Net carbs?

macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
When you all talk about macros for those of us with PCOS, do you do net carbs or total carbs? I want to try staying under 100 gm/day of carbs for a while and see how it goes but wonder if 100 gm/day of net carbs would be OK or if it should really be total carbs.


  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    A lot of people here, and in the general low-carb boards, use net carbs. Personally, I just do total carbs, especially since I'm like you, in that my carb intake number is a little higher.

    It really depends on what works for you, but I'd stay stick with total carbs if you're going to aim for 100g, or figure out a lower number for net carbs that would put you about 100g of total carbs. Doing 100g of net carbs is quite a bit, and in my opinion, 100g of total carbs is easily attainable and maintainable.
  • itsmrsamber2u
    itsmrsamber2u Posts: 4 Member
    Can you give an example of your daily foods? I tried to peek at your diary, but it's private :P
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Can you give an example of your daily foods? I tried to peek at your diary, but it's private :P

    I don't know if you're talking to me or the OP, but I listed mine in the thread here -

    If you're not talking to me...well, there's an example of what I eat! :drinker:
  • itsmrsamber2u
    itsmrsamber2u Posts: 4 Member
    Can you give an example of your daily foods? I tried to peek at your diary, but it's private :P

    I don't know if you're talking to me or the OP, but I listed mine in the thread here -

    If you're not talking to me...well, there's an example of what I eat! :drinker:

    Thank you!!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Thanks! I used to do the Dukan Diet so I know I was generally well under 100 gm carbs/day total. I did it for months so I know it can be done, but I did find that my energy and stamina in running were a struggle until I added more carbs. Now that I'm training for a 10K and also trying to do weight training 3x/wk, I'm trying to figure out macro goals that will be enough to fuel my workouts (and the rest of life!) while also being PCOS-friendly to lose the last few pounds. (I am close to my goal weight but I'm at about 28-29% body fat and would like to get down to 24%.)