
Hi there fellow nurses. I've decided to get serious about getting healthy. I'm finding that working nightshift is a large part of my problem.

I tend to eat snacks as I start to get tired during my shift & on my drive home. I'm trying to get that under control by packing healthy snacks & drinking more water.

Exercising continues to be difficult for me. As most nightshifters know, we just never sleep like "normal" people. When I get home from work I'm totally beat, I go to sleep after walking the dogs. When I wake up, I'm making dinner, cleaning up from dinner. Then doing odds & ends that need doing:laundry, paying bills, scooping the cats litter box...you know life. Things that need to be done. Then I shower pack my "lunch" & go to work. Fitting exercise in there on nights that I work is so difficult. Some weeks(my short stretches & weekends off) I can exercise almost everyday. But on my long stretches to work I just can't fit it in. I hate not being able to have a set routine. I'm try to keep myself motived but it's so hard.

When I push myself to fit in more exercise I feel even more tired(&sore). I keep thinking this is a hump I have to get over. And that once I'm in better shape I won't be so tired from exercising. So I'm just plugging along trying to do whatever I can do, whenever I can at this point. I'm doing pretty well with my diet(thanks to MFP food tracking). But exercising consistantly while working nightshift...I just can't seem to get my act together in that area.

Anyone else out there have #nightshiftproblems? How do you fit in exercise?


  • jara1987
    jara1987 Posts: 8 Member
    I use to work the night shift at the hospital. And I use to do the same thing your doing know. It's gonna take some time and effort for you to get in the swing of things as far as exercise goes. Have you tried t-25 I am currently doing this program and love it. It's short and to the point. If I was you I would look into some of the beach body products. I know they have a program called the 10 min trainer. You might like that. I wish you the best in your weight lose journey
  • GJourneyMom
    GJourneyMom Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for your support. I have the Beach Body 10min trainer...I did it once & it killed me!!! For only being 10min it's tough!!! I need to try it again & keep at it. Hopefully spring fever will kick in for me soon. I'm always a slug in the winter.