Feel free to ntroduce yourself :) :) We love to share :)

Hello friends! :)

Some of you have just started their journey, some are in the beginning and some are just 5 months away from their goal. No matter where you stand on your weight loss path, here is the place to tell us! :)

1) Age (if you want of course :) )

2) Starting weight?

3) Goal weight till 31.7.2014

4) Approach

- net calories you consume
- clean or not so clean eating
- working out? how much?

5) Your motivational quote that keeps you on track :):)

Best regards,
Mella :)


  • Here is mine :

    1) 21 years old, female

    2) Starting : 145-148 Pounds

    3)Goal till 31.7.14 : 120 Pounds

    4) Approach

    - net 1200, eating back at least half the exercise calories
    - mostly paleo, but now introducing some more foods such as whole wheat bread, spelt bread, mostly (90% ) clean
    - exercise at least 4 times a week 60 mins. cardio. Goal : 5 times a week.

    5) 100% success is always 120% hard work!
  • LiveMore101
    LiveMore101 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello there!

    1) I am a 19 year old female.

    2) Starting weight: 120 pounds.

    3) Goal until the end of July: 104-105 pounds.

    4) Approach

    -net 1200 calories.
    -I've binged quite a few times since trying to lose weight in January and it's VERY difficult for me to continue to eat healthy... I'd say about 70% clean.
    -I work out almost every day (usually take a break on weekends) and I run/walk for 40 minutes, do weights, things like that.

    Motivational Quote: When you feeling like quitting, think about why you started.
  • ) Age 42

    2) Starting weight 183.4 (yikes)

    3) Goal weight till 31.7.2014 130 lbs.

    4) Approach

    - 1100 calories
    - clean eating
    - working out - daily (30) mins cardio so far, any suggestons to accelerate weight loss greatly appreciated
    5) Your motivational quote that keeps you on track :):) still need one
  • marianapril
    marianapril Posts: 26 Member
    Hello! I'm Marian. I want to do it now! So I will be skinny till end of July 2014.

    * 20 yrs old (5'3)

    *StartingW 174 lbs.
    *CurrentW 166 lbs.
    *GoalW 130 lbs.

    --- I'm into 1200 to 1500 cal. per day depends on my exercise

    ---Not so clean eating and eating in moderation( I just want an approach that I know I can do and I can support for now. )

    ---Cardio exercise 3-5x a week minimums of 15-30 mins. and I want to add some abs workout!

    --- My motivational qoutes are "STAY FOCUS"(simple), IF THEY CAN DO IT,I CAN DO IT(success stories.lol) and "NOT FOR TODAY,MAYBE TOMORROW"(I got this here in mfp, it's like if you like to eat something but you know you can't have it today because of your calorie goal, always think that you can have it tomorrow.)
  • jeanners98
    jeanners98 Posts: 74 Member
    1) 26 years old, female

    2) Starting : 160ish Pounds

    3) Goal till 31.7.14 : 140 Pounds

    4) Approach

    - net 1200
    - pretty clean... pretty veggie/vegan. i am trying to only eat dairy once or twice a week and meat only once a week.
    - run/gym for 40-60 minutes 5 times a week... so far i've done 3 this week! yay
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Hello! I'm Jamie and DH is taking me to the Bahamas at the end of July, so this group will be handy to keep me going!:wink:

    1) 33 years old

    2) SW 183
    CW 155

    3) Goal weight 145-150 (depending how I look & feel when I hit 150). I'm 5'9".

    4) I'm doing Insanity 5-6 days a week, strength training Tuesday and Saturday after Insanity, yoga Wednesday and Friday after Insanity, and belly dancing after the other 1-2 days. When I finish this round in April, the plan is to do an Insanity/ strength & running hybrid... but things may change between now and then.

    I'm eating 1400-1500 net calories (I usually end up eating 1800-2000 total on my workout days), and am trying to eat mostly clean, but still leaving room for treats. I'm currently hooked on fruity and sweet & sour filled Twizzlers, lol

    5) I have a few quotes that keep me motivated:
    "Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up." from the most recent Batman trilogy
    "I don't stop when I'm tired, I stop when I'm done."
    "Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do after the mood you said it in has left you."
    "Courage isn't having the strength to go on, it's going on when you don't have strength."- Napoleon
  • jeanners98
    jeanners98 Posts: 74 Member
    @Bookworm What is insanity? it sounds hard!! :)
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    It's a really intense Beachbody program. It's tough, exhausting, but also a lot of fun. I started it late last year, but then I hurt my back pretty bad, so I'm getting started on it again. Lesson learned: form is very important, lol.

    When I was doing it before, I saw a lot of changes in my body as well as increases to my strength and endurance.
  • amylynn3033
    amylynn3033 Posts: 1 Member
    1.) I will be 32 next week with plans to get married this summer

    2.) Current weight: 137

    3.) Goal by summer: 125

    4.) Net 1200 calories, having difficulty working out due to work schedule. Just counting calories for now. Have difficulty with stress eating when I get home.

    Motivational quote: You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!!!
  • 1. I am a 19 year old college student

    2. My current weight is 134

    3. My goal by summer is 115

    4. My Net calories is 1200 but it's really difficult to fit in workouts due to school and work, but I am counting calories and trying to go vegan after I re-started eating products with dairy. My biggest daily goal is to avoid sweets and bad carbs when it is late and I'm studying. Other than that I am a pretty clean eater.

    I am also trying to find enough time to fit Insanity into my schedule because I want a toned body not a super skinny one.

    5. I don't really have an inspirational quote but whenever I am about to eat something I know I should not I try to tell myself no by reminding myself that I have wanted an amazing body and confidence more than what I am about to consume.
  • katyrrell
    katyrrell Posts: 3 Member
    1) 37

    2) SW: 145, CW: 135

    3) Goal weight till 31.7.2014: 125

    4) Approach

    - 1200 + or - depending on workouts.
    - try to eat mostly veggies and lean protein
    - yoga once a week. Run with my doggies sometimes 2x/day before and after work. Since the weather has been so cold and snowy and the streets so slick I've been slacking on the runs a lot. I was in great shape running 2 short runs a day until about November when it got cold.

    5) Your motivational quote that keeps you on track :):) I have a number of different mantras depending on what I need. Right now I need a new mantra and a kick in the *kitten* to get over the winter blues and laziness!

    I have a very limited amount of time to spend working out, so I love to get a quick efficient workout in every day. Under 40 minutes is preferrable. I also need to maximize my eating so any ideas on low cal snacks / meals that are still filling and that I can eat a lot of would be great to share.
  • PSlosing29
    PSlosing29 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello, my name is Trisha

    1) Age: 25

    2) CW: 149 lbs

    3) GW (7-31-14): 125 lbs

    4) Approach:
    About 1200+ cal.
    Cutting back on my Carbs ( I have been eating/drinking too many)
    Walking 2 miles/day 4 days a week
    Working out 4-5 times a week
    Drinking lots of water
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    Hello All ... good to join you

    1) Age - comparatively old for this site.... sadly I don't feel it, not ready to turn into compost just yet

    2) 182lb at start of this challenge

    3) Goal weight till 31.7.2014 - 15lb loss ... so 167lb

    4) Approach
    - net calories you consume: I am bored of the scare mongoring about this so-called "starvation mode"
    (which I am sure happens but not as rapidly as public forums would suggest)
    I am planning a healthy pace of loss as well as self-regulation ... so eating under if I am not so hungry and eating a bit over if I am.

    - clean or not so clean eating -very clean ... but ..... wine is an exception!! of course!!

    - working out? how much? - Want to jog 5x a week

    5) Your motivational quote that keeps you on track :):) - My motivation is 90% of my wardrobe that is too small so I have motivation every day I get up for work!
  • .) I will be 30 in July

    2.) Current weight: 158

    3.) Goal by summer: 125  -130

    4.) Net 1200 calories, having difficulty working out because of my laziness and the moment I think about going g to diet I feel so hungry that I want to eat everything. :(

    I really need to lose weight this year I gguess all I need is motivation.
  • Hi
    I am 47
    My start weight in January was 140 #
    I now weigh 126#
    Goal weight 120#
    My calorie goal w/o exercise is 1370 cal/day
    I work out 3-4 times per week
    Typical work out: 30 min of weight lifting then 25 min of elliptical.
    I find when I add too much cardio to the mix, I tend to overeat and put on the pounds.
  • sarahmorgan050
    sarahmorgan050 Posts: 14 Member
    Here is mine :

    1) 26 years old, female

    2) Current weight : 150-152 Pounds

    3)Goal : 130-135 Pounds- Want to Build Muscle.

    - net 1200,
    - mostly clean. But I slip up from time to time.
    - Just started exercise on my 4th day, so no pattern yet. But planning to work out at least 4 times a week

    4) Sweat is weakness leaving your body. and I'm not telling you it's going to be easy. I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.
  • laraburkhalter
    laraburkhalter Posts: 85 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I am really excited to get back on track, and groups always seem to give me more motivation!

    1) I am 38 (and I would like more than anything to be a size 8 before I turn 40)

    2) Starting weight was 256, currently I am 248 @ 5'10

    3) Goal weight till 31.7.2014 - 199 (love to be under 200)

    4) Approach

    - stay under 1300 calories, portion control I think will be my key
    - using my food journal religiously!!!
    - I like to Jog, but I want to incorporate more work outs - core exercises are circuit training videos, at least 4 days a week

    5) Your motivational quote that keeps you on track :):) - "you can do it" had to use that one :)

    Look forward to the challenge and meeting everyone.

  • Dear laraburkhalter,
    Dear sarahmorgan,
    Dear gloriamenard,
    Dear hira84,
    Dear SallieBeige,
    Dear Trisha,
    Dear katyrrel,
    Dear courage1895,
    Dear amylynn3033,
    Dear Jamie,
    Dear jeanners98,
    Dear marianapril,
    Dear pilatenewb,
    Dear Authoress555,

    So happy we are becoming more :) Like your plans, ladies! We deserve to be the best we can be, so let's do it!!!!!!!!
  • BoggleChamp9
    BoggleChamp9 Posts: 6 Member
    1) 32

    2) 146

    3) 130

    4) Net 1250 calories, start exercising again.

    5) I don't have any, but I liked reading the ones you guys posted.