Weigh in week Saturday 1st -Friday 7th March

elw90 Posts: 41 Member
Hello everyone.

So here are my stats

W1: 10st 10
W2: 10st 7
W3: 10st 2
W4: 10st 5
W5: 10st 4

I'm so happy! Another lb gone, and I'm so pleased that with accurate accurate tracking my body is actually doing the whole calories thing- it makes sense as a Biology major that this should be the way but it never worked ... but it's because I was never tracking 100% accurately- probably around 80%.

I just had the best bowl of gourmet porridge- banana chocolate philadelphia and peanut butter- so good! to rewad myself. I've worked hard this week for that pound and it just motivates me to keep doing what I'm doing. I also ate a proper dinner every night this week- huge progress for me.
In some ways it's frustrating when it is kind of slow... I've been so good all week exercising and eating and I think psychologically I secretly wanted more than a lb but i need to tell myself that when its more its generally unsustainable. and that this way It will keep coming off and the only way is down and definitely not back up!

Gonna relax a little bit on the food front today- but still log and then get back on strict tomorrow. Today is the best day to do a bit of 'cheating' as I will have the rest of the week to get back on it before my next weigh in. Plus I think ur mind needs a break and my whole thing at the moment is not binging-offsetting binges and so far it has worked- I havent binged all week!!


  • keeptehpeace
    keeptehpeace Posts: 189 Member
    last week: 57.5kg/126.7lbs
    this week: 56.9kg/125.4lbs

    1.3lbs, I'm very happy considering I had a bit of a binge on Wednesday and haven't really exercised a lot, also under (just!) 9 stone! officially 8 stone something, wooo :drinker: :smokin: :bigsmile:
  • missjmariam
    missjmariam Posts: 47 Member
    Today I weighed in at 141.9, I started Feb 11th at 145 pounds roughly (since the scale i had back then was really old and not exact).

    The biggest changes i'm noticing is my measurements! I originally started at a 31 inch waist, i just did my measurements today and im a 29 now! I feel slimmer and my pants got extra space in them now. Also my love handle area was a 37 to start now im at 34.5.

    For anyone who's interested..i'm going to quickly share what i've been doing.

    1.Exercise! I exercise every day. I take 1 day "off"" on tuesdays but its not really "off" because i walk fast on the treadmill for 15 minutes to burn quick calories! Thats my 150 calorie exercise day, the day i calll ÖFF. On Mondays I go on the treadmill for 40 minutes and burn 400 calz, Wednesdays and Thursdays I go on for 50 minutes and burn 500 calz, Friday/Sat/Sun I got on for 60 minutes and burn 600 calz.

    2.I eat! I eat back about 75% or more of my burned calories, depending on how i feel that day or how hungry i am. MFP has me on a 1200 calorie diet, but I eat back only about 3/4s of my calories, i usually log less exercise time and calories. I don't deprive myself either of naughty foods, if i want to eat a slice of vanilla cake, i will eat half of it! i follow shaun t of t25s/insanity rule -85/15. 85% good food 15% naughty food! Been working for me..When i see 130's on the scale i'm going to be soo happy
  • missjmariam
    missjmariam Posts: 47 Member
    just so theres no confusion i eat back 3/4s of my exercise calories. so it would be 1200 calories that mfp sets out for me + exercise calories!
  • AlexM1129
    AlexM1129 Posts: 7 Member
    Last week: 133.4 lbs
    This week: 132.4 lbs ! :)

    I'm going on vacation this week, I'm gonna do my best to make healthy choices but it's going to be tough!
  • kingmmmy
    kingmmmy Posts: 22 Member
    this week 1 lb loss

    Which is good for me since I have been stuck for month's!!
  • ashleycde
    ashleycde Posts: 622 Member
    Saturday February 15: 140 lbs
    Saturday February 22: 136.8 lbs
    Saturday March 1: 134.8 lbs

    I think it's mostly water weight though, because my weight fluctuates daily, and I can lose one day, and then have gained back more the next even though I've met my goals for food and exercise.
  • piratesluver
    piratesluver Posts: 105 Member
    sw:165 (sept 10)
    Week 1: 144
    Week 2: 145.2
    Week 3: 144
    This week: 142.8

    Back on track!
  • crystal075
    crystal075 Posts: 33 Member
    Starting weight 5 weeks ago 150
    Last week weigh in was 146
    Today weigh in 143.8

    Im happy with the numbers, but Im not taking it too seriously because Im always heavier the week right before the time of my month, and then I lose it.

    Pushing through everyday day....my body is starting to feel tighter and my clothes are starting to fit more comfortably :)
  • Week 1: 135.6
    Week 2: 139.6

    I'm not even worried about that # though because I know it's due to eating some junk food the last couple of days + a lot more exercise (so water weight/swollen muscles). I know I didn't gain 4 lbs of fat in one week. I'm sure it will go back down by next Saturday's weigh in.
    I did start counting calories again today for the first time this year. I weighed 148.6 on Jan 1st and basically have eaten whatever I wanted and lost weight since then, but the closer I get to my goal weight -the harder/slower it is to lose.
    I counted calories for a couple of months last Oct/Nov and didn't like doing it/got too obsessed with the #s. This time around, I'm going to use it a tool to finally get back down to the weight I want to be.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    Starting weight: 163
    Last week: 145
    Today: 143

    20 pounds down and 3 pounds from my original goal. I've changed my goal to be 130 lbs. now
  • acarrillo2012
    acarrillo2012 Posts: 34 Member
    Starting weight a week ago was 158. This week is160. I am discouraged not to see positive progress but I had a few days I went over calories. This week I will try to increase exercise and decrease cheat days.
  • Samby_v1
    Samby_v1 Posts: 202 Member
    No movement on the scale this week, BUT... lost an inch off my waist, abdomen, hips and bust, so something's going on!
  • thegeorges11202004
    thegeorges11202004 Posts: 26 Member
    Friday 28 Feb was the last day of a 10 day low carb (no grains or starches)"challenge" and at the start of that I was 205. I weighed myself friday and was 202.8. So that is 2.2 lbs gone. woo hoo! and it wasn't even that hard to do! Gonna try another 10 days starting tomorrow.
    So start weight Dec 2013 - 223
    Current weight Feb 28 2014 - 202.8 (20 lbs GONE!!)
    Goal by Summer: 186
  • gemma1675
    gemma1675 Posts: 44 Member
    Two pound lost this week, I am happy with that.
  • Jennwa
    Jennwa Posts: 107 Member
    "Gained" 4lbs this past week. My weight changes from day to day all the time. I did eat more junk this past weekend as I always do when I work (14hr shifts). I know it will go back down in a day or 2, it always does. I'm not going to let this get me down. I was still up at 4:30 this morning to start my workout before work.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Jan 20 to Feb 20: 6 lbs lost
    Feb 20 to now: 4.5lbs gained

    I've ran more, lifted more and ate more (healthy stuff) to make sure I net a good amount. Then my unpredictable TOM showed up, bloat seems to be gone now but the scale hasn't gone down. That's OK. :smile:
  • Solar07
    Solar07 Posts: 83 Member
    Start weight: 164.0 lbs.
    This week: 161.2 lbs.

    This was not a true weight loss through effort though. I got a stomach virus and was not able to eat anything more then bananas, applesauce, toast, and ginger ale.

    Actually had to leave work because I was so sick. Hope none of you get it .... :sick:
  • timetravelforfitness
    timetravelforfitness Posts: 242 Member
    Last Monday: 161 lbs.
    Today: 158.5

    I still can't believe I'm finally able to get that scale to move.
  • TristansHawk
    TristansHawk Posts: 114 Member
    Last week: 137 lbs
    This week: 140 lbs

    I am not happy about being back in the 140's, but I have slacked off. It is also my TOM, so I will have to wait for next week to see if this has any bearing. Yesterday was also my 25th birthday and I enjoyed dinner out with my mom and brother. I ate my dinner AND an appetizer (pretty much all of it), but it was my birthday..so I am okay with that! You only turn 25 once :)
  • Katielou112
    Katielou112 Posts: 55 Member
    Last week: 164lbs
    This week: 163

    :) slow and steady wins the race