
jmacminn Posts: 4 Member
Hey Ladies!! I kinda felt like we should all have a somewhat recent group to talk about things. So I thought we could all post what our personal goals are to get to know each other!
My goal is to be able to run five miles straight by May and to lose five pounds every month until I get to my goal weight.


  • Hi everyone :)

    My current goals are to record my food/beverage and exercise every single day without fail and to have 45 mins of exercise/movement a day. My longer-ish term goal is to run a 5km race in June using the C25K regime. I've recently (two days ago haha) starting to use various fitness videos on youtube to become more active and healthy and want to continue on doing so.

    Nice to meet ya!
  • Hey gals!

    I'm 18 and college student near Boston MA. I hope to lose 30 pounds by the summer! Attainable I think! I hope to run a half marathon by the summer. I'd really love to eat healthier and have a better body. I'm focusing a lot on butt workouts to reverse engineer my flat *kitten*! Friend me!
  • thefuzztron
    thefuzztron Posts: 1 Member
    Just saw this thread!

    So I'm 22, going to graduate school in the fall, but working full time right now. My goals are a bit less defined - I'd like to drop to 130-135 pounds over the next couple months maybe, judging by my current progress it could happen. Once I get my knee back in order (I whine about it so much), then running and biking and squats and deadlifts are back on the table! And I will bro out so hard.

    Pretty much - want to get healthier, feel better, do more. Concretely, I have lifting goals written down somewhere, I think they all start at 100lbs, and then bodyweight for my oly's (SS), and then I want to be able to run at least 3mi before summer. And bike more than 15mi without dying (mountain biking).

    Soo.. yeah. There's me! I do post progress occasionally on the sub, so there's that :)