The pressure of being vegan.



  • SkinneyGirl28
    SkinneyGirl28 Posts: 145 Member
    Years ago I felt some from family because they worried about my children getting enough of this or that. I quit all flesh foods in the '70's and the dairy in the '80's. I always brought great entrees to family gatherings. As a result, my mom and brother are now animal free and other relatives are respectful. Just keep plugging along and they will get tired of harassing you. I was always sick and now I stay well. That's enough reason for me. I just have trouble maintaining a healthy weight. I am currently about 10 pounds underweight, but I feel great!
    Skinneygirl 28
  • MeanieD
    MeanieD Posts: 79
    I've found that there's a lot of expectations on how I should dress or act - like I'm supposed to be a super crunchy hippy type.
  • dgkt
    dgkt Posts: 57 Member
    Funny thing is, science has proven giving meat to an anemic or b12 defficent person (veg or otherwise), doesn't fix the problem.
  • Veganmafia
    Veganmafia Posts: 54 Member
    animal liberation by peter singer is an awesome book to trump all pressure
  • unisheep
    unisheep Posts: 16 Member
    Oh, totally true about the pressure!
    I have been a junk food vegan for some time and I am obese ... which makes me ashamed to admit I am a vegan, as vegans are supposed to be slender! But yes, you can definitely become obese eating the wrong vegan foods.
    I have now made major changes to my diet, trying to become the slender, glowing, fabulous person a vegan is supposed to be. But in the meantime I try to talk about my way of eating as little as possible.

  • VeganMotoGirl
    VeganMotoGirl Posts: 43 Member
    Yes, and I have only been doing this a few months. At times I feel that I should have kept it quite because now I have to field tons of silly questions and I do feel like now if I slip-up I will be seen as a lier. I know that i have nothing to prove to anyone but myself yet I can't help but feel the pressure from those around me.