planning to get married in July 2014, although we haven't set a date yet.

    I'm 5' 7" and currently weigh 215. I'd love to weigh 150-170 on our wedding day. I've gained about 20 pounds since this summer with my stressful job and terrible work hours. I'd love all of the support/encouragement/chiding I can get.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • sunsetseven
    sunsetseven Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Kayla - kpayton - You can do it!! What are you plans / goals to accomplish this? I am planning a wedding as well..thinking June and I want to get at least 15 pounds gone. I have been eating crappy and not exercising at all. But now that I have a date to work with, I am hoping that will help me keep motivated!
  • sunsetseven
    sunsetseven Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone - I have been using MFP for years and I know it really helps keep you focused. I have goal with a date / event attached -- MY WEDDING!! My FH and I have been together 8 years now and recently decided to make it official. We started the planning and have a rough idea on date -June. Now to knuckle down and quit F'ing off.

    Back in at the end of 2011 -2012 I hit my goal weight and just blew off everything after coming back from my cruise at the end of 2012. We had a lot of fun partying - but that included a LOT of eating out (too much) and drinking (way too much) and stress at work (stress eating). I know what needs to be done and I can do it - Just need to DO IT!!.

    I really want to get my body fat % down - so to Paleo and Ketotis - here I go!
  • spara0038
    spara0038 Posts: 226 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Got engaged November 2012, getting married December 21, 2014. It would seem like we've had FOREVER to plan our wedding, but between my fiance changing jobs, us buying a house, and all the joys that go with both-working-full-time-first-time-homeowner life, things have been nuts.

    I'm 5'2" and teetering around 145/150 lbs. When we got engaged, I was about 128. Mostly stress and the holidays have not been too kind to my waistline. But, my fiance's brother is also getting married 6 mos. before us and his fiancee is a certifiable bridezilla. (Cue the wine and girl nights to get over it!)

    I at least want to be back to 125-130lbs by the wedding. Getting my butt to the gym will be my biggest challenge!
  • jj102201
    jj102201 Posts: 2 Member

    My name is Erin. I got engaged in June and am getting married in April. I am 5'2" and currently weigh 158. I'm looking to drop as mush as I can (in a healthy way) by my wedding. I plan though to continue trying to get the extra weight off afterward. W plan to start trying to get preggers right after the wedding and I want to be healthy so I can have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

    A couple years ago I was at my goal weight. I worked my butt off to get there and I felt really great about myself. Then I got sick and had doctor's orders that I couldn't go to the gym. That ended up being for a year. The weight piled on and by December 31, 2013 I had gone from 123 to 171! I finally got the kick in the butt I needed to start losing this weight. A bit of a late start since I only have a couple moths to go before the wedding, but better late than never!

    MyFitnessPal seems to be working well so far. I'm down 13lbs so far! I am just going to keep trucking along and see how well I can do.
  • Kacieso
    Kacieso Posts: 16 Member
    I'm Kacie. I'm engaged to the love of my life since October 14, 2012. After a "brief" engagement, we've finally set a date and booked a venue for 10/10/14.
    I'm 5'2" and weigh (a number I don't even want to admit) 202. I wasn't this heavy pregnant with my son! He's 4 now, so I can no longer blame my chub on baby weight... I just like carbs a lot!
    I would like to lose 40lbs by my wedding! I'm doing much better with watching calories and maintaining a healthier diet, but I'm struggling with finding time to incorporate exercise! Between full time work, my fiancé, 3 kids, and DIYing for the wedding, I feel like I barely have time to sleep, let alone do anything else! Cake tastings and caterer meetings aren't going to help much either in the upcoming months!
    I'm excited to join this group! I could use some support and the occasional kick in the butt to get in gear! I really don't want to be forever immortalized in wedding pictures the way I look now!
  • white_roses09
    white_roses09 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey gals! I'm Tika, a June bride! 4 months to go and I'm hitting the gym hard. I think I might need a buddy to keep me focused tho! It's hard to want to get up and go to the gym with it SO cold!
  • Hi Everyone!

    I'm Shannon - I am getting married to my best friend on October 11th. I currently weigh 180, and would like to keep a steady 5lbs/month drop to be 150 by September. I really hope I can stick to this now. I have been engaged since November and have not been in control of my eating at all. Here's hoping that I (as well as everyone else in the group) can stick to it and achieve our goals!
  • msmindyf
    msmindyf Posts: 133 Member
    Hey y'all. I am Mindy, 34 y/o, getting married to my best friend, Shawn, on June 28th. We've been an item for 10.5 years. I think it's time :-) I am doing what I can to shed some of this unwanted weight through circuit training, running, and just a better way of eating. Which is hard some days because I have a sweet tooth!!! Plus, I love bread. I am aiding this with Plexus for now, but will get back to doing it the old fashioned way in probably a month or two.
  • luckychef13
    luckychef13 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey All! Currently planning a small destination wedding New Orleans for Sept 2014. I started MFP last year and got some decent results when I was being good and sticking to my plan. Then came our fall cruise, then the holidays and the stress and all the weight I lost came back. I've had a really hard time getting back into the swing of things. But now, with only 6 months to plan our wedding, I know it's time to kick it into gear! I ordered my dress a few days ago. My first fitting is scheduled for June 26th. I would like to drop 20lbs by then and hopefully another 10-15 before the wedding. That means, NO fast food, NO sweets, drink those protein shakes, & get my buns off the couch and on the treadmill! Feel free to add me! Would love to have some fellow BtB's to encourage and support!
  • ashleyolivia
    ashleyolivia Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! I'm Ashley and I got engaged in November 2013 and will be getting married this September. I've been a member of MFP for years, and by some stroke of luck hit my goal weight right around the time I got engaged. Unfortunately, after a little too much celebrating, the holidays, and the fact that I work insane hours every Jan-mid March I have packed back on some pounds. I'd say I have about 5-8 pounds to lose, and I'd also like to really tone up. My first dress fitting will happen in mid-June and I would like to be at my goal weight by then. 3 months. I know that's totally doable, but it still feels overwhelming right now. My main plan for hitting goal weight is cutting out all dessert. Sugar is by far my biggest weakness and I'm sort of an all or nothing person, I can eat everything else in moderation, but not dessert. So I think I'm just going to give it up until the wedding. (this is how I hit my goal weight last fall, and then I let myself start eating dessert again and here we are...). Feel free to add me, I'd love some new friends who are also trying to get fit for the big day!
  • ShanekiaC
    ShanekiaC Posts: 12
    Hi my name is Shanekia. My wedding is May 17, 2014. I am excited. I aiming to look awesome in my dress.
  • cozbean
    cozbean Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Corinne. Got engaged October 17th and the wedding is June 14th! I'm 154lbs and trying to get to 146lbs or less (I started at 161lbs). Bought the dress before I gained the weight, so here's to fitting in it again!
  • kccorey
    kccorey Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone! Congratulations, brides-to-be :) I'm Katie. Engaged September 2012, will be married June 28th. We've had a long engagement, but I have majorly slacked on both wedding planning and fitness! Now that we are less than 100 days away, I'm starting to get my act together. I am just shy of 5'7" and 128lbs. My focus is on maintaining weight, losing fat and adding muscle. Feel free to add me!
  • Hi! I'm Jules. Like some of you, we have had a loooong engagement but I've slacked on fitness. I'm getting married August and now is my time to crack down! Starting now to get serious, love the idea of supporting each other!

    SW: 175
    CW: 166
    GW: 150
    UGW: 140
    AZGIRLAZ Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm from Tucson, Arizona and I've been engaged for almost a year. My fiance is in the process of moving to the US from the UK. He's the sweetest guy and has loved me unconditionally, but I want to lose some weight to get healthy and of course to look pretty in my wedding dress. I've been a little (ok, A LOT) lazy with my diet and exercise plan, but it's time to kick it into high gear!

    We haven't set a date yet, because he has to sell his house but I'm thinking it'll be sometime this summer.

    Can't wait to get to get to know some of you lovely ladies as we embark on this journey
    together! :)
  • Lizi19
    Lizi19 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi, congratulations to all of you!

    I'm Lizi from California. I've been engaged since October, but I just started all the planning. I'm getting married in November.

    I am trying to lose 5-10 pounds and maintain until the day, but what I really need it tone up. I would appreciate any advice.
    Feel free to add me.

    CW 124
  • Hi, everyone!

    I'm Mattie from Kentucky. I've been engaged since July 31, 2012, and our wedding is December 13th of this year. :D

    I've done this before. I lost 30 lbs but gained it back because I stopped watching what I ate. This time, I'm going to lose 25 lbs and then maintain.

    Let's do this!!
  • mindalyn
    mindalyn Posts: 128 Member
    congrats everyone on your soon to be "big day"s! I was a 2014 bride, but moved to December '13. I picked my dress out a few months prior to my wedding. the dress I picked out was a just a little too tight for comfort, it was the last 1 and was THE one. sooo because iw as planning on sitting down at some point during the reception, I knew I had to lose a bit of inches. I will admit, I did not exercise as much as I should have, but what I did do was log food (best as I could), stayed away from breads (usually limited myself 1 or 2 times a week, stopped my sodas, and drank my Plexus Slim daily. that mixture with a few weeks of salads for lunch during the day really helped me barely fit in to my dress (because I did not have my dress with me, I lost more inches than I thought I needed, so it was too big - which didn't bother me too much ;)). my only problem the day of the wedding was the rain and running about an hour late - woops! anyways, hope any of this info helps!!! best of luck all of you with reaching your goals. if anyone has any questions or concerns, I am no expert, but I am more than willing to help out!
  • healthnut1223
    healthnut1223 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey! I'm Lindsey and I am 24. I'm getting married september 20th to my amazing fiance :]
    I weigh 185 and I am looking to get to 160. I wanted to get toned and healthy.I have a lot of loose skin from previous weight loss. feel free to message me! I work out at the gym and I do zumba classes!
  • kate_strochnetter
    kate_strochnetter Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all my name is kate I am 140cm and 74kg at the moment first dress fit on 5th July and wedding 1st nov. Engaged to a great man that can eat what ever he likes and not gain....
  • cniemann26
    cniemann26 Posts: 49
    Hello to all you beautiful brides!

    My name is Courtney, I am 22 years old and just recently got engaged this spring. My fiancé is a Special Forces Marine and is stationed overseas right now. We are getting married September 27th and I could not be more excited!

    My wedding has definitely motivated me to shed the pounds that college oh so generously gave me. Unless we get lucky I will not get to see my fiancé until 2 weeks before our wedding! Yikes! So i have 140 days (not that I'm counting or anything) to lose as much weight as I can and look fantastic for my husband-to-be. I want to make sure that I am the best version of myself to start our life together! I would love to make friends and share support along the way! Feel free to add me!
  • Hi! I just joined and am so glad I found this group. I got engaged a couple days before this past Christmas to my boyfriend of over 4 years. We are getting married in Puerto Rico in November. I'd like to lose about 50lbs before the big day, but realize that's a big goal. I had intentions of starting my weight loss plan in January, but for one reason or another just couldn't get my butt in gear. Hopefully that has changed for good! Good luck and congrats to all on their recent engagement :)